


核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……









汉语拼音:jì wú suǒ chū








  • 【解释】:计:计策,办法。想不出什么办法。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·蜀志·谯周传》:“后主使群臣会议,计无所出。”
  • 【示例】:众人~,只得走转来,把卢生光景说了一遍。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;指想不出什么办法


  1. na.
  2. unable to think of a way

  1. 独任则计穷, 众议则计出。

    Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors, succeed.

  2. 电能表反向计出电量收取电费的探讨

    Study and Discussion on Collecting Electric Charge by Calculating Quantity of Electricity in a Reverse Way Using an Electric Energy Meter

  3. 百分之八十得投票都计出之后,结果很明显了。

    With more than 78 per cent of the vote counted the result was clear.

  4. 百分之八十的投票都计出之后,结果很明显了。

    With more than 80 per cent of the vote counted the result was clear.

  5. 百分之八十的投票都计出之后,结果很明显了。

    With more than 80 per cent of the vote counted the result was clear.

  6. 他家的用水量显示为零,估计是流量计出了问题。

    It shows that the quantity of water used is zero. His flowmeter must be out of order.

  7. 他家的用水量显示为零,估计是流量计出了问题。

    It shows that the quantity of water used is zero. His flowmeter must be out of order.

  8. 在打到第3局的时候,电子计分板出了一点问题。

    There was a problem with the electronic scoreboard in the third set.

  9. 他的第一部小说计出无奈于1871年问世。

    His first novel, Desperate Remedies, appeared in1871.

  10. 互动设计研究所工作 这个研究所 研究的是如何 设计出

    design institute called the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, which was teaching interaction design, this idea that you can take design from the simple shape.

  11. 到那时, 设计师将会掏出另一个锦囊妙计。

    When they do, the designers have another trick up their sleeves.

  12. 此外, 典当行突显出某些投资者不计后果得特点。

    Moreover, the pawn shops underline a reckless streak in some investors.

  13. 此外,典当行突显出某些投资者不计后果的特点。

    Moreover, the pawn shops underline a reckless streak in some investors.

  14. 为了戒掉爸爸的烟, 我绞尽脑汁, 共想出了三条妙计。

    In order to quit dad's smoke, racking my brains, total came up with three his sleeve.

  15. 无计, 要出大绝咯。

    I have to play my trump card la.

  16. 无计,要出大绝咯。

    I have to play my trump card la.

  17. 阻抗式心搏出量计

    impedance cardiac output measurement equipment

  18. 要求学生计算出光的速度。

    The students were asked to calculate the velocity of light.

  19. 这只猫常常表现出善施巧计。

    This cat had often shown himself capable of performing cunning tricks.

  20. 计算出的通过数学计算来确定的

    Determined by mathematical calculation.

  21. 我们能用半径计算出圆得面积。

    We can compute the circular area with radius.

  22. 她得想出一个脱身之计才行。

    She must think up some excuse.

  23. 我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。

    We can compute the circular area with radius.

  24. 他设想出他们可以藉此致富的计画。

    He devised a plan whereby they might get rich.

  25. 数以吨计的苹果用车运出果园。

    Tons of apples rolled from the orchard.

  26. 数以吨计得苹果用车运出果园。

    Tons of apples rolled from the orchard.

  27. 这个计画耗资太大, 我们只好退出。

    The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.

  28. 科学家计算出宇宙飞船什么时候到达月球。

    The scientists calculated when the spaceship would reach the moon.

  29. 我的灵魂从来没有走出过会计房。

    My spirit never walked beyond our counting house.

  30. 我得灵魂从来没有走出过会计房。

    My spirit never walked beyond our counting house.


计无所出 jì wú suǒ chū,成语,出自《三国志·吴志·孙破虏吴夫人传》裴松之注引《会稽典录》。意思是想不出什么办法。