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1. 厌 [yàn]厌 [yàn]嫌恶,憎恶:~恶(wù)。讨~。~倦。喜新~旧。不~其详。学而不~。满足:贪得无~。……
汉语拼音:yàn juàn
汉 荀悦 《汉记·武帝纪四》:“诸方士后皆无验,上益厌倦,然犹羈縻不絶,冀望其真。”《南史·齐竟陵文宣王子良传》:“﹝ 萧子良 ﹞劝人为善,未尝厌倦,以此终致盛名。” 宋 苏洵 《答二任》诗:“古人居之富者众,我独厌倦思移居。” 宋 陈亮 《类次文中子引》:“此书类次无条目,故读者多厌倦。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“ 秦淮 名妓 叶素华 ,……厌倦风尘,嫁 刘 某为妾。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“对于连年的混乱,他确实是十分厌倦了的。”
One day, he tired of the status of his calm, decided to get out more.
终有一天,他厌倦了自己平静的状态,决定出去走走。When your day is night alone, if you feel like letting go, when you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.
当你感觉白天如孤单的夜晚,假如你想放手,当你觉得已经厌倦了这生活,坚持住。I never am bored. The day passes by quickly. I deal with hundreds of different personalities all day.
我从不厌倦,日子过得非常快。我整天教接触许多个不同性格的人。She says she thinks he was tired of being asked, or might have felt sorry for her.
她说她认为他是对提问感到厌倦了,或是可能对她感到抱歉。It is tempting to ask whether India has tired of corruption just as it was beginning to showsome results.
这让我们禁不住要问,是印度厌倦了腐败正如它开始显露成果。"It would be more. . . prudent for you not to be my friend, " he explained. "But I'm tired of trying to stay away from you, Bella. "
“如果……如果你不是我的朋友,这样情况会更谨慎些。”他解释道。“但我厌倦了,我不想再费尽心思地把自己从你身边赶走,贝拉。”If Obama said nothing or was plainly indifferent, gay-rights activists might be irked but would not be quite so disappointed.
如果奥巴马什么也不说或者只是漠不关心,同性恋拥权行动者们只会感动很厌倦,但是却不会像现在这样感到很失望。Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilling and his known history begins with the Boer War.
他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战争。I'm tired of trying to read through your bad English and counter your narrow-minded views with rationalization.