




家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第:~分。先~。长(zhǎng )~。后~。晚~。前~。等,类(指人):吾~。尔~。~出。无能之~。人活着的时间,毕生:我这一~子。车百辆,亦指分行列的车。……



汉语拼音:qián bèi








  1. 称年辈长、资历深的人。

    汉 孔融 《论盛孝章书》:“今之少年,喜谤前辈。” 唐 杜甫 《赠秘书监江夏李公邕》诗:“古人不可见,前辈復谁继?”《宋史·田昼传》:“议论慷慨,有前辈风。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·从孩子的照相说起》:“‘爸爸’和前辈的话,固然也要听的,但也须说得有道理。”

  2. 唐 代称进士及第者为前辈。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·文学》:“其都会谓之举场;通称谓之秀才;投刺谓之乡贡;得第谓之前辈。” 明 胡震亨 《唐音癸籤·集录一》:“省试诗有前辈咏题诗集,採 开元 至 大中 省试咏诗三百五十篇,四卷。”

  3. 为 唐 代进士间互表尊重的称呼。

    唐 李商隐 有《和韦潘前辈七月十二日夜泊池州城下先寄李使君》诗, 冯浩 注:“本集有《十字水期韦潘侍御同年》,而此乃曰前辈。下篇 刘 韦 二前辈不书其名。”

  4. 清 代翰林称先己三科入院者为前辈。

    清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话·按科分叙前后辈》:“於前辈老中翰致敬尽礼。公讌之日,拂座奉巵,皆长揖甚恭。”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“从次日起,便去拜房师,拜座师,认前辈,会同年。” 清 龚自珍 《己亥杂诗》之二二二序:“丁酉重九,与 徐星伯 前辈、 吴虹生 同年,连骑游西山之 寳藏寺 ,归鞍骤雨。重九前三夕作此诗,搁笔而雨。”



  1. The iPod and iPhone devices have already been a boon to component manufacturers in Asia, and many are hoping for a repeat performance.


  2. But I might have said some ventured, may not work, then it does not matter, the older generation still Thank you!


  3. A distinguished clergyman and the elders from his congregation attended an out-of-town meeting that did not finish until rather late.


  4. And this time, Jay Stephen Chow in a similar way does not make sense of the older generation, hard to quiet the paparazzi a silent.


  5. M: Because, Peter, our senior is going to help and train you until the end of the month. We usually do this with our new staff.


  6. He was not a man of outstanding moral eminence, like his forerunner Sir Thomas More, but he was also not exceptionally wicked.


  7. Mrs. van der Luyden's portrait by Huntington (in black velvet and Venetian point) faced that of her lovely ancestress.


  8. I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest.


  9. It was designed to be a smaller and simpler version of its predecessors, suitable for writing system-level programs, like operating systems.


  1. 晚安,前辈

    Have a good night, sir.

  2. 倾听前辈们的谆谆教诲。

    You can learn a lot by just listening.

  3. 前辈是个可怜的人。

    You are a sad creature.

  4. 他们都是我的前辈。

    They are all my seniors.

  5. 也超越了在座的前辈。

    But even the old guard here.

  6. 前辈的教诲,我终身服膺。

    I will keep your instructions in my heart forever.

  7. 前辈的教诲,我终身服膺。

    I will keep your instructions in my heart forever.

  8. 在前辈注视之下,我们在青蛙

    They watch us practice on frogs.

  9. 美朱得兄长,魏得大学前辈。

    Miakas older brother and Takas college senpai.

  10. 美朱的兄长,魏的大学前辈。

    Miakas older brother and Takas college senpai.

  11. 在这方面他是我的前辈。

    He is my senior in this respect.

  12. 作为学者,他远不如其前辈。

    As a scholar he is not in the same street with his predecessors.

  13. 前辈,已经没有血液留下循环了

    Sir, there's no blood left to circulate.

  14. 望前辈们为小弟指点一下迷津!

    Look at elder people show a labyrinth for little younger brother!

  15. 进修进步前辈,才有可能赶超进步前辈。

    Learn from the advanced, then we may have been able to outrank them.

  16. 在书法方面,你是我们的前辈。

    You are our venerable senior in calligraphy.

  17. 这就像看着我和我的前辈。

    It's just like looking at me and my heritage.

  18. 年龄较大者。长者, 前辈。前人, 祖先。

    You are elder by five years.

  19. 那你会喜欢我的前辈卡夫卡。

    You'd like kafka, one of my predecessors.

  20. 像其前辈一样,该转换可以扩展。

    Like its predecessor, this transformation can be extended.

  21. 医史前辈优良学风应予发扬

    Fine style of study of the elder generation in the field of medical history should be developed

  22. 你是个神经病学家,是我们的前辈

    You're a neurologist. You guys feed off us.

  23. 现在由德高望重的鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  24. 现在由德高望重得鼠老前辈致悼词。

    Now from sainted rat oldtimer with the result that Dao phrase.

  25. 正如我说过的那样,我的前辈们放弃了我。

    As I have said, my elders gave me up.

  26. 米老鼠是诸多人工生命前辈中的一个。

    Mickey Mouse is one of the ancestors of artificial life.

  27. 前辈,长者一个年长并受尊敬的人。

    An elderly or venerable man as a title of respect.

  28. 如我的前辈一样,我将把它铭记在心。

    Like my distinguished forebear, I take this lesson to heart.

  29. 在他的作品中,他成段剽窃他前辈的成果。

    In his writings, he borrowed passages from his elders.

  30. 当和前辈谈话时同事可能会诋毁你。

    Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to superiors.


  1. 问:前辈拼音怎么拼?前辈的读音是什么?前辈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前辈的读音是qiánbèi,前辈翻译成英文是 older generation

  2. 问:前辈的拼音怎么拼?前辈的的读音是什么?前辈的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前辈的的读音是,前辈的翻译成英文是 eldder


