







汉语拼音:zhuó jué








  1. 超过一切,无与伦比。

    汉 班固 《典引》:“而炳诸典謨,以冠德卓絶者,莫崇乎 陶唐 。” 唐 韩愈 《进撰平淮西碑文表》:“窃惟自古神圣之君,既立殊功异德,卓絶之跡,必有奇能博辩之士,为时而生,持简操笔,从而写之。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·言大非夸》:“行诣卓絶,文词瑰伟。” 茅盾 《创造》二:“她的优雅的举止,有教育的谈吐,广阔的知识,清晰的头脑,活泼的性情,都证明她是 君实 的卓绝的创造品。”



  1. Yan Wuding These words mean is: how much of your talent unsurpassed do - if it were to make liqueurs, you're the key that song and tiller;


  2. With all that, it is without a doubt that he will lead his team to bring the Luxury Collection experience to gueSTS at The Astor Hotel.


  3. Sam Roffe had been a brilliant and extraordinary man .


  4. The soul which loves and suffers is in a state of sublimity.


  5. He ought rathertobe remembered for his 47 years of manly toil in Senate, where he was a staggeringly capable legislator.


  6. That you may approve the better things, that you may be sincere and without offence unto the day of Christ.


  7. He dropped out of college to join the marines and served with conspicuous bravery in Vietnam, winning a Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.


  8. The British regular soldier in the Napoleonic Wars had a toughness that was proverbial.


  9. Injuries had hindered his performance. Fisher did a reality check: Instead of excellence, he would settle for survival.


  1. 技能卓绝。

    One's technical ability is above all others.

  2. 技能卓绝的足球选手

    a football player of great prowess

  3. 你才智卓绝的生意品牌

    Your brilliant business brand.

  4. 坚苦卓绝的登陆纪念碑

    Monument to the arduous landing

  5. 你才智卓绝的生意品牌。

    Your brilliant business brand.

  6. 未被超越的。超群的, 卓绝的

    Unsurpassed a. Unexcelled, not capable of being improved on

  7. 陆军工兵完成的艰苦卓绝的工作。

    Truly heroic work by army engineers.

  8. 每一天都是艰苦卓绝的工作。

    It's hard work every day.

  9. 祝新年兴奋, 并致以卓绝得祝福。

    With best wishes a happy New Year!

  10. 祝新年兴奋,并致以卓绝的祝福。

    With best wishes a happy New Year!

  11. 不全面,当然是的,但是多么卓绝。

    Incomplete, it may be, but sublime.

  12. 制作团队对工作的负责是卓绝的。

    Our team's commitment to their work is unsurpassed.

  13. 他是一名技能卓绝的足球选手。

    He is a football player of great prowess.

  14. 杰克是个技能卓绝的足球选手。

    Jack is a football player of great prowess.

  15. 白杨叶坚毅卓绝,奋斗不息的意志

    The leaf of White poplar The purpose is persevering. The posture is upright.

  16. 我们在艰苦卓绝的情况下完成了任务。

    We completed the job successfully in extremely hard conditions.

  17. 我们在艰苦卓绝的情况下完成了任务。

    We completed the job successfully in extremely hard conditions.

  18. 她无疑是我们时代最卓绝的女性之一。

    She was surely one of the rarest women of our time.

  19. 公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。

    The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.

  20. 卓绝的天赋,富贵的出身,成王的欲望,好胜的性格。

    Extraordinary talent, wealth of origin, as Wang's desire to Victory character.

  21. 但我相信 只有艰苦卓绝的努力,才会有希望。

    But I don't believe in hope without endeavor.

  22. 已过去的一年艰难卓绝,刚开始的一年任重道远。

    A year of hardship that already went is extreme, inchoate a year of shoulder heavy responsibilities.

  23. 拿破仑战争期间,英国正规兵坚忍卓绝,家喻户晓。

    The British regular soldier in the Napoleonic Wars had a toughness that was proverbial.

  24. 在他的整个生涯中, 他显示出卓绝的先见之明。

    Throughout his career he showed remarkable foresight.

  25. 篮球选手很快排好了队技能卓绝的足球选手

    The cagers quickly lined up. a football player of great prowess

  26. 在恋爱和痛苦中的心灵是处在卓绝的状态中。

    The soul which loves and suffers is in a state of sublimity.

  27. 通过卓绝的努力最大化地提升高尔夫技巧

    Dedicated approach to maximize golfing skills

  28. 尽管艰苦卓绝,苏联抵抗者拒绝放弃斯大林格勒。

    Despite great suffering, Soviet defenders refused to give up Stalingrad.

  29. 这种混合咖啡圆润饱满, 充溢着卓绝的朱古力余味。

    This blend of coffee is round and full with an excellent chocolate aftertaste.

  30. 这为一场历时数年、艰苦卓绝的谈判划上了句号。

    It brings an end to a tortuous series of negotiations that have dragged on for years.


  1. 问:卓绝拼音怎么拼?卓绝的读音是什么?卓绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卓绝的读音是zhuójué,卓绝翻译成英文是 excellent and incomparable



基本信息 词目:卓绝

拼音:zhuójué 英文:[unsurpassed] 词义:达到极限,高出一切,超过一切,达到绝点 例句:艰苦卓绝|英勇卓绝。