




替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián dài









  1. 以前的朝代。

    《书·周官》:“仰惟前代时若,训迪厥官。” 汉 张衡 《西京赋》:“有 凭虚公子 者,心奓体忲,雅好博古,学乎旧史氏,是以多识前代之载。”《宋书·乐志一》:“ 秦 、 汉 闕采诗之官,哥咏多因前代,与时事既不相应,且无以垂示后昆。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·官制》:“前代修史,左史纪言,右史纪动。” 章炳麟 《辨诗》:“余以为古者礼乐未兴,则因袭前代。”

  2. 指前一朝或前一代。

    汉 孔融 《荐祢衡疏》:“ 贾谊 求试属国,诡係单于; 终军 欲以长缨牵致劲 越 。弱冠慷慨,前代美之。”《红楼梦》第七八回:“着察核前代以来应加褒奬而遗落未经奏请各项人等。”



  1. Cutting into halves was not an excruciation only in late Tang Dynasty or previous Dynasties, which had existed in the early Tang Dynasty.


  2. Dustin said that the Tempest didn't feel right and that there was too much of an emotional connection with the original unit.


  3. The new, cheaper Apple TV is selling better than its predecessor but still lacks much Internet content.


  4. And in the process, the fetchmail design acquired an identity of its own, different from the ancestral popclient.


  5. During this period, the state forest management and operation both inherited from the former dynasties and had new developments.


  6. Which are each holding one said that the scope of their discussions is widely seen as the previous generation.


  7. Finally the women's images of the previous dynasties in poetry derive from the women who fall into disfavor or frustrations.


  8. Financially Russia is in much better shape; and partly as a result its leaders have drawn confidence and feel less constrained politically.


  9. Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wu Fu creation reached a peak in both quantity and quality over the previous works.


  1. 在前代中,越大总是意味着越好。

    In previous Civ games, bigger was usually better.

  2. 前代的绘画,总是给后代以影响。

    Before the generation of painting, always in order to influence future generations.

  3. 另外,前代的文化政策也有一定影响。

    And also, the cultural policy before takes affect, too.

  4. 论宋词对前代文人小说的受容

    On the Acceptation of the Former Literati Fictions by Sone Ci

  5. 略论唐代边塞诗美学形态对前代的传承

    A Brief Comment on the Aesthetic Morphology of Frontier Poems in the Tang Dynasty

  6. 请你查问前代,留意他们列祖所查究的。

    For inquire now of the former generation, and attend to what their fathers have sought out.

  7. 唐代盐业在前代的基础上获得了巨大的发展。

    The Tang Dynasty salt industry has obtained the huge development in a generation of foundation.

  8. 江西境内, 佛教在前代发展的基础上继续繁荣。

    In Jiangxi, Buddhism continued to flourish at the foundation of the front generation's development.

  9. 江西境内,佛教在前代发展得基础上继续繁荣。

    In Jiangxi, Buddhism continued to flourish at the foundation of the front generation's development.

  10. 男子的足服, 除采用前代履之外, 特别盛行木屐。

    Men foot wear, except with the previous generation shoe, clogs were very popular.

  11. 发端于前代的劝农制度,至宋代已经相当完备。

    Rise in the advise agriculturally system of the former generation, already quite complete by Song Dynasty.

  12. 前代文人小说一般以典故的形式被宋词受容。

    The former literati fictions were the vital source of allusions in Ci.

  13. 只不过推前一步,他们老爸,却属于杂草环抱的前代。

    Only decades ago, their fathers had to live amid weeds and thistles.

  14. 元代的宫廷乐舞在继承前代的基础上,又有新的发展。

    On the basis of inheriting previous dynasties', there was new development in Yuan Dynasty.

  15. 明清时期的竹雕制品, 雕刻技艺的精湛, 早已超越了前代。

    Bamboo products the and Qing Dynasties, the exquisite carving skills, have already exceeded the previous generation.

  16. 清代是封建官僚体系之集大成者, 其膳食官员也多于前代。

    Qing dynasty was the ripest period of feudal bureaucrat system.

  17. 与前代相比,宋代东岳祭祀与信仰呈现出一些新的特点。

    Compared with previous generations, state rituals and cult on Mount Tai in Sung Dynasty emerged some new characteristics.

  18. 比前代产品更快的系统总线速度, 可显著提高吞吐率。

    Faster system bus speeds than previous generations for increased throughput.

  19. 比前代产品更快得系统总线速度,可显著提高吞吐率。

    Faster system bus speeds than previous generations for increased throughput.

  20. 说到底, 我觉得它做不了前代海盗船和巡逻机的接班人。

    All in all, it didn't feel worthy of being both the Corsair and the scout's replacement.

  21. 从这两个方面来看,宋代京城的商业繁荣已远超过前代。

    From this point of view the two aspects of the commercial prosperity of the capital of the Song Dynasty has been far more than the previous generation.


  1. 问:前代拼音怎么拼?前代的读音是什么?前代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前代的读音是qiándài,前代翻译成英文是 previous generation

  2. 问:前代数簇拼音怎么拼?前代数簇的读音是什么?前代数簇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前代数簇的读音是qián dài shù cù,前代数簇翻译成英文是 prealgebraic variety


前代,拼音qián dài,出自 《荐祢衡疏》《西京赋》。