







汉语拼音:jìng kuàng






  1. 在用木头、石膏等做成的框子中镶上玻璃而制成的东西。用来装相片或字画等。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致母亲》:“母亲寄给我们的照相,现已配好镜框,挂在房中。” 孙犁 《秀露集·画的梦》:“我求人为这幅木刻做了一个镜框,悬挂在我的住房正墙当中。”



  1. It helps that I'm cute. With a small frame, light hazel eyes, and short blond hair that curls under my chin, I don't appear threatening.


  2. Over the top of her half-glasses, she was watching a woman throwing bread crumbs to a couple of sparrows.


  3. She walked over to the shelf next to the couch. As she turned she held in her hand a small-framed paper.


  4. She sat him in a chair in front of the picture frame and letter game he had seen earlier. "On, " she said.


  5. Then he took away his mother's portrait, with its oaken frame, leaving the gilt frame from which he took it black and empty.


  6. I shall have it framed as a souvenir of these tremendous days, and as a mark of our friendly relations.


  7. "Here's a little painting I made for you, " she said, handing a small unframed canvas gingerly to Robin.


  8. He adjusted it a few times, widened the frame.


  9. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror frame, and whether her computer monitor is on.


  1. 镜框紧固件

    Fastening piece of goggles frame

  2. 镜框是塑料制得。

    The rim of the mirror is made of plastic.

  3. 镜框是塑料制的。

    The rim of the mirror is made of plastic.

  4. 木制相框, 木制画框, 镜框

    Wooden photo frames, picture frames and mirror frames

  5. 印度求购镜框和钥匙链

    Buy Photo Frame And Key Chain From India

  6. 在镜框边上抠点花儿

    carve a design on a picture frame

  7. 谢谢。你们有什么镜框形状

    C Thank you. What rim shape do you have.

  8. 他把照片镶嵌在镜框里。

    He fitted the picture into the frame.

  9. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。

    The bevel of that picture frame was damaged.

  10. 他在镜框了画了一个老爸。

    He draws a Father in the mirror frame.

  11. 放在无光镜框里的旧照片。

    An old picture in a tarnished frame.

  12. 照片镶在一个橡木镜框里。

    The picture was framed in light oak.

  13. 他们要读出镜框内的视力表。

    But they have to read the panel in a mirror.

  14. 我准备把这些照片装在镜框里。

    I'm going to mount these photographs in a frame.

  15. 你要给这张照片镶上镜框吗?

    Will you frame this photo?

  16. 我们有眼镜框, 需要一对镜片。

    We have the frames here and we send out for the lenses.

  17. 他把相片放在镜框里挂在墙上。

    He put the photograph in a frame and hung it on the wall.

  18. 远视镜得镜框也有许多时尚得选择。

    The hyperopia mirror's picture frame also has many fashion choices.

  19. 远视镜的镜框也有许多时尚的选择。

    The hyperopia mirror's picture frame also has many fashion choices.

  20. 精工制作的镜框使画显得挺累赘。

    The elaborate character of the frame had made the picture extremely bulky.

  21. 精工制作得镜框使画显得挺累赘。

    The elaborate character of the frame had made the picture extremely bulky.

  22. 接着要办的是给画像配个镜框。

    The next thing wanted was to get the picture framed.

  23. 他把它嵌在镜框里,挂到墙上。

    He put it in a frame and hung it on the wall.

  24. 每一面墙上都挂着带镜框的照片。

    Framed prints decorate every wall.

  25. 这个金色镜框把你得油画衬托得很美丽。

    This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well.

  26. 我只是给自己的眼睛换了副新镜框。

    But all I did was getting new frames for my eyeglasses.

  27. 我们没有照片, 我们把什么照片放在镜框里面呢?

    We don't have any pictures, so what pictures do we put in the frames ?

  28. 我们还没有把结婚照用镜框装起来呢。

    We still haven't had our wedding photos framed.

  29. 这个金色镜框把你的油画衬托得很美丽。

    This gold frame sets off your oil painting very well.

  30. 他从镜框上方戏谑地向她瞥了一眼。

    He glanced humorously at her, from above the rim of his spectacles.


  1. 问:镜框拼音怎么拼?镜框的读音是什么?镜框翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镜框的读音是jìngkuàng,镜框翻译成英文是 spectacles frame; picture frame



[picture frame]∶在用木头、石膏等做成的框子中镶上玻璃而制成的框架,用来装相片或字画。