


安定,固定:~步。~定。~固。~健。~重(zhòng )。安~。站~。~如泰山。……




在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……


1. 券 [quàn]2. 券 [xuàn]券 [quàn]古代的契据,常分为两半,双方各执其一,现代指票据或作凭证的纸片:债~。国库~。入场~。证~。稳操胜~。券 [xuàn]〔拱~〕门窗、桥梁等建筑成弧形的部分。……



汉语拼音:wěn cāo shèng quàn








  • 【解释】:稳:有把握;操:掌握;胜券:能够制胜的计谋。指有把握取得胜利。
  • 【出自】:《管子·明法解》:“故明操必胜之数,以治必用之民。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容有十分的把握


  1. He wore the satisfied smile of one who had no doubt of his success.


  2. eg. We would be grateful if you could send us a quotation for the above-mentioned contract.


  3. The IMF board, though, decided on Thursday on an open procedure, suggesting that Mr Strauss-Kahn may not necessarily be a shoo-in.


  4. Two body language experts who watched Tuesday night's debate said in interviews that they thought Obama was the clear winner.


  5. The critics point to a recent parliamentary by-election in a safe seat, which the UMP held by only the thinnest of threads.


  6. He had never held any public office besides country election commissioner . His opponent in the Republican primary seemed a shoo -in .


  7. Barring something bizarre, Mr Perry will cruise through the primary in his bid to remain governor of America's second-largest state.


  8. He thought he would slam-dunk to compete with Hollifield.


  9. Though under pressure, Mr Karzai is still firm favourite to win, if perhaps without an outright majority.


  1. 他稳操胜券。

    He's a real winner.

  2. 我们稳操胜券。

    We are quite certain of our victory.

  3. 稳操胜券的人

    a made man

  4. 这次我们稳操胜券。

    We have full assurance of success this time.

  5. 自由党候选人稳操胜券。

    The Liberal candidate is safe to win the election.

  6. 她在选举中稳操胜券

    Victory in the election was within her grasp.

  7. 他在选举中稳操胜券。

    He has got the election in his pocket.

  8. 不要担心,我稳操胜券。

    Don't worry. I have it in my pocket.

  9. 这次比赛我们已稳操胜券。

    We've got the match in the bag.

  10. 这场比赛,红队稳操胜券。

    The red team are sure to win this competition.

  11. 这场比赛,红队稳操胜券。

    The red team are sure to win this competition.

  12. 所以我似乎已经稳操胜券了。

    So it looks like I've got this one in the bag.

  13. 这是一个稳操胜券的做法。

    This is pretty much a shooin.

  14. 意大利人以为他们已稳操胜券。

    The Italians think they've got it all sewn up.

  15. 这个政府握有稳操胜券的多数票。

    The government has a working majority, ie one that is sufficient to allow it to govern.

  16. 这个政府握有稳操胜券得多数票。

    The government has a working majority, ie one that is sufficient to allow it to govern.

  17. 只要做好充分准备,一定能稳操胜券。

    As long as we are fully prepared, we'll have full assurance of success.

  18. 啊,帅翻了!有了这个包,你稳操胜券!

    Ahhh, I think you look great! That bag is gonna get you that part.

  19. 你永远无法获胜,而我却总是稳操胜券。

    You never hold trumps, but I always do.

  20. 共和党初选中他的对手似乎稳操胜券。

    His opponent in the Republican primaty seemed a shooin.

  21. 在选举中, 民主党候选人已经稳操胜券了。

    The Democratic candidate has the election all but in the bag.

  22. 他以一个稳操胜券者的心态微笑。

    He smiled the smile of a man who knew victory was within reach.

  23. 她被选为稳操胜券的保守党席位的候选人。

    She's been chosen as a candidate for a safe conservative seat.

  24. 他脸上满是一种稳操胜券的得意微笑。

    He wore the satisfied smile of one who had no doubt of his success.

  25. 几周以前,许多人都认为桑托斯稳操胜券。

    Only a few weeks ago Mr Santos was seen by many as a shooin.

  26. 任何胜任的候选人总认为他自己能稳操胜券。

    Any candidate who is worth his or her salt thinks he or she is going to win.

  27. 由于机缘凑巧, 我这场角斗完全是稳操胜券得。

    The game was fixed for me by chance.

  28. 由于机缘凑巧,我这场角斗完全是稳操胜券的。

    The game was fixed for me by chance.

  29. 稳操胜券, 这个意思就是你肯定会得到这份工作!

    Harry A shooin! It means youre certain to get the job!

  30. 只要别往沙发后面看。你已经稳操胜券了, 亲爱的。

    Yes, just dont look behind sofa. Now, youre a shooin, darling.


  1. 问:稳操胜券拼音怎么拼?稳操胜券的读音是什么?稳操胜券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稳操胜券的读音是wěncāoshèngquàn,稳操胜券翻译成英文是 be sure to win




【读音】wěn cāo shèng quàn



【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容有十分的把握 。



