







汉语拼音:zhǎo qián






  1. The nice lady smiled at me. I didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.


  2. After everything had been checked through, the relentless machine told me the total and after I paid, the change due.


  3. Get him his change! It's easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourself.


  4. When they saw him enriching the country before he enriched himself, the good souls said, "He is an ambitious man. "


  5. The police chief says he is sure they picked up all the money, so people shouldn't go out to look for more.


  6. The system automatically calculate the balance should be looking for coins, inventory number and displayed.


  7. Do not like for money and give change, do not like everywhere, but it will save money, the strongest in the cutting area.


  8. When he would pass out, other users and visitors would rummage through his clothes to steal money.


  9. he paid with a $10 bill. "Keep the change, " he said.


  1. 不自己行动去找钱?

    To find the money on your own?

  2. 他是个拳手,我们去找钱。

    He's a boxer, boss. let's get the money.

  3. 靠 我们只需要跳下去找钱。

    Shit, we're just gonna dive down to find that money

  4. 于是他让下一位顾客先付钱, 他则在一边掏兜找钱。

    He let another customer through while he fumbled in his pocket for money.

  5. 啊呀不好,我的钱找不到了。

    Oh, no! Now I can't find my money.

  6. 好了!好了!快把钱找给他, 托德!

    Come! Come! Give him his change, Tod!

  7. 我夹在书里的钱找不着了。

    I can't find my money I've put into the book.

  8. 找的钱不对。

    I got the wrong change

  9. 雨下得这么大, 我没有钱找个地方坐坐。

    It is raining so and I haven't the money to down anywhere.

  10. 出纳员少找我钱了。

    The cashier shortchanged me.

  11. 给您找的钱和单据。

    Here are your change and receipt.

  12. 钱完了,便去找有钱人。

    when he no longer had any, he visited the rich.

  13. 我就在医院附近花了30元钱找了一家旅馆住下了。

    I at the hospital nearby spent 30 dollar money to seek a hotel to live next.

  14. 如果你经常出差的话,花点钱找一个不错的行政助理。

    If you travel frequently, spend the money it takes to hire the very best administrative assistant.

  15. 他在口袋里摸着想找一些钱。

    He felt in his pockets for some money.

  16. 好,给你45元。找的钱你可以留下。

    OK, here is 45 yuan,and you can keep the change.

  17. 这是收据还有给您找的钱。

    There's your receipt and your change.

  18. 这是收据还有给您找的钱。

    There's your receipt and your change.

  19. 这是收据还有给您找得钱。

    There's your receipt and your change.

  20. 他在口袋里摸著,想找些钱。

    He felt in his pocket for some money.

  21. 我没钱找公寓,或者找不到让我 可以养狗和猫的地方。

    I couldn't afford to find an apartment, or couldn't afford an apartment that would allow me to have the rottweiler and the cat.

  22. 他用手在衣袋里摸找一角钱。

    He felt in his pockets for a dime.

  23. 我数了数找的钱, 知道自己被骗了。

    I counted my change, and I knew I was had.

  24. 最后,他没有给她找对钱,而是。

    Finally, he did not give her the right change, but kept.

  25. 找的钱里有一枚五分钱的假硬币。

    There was a bad five fen piece in with the change.

  26. 我去再找一些钱然后立即跟你走。

    Jessica I will gild myself with some more ducats and be with you straight.

  27. 店员多找了钱给我,第二天我便退还给了他。

    The shop assistant overpaid me in making change and I set the matter right the next day.

  28. 售货员无意中少找了钱,约翰就大叫大嚷起来。

    John made a big stink about being accidentally short changed.

  29. 两天以来, 他在城里到处奔波着去找这笔钱。

    For two days he had been loafing about the town in quest of the money.

  30. 因为现金变少了, 女孩子找有钱人的竞争可能更激烈了。

    The search for money may have intensified as cash grew scarce.


  1. 问:找钱拼音怎么拼?找钱的读音是什么?找钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:找钱的读音是zhǎoqián,找钱翻译成英文是 to give change



