




家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第:~分。先~。长(zhǎng )~。后~。晚~。前~。等,类(指人):吾~。尔~。~出。无能之~。人活着的时间,毕生:我这一~子。车百辆,亦指分行列的车。……



汉语拼音:xiān bèi









  1. 依次排列于前者。

    《诗·小雅·采薇》“薇亦作止” 汉 郑玄 笺:“ 西伯 将遣戍役,先与之期以采薇之时,今薇生矣,先辈可以行也。”

  2. 对前辈的尊称。

    《三国志·吴志·阚泽传》:“ 泽 州里先辈 丹杨 唐固 ,亦修身积学,称为儒者。” 唐 刘禹锡 《与歌者米嘉荣》诗:“近来时世轻先辈,好染髭鬚事后生。” 巴金 《在一九七九年评选获奖作品大会上的讲话》:“我们的先辈一代一代地给我们留下了丰富、宝贵的文学遗产。”

  3. 唐 代同时考中进士的人相互敬称先辈。

    唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“得第谓之前进士,互相推敬谓之先辈。” 清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话》卷二:“ 唐 时举人,呼已第者为先辈。” 余嘉锡 《读已见书斋随笔》:“ 唐 人称进士为先辈者,言其登第必在同辈之先也,故又称必先,与后人称先及第为前辈之意不同。”

  4. 对文人的敬称。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷一:“ 法聪 频劝道:‘先辈休胡想,一一话行藏。’” 清 张尔岐 《蒿庵闲话》卷二:“ 唐 宋 官长称秀才曰先辈。”



  1. There was a further characteristic of the American common school which distinguished it from its European predecessors.


  2. She needs is to carry on around the house, she should be like our ancestors to accept the reality as a strong challenge.


  3. Now Chinese collectors are beginning to acquire them as homage to the sophistication and commercial acumen of their forebears.


  4. In reality, though, most individuals live in an environment very similar to that of preceding generations.


  5. Dont bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. William Faulkner.


  6. It does not stop them from going forward, but gives them a sense of where they have come from and what their ancestors had endured.


  7. The taste of blood is clinging in my mouth, and the bow and the arrows of my fathers yet linger in my hand and I cannot go.


  8. Our great-grandfathers must have been puzzled about where the solar energy came from the heat and the light, where it came from.


  9. Many studies have found that Generation X family men help around the house a good deal more than their forefathers.


  1. 继承革命先辈的光荣传统

    Inheriting the glorious tradition of our revolutionary forebears

  2. 他跟随着先辈的足迹前进。

    He followed in the steps of forerunners and marched onward.

  3. 我的先辈就没这么幸运了。

    My forebears were not so lucky.

  4. 先辈们的丰碑最能奋勉人心的。

    The monuments of men's ancestors were the most impressive exhortations.

  5. 论美国开国先辈的大陆扩张思想。

    On the Expanding Continental Thought of the Forefathers Founding the U. S. A.

  6. 你会思索 为什么这些先辈都没有成功

    And it makes you ponder why those pioneers failed.

  7. 这是一座曾经属于他的先辈的岛屿。

    It is an island once owned by his ancestors.

  8. 多少先辈志士, 无畏抒壮举, 青史留功绩。

    The number of ancestors patriots, fearless express feat legacy remain merit.

  9. 我的先辈100年前到这个国家定居下来。

    My ancestors settled in this country a hundred years ago.

  10. 我得先辈100年前到这个国家定居下来。

    My ancestors settled in this country a hundred years ago.

  11. 小松树一定会长得跟他先辈一样高大。

    The young pine will rise to be as high as any of its fathers.

  12. 它们是我们的先辈所发现、试验和积累的。

    Which those who came before us have uncovered, tested and accumulated.

  13. 未来的农民会比他们的先辈更富于经验。

    The farmers of the future will be infinitely more sophisticated than their predecessors.

  14. 未来得农民会比他们得先辈更富于经验。

    The farmers of the future will be infinitely more sophisticated than their predecessors.

  15. 这是我们的习惯和我们的先辈介绍了这一系统。

    This is our custom and our forefathers introduced this system.

  16. 继续先辈开创的事业是我们这代人的任务。

    It is now our generations task to carry on what those pioneers began.

  17. 我的先辈们在美国曾受过许多年这样的侮辱。

    My forefathers had had it in the United States for many, many years.

  18. 我们才有机会坐在这里,感谢我们伟大的先辈。

    We're sitting here thanks to these wonderful and great ancestor.

  19. 你是那个宣扬我们建国先辈阴谋理论的家族?

    You're that family with the conspiracy theory about the Founding Fathers?

  20. 我们现在的幸福生活都是革命先辈的铁血换来的。

    Without the indomitable will of the revolutionaries, our happy life would be impossible.

  21. 我们现在的幸福生活都是革命先辈的铁血换来的。

    Without the indomitable will of the revolutionaries, our happy life would be impossible.

  22. 我们打算去革命红区旅游,感受革命先辈的艰苦精神。

    We decided to have a tour in the revolutionary base areas to feel the tough spirit of the revolutionary predecessors.

  23. 人们失去了他们先辈的朴实,他们应该为此而感到懊丧。

    One may regret to have lost the simplicity of one's forefathers.

  24. 他属于新一代恐怖主义者,他们比他们的先辈更残忍。

    He belongs to a new generation of terrorists who are even more rnthless than their predecessors.

  25. 先辈留给我们的很多,但等待我们去做的将会更多。

    The lastest generation left us very much, but what we have to do will be more.

  26. 也许先辈们已经尝试过要移走这块石头,但没成功。

    I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.

  27. 这是危害我们先辈人性的罪行,也侵犯了他们的人权。

    It was a crime against the humanity of our forefathers and a violation of their human rights.

  28. 先辈的这种莫大的武功, 激励着子孙们去作最大胆的尝试。

    This prodigious feat of the preceding generation incited their sons to the utmost daring.

  29. 和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。

    Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.

  30. 亚美尼亚国内声称对他们先辈的屠戮是一次种族灭绝。

    Armenians say the mass extermination of their forebears was genocide.


  1. 问:先辈拼音怎么拼?先辈的读音是什么?先辈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:先辈的读音是xiānbèi,先辈翻译成英文是 ancestors




【拼音】:xiān bèi 音同仙贝
