


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……


家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第:~分。先~。长(zhǎng )~。后~。晚~。前~。等,类(指人):吾~。尔~。~出。无能之~。人活着的时间,毕生:我这一~子。车百辆,亦指分行列的车。……



汉语拼音:zhǎng bèi








  1. 辈分大的人。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二回:“四十五岁,只怕不便写作‘享寿’……若説那‘得年’、‘存年’,这又是长辈出面的口气。” 巴金 《秋》四九:“四爸、五爸,你们不要以为做小辈的就害怕长辈。”



  1. The latest etiquette books say that smoking dope is proper and right if it's offered by an older family member.


  2. He is an attractive child, but someone ought to put him in his place.


  3. In-laws or older individuals may give you a bit of a hard time today.


  4. Don't you think it a matter of course to respect our elders?


  5. You've been thinking about an elder you were close to and wondering what they're up to.


  6. but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders-as if mere age were a reason for respect.


  7. We held a week of a debate, the topic is "the main responsibility is to the elder generation gap, or junior" is our responsibility.


  8. The office room of our elders was a sort of club where laughter and conversation were freely mixed with matters of business.


  9. As long as the eldership have a serious talk with me, and then they would think I am mature in thought, they would look at me with new eyes.


  1. 他规劝长辈。

    He exhorted his elder.

  2. 我们应尊敬长辈。

    We should honor elders.

  3. 珍惜长辈的智慧

    Cherish the Wisdom of the Elders

  4. 要听从长辈的话。

    Be obedient to your betters.

  5. 他对长辈很恭敬。

    He is respectful to his elders.

  6. 他对长辈很尊敬。

    He is respectful to his elders.

  7. 听从长辈的劝告吧。

    Listen to the counsel of your elders.

  8. 要听从长辈的忠告。

    Listen to the counsel of your elders.

  9. 我们当该尊重长辈。

    We should be respectful to the elders.

  10. 听从长辈们的劝告吧。

    Listen to the counsel of your elders.

  11. 你不可对长辈无礼。

    You shouldnt be impertinent to the elderly.

  12. 表现出长辈似的关心。

    showed avuncular concern.

  13. 长辈意见与青年择业

    Ideas of elders and the career choice of the youth

  14. 您是长辈, 应坐首坐!

    You are the superior, so of course you should take the seat of honor.

  15. 您是长辈,应坐首坐!

    You are the superior ,so of course you should take the seat of honor .

  16. 您是长辈,应坐首坐!

    You are the superior, so of course you should take the seat of honor.

  17. 她不应那样对待长辈。

    She shouldn't entreat her elder like that.

  18. 不,他得学会尊重长辈

    No, he has to learn to respect his elders.

  19. 你听从长辈的劝告吗?

    Do you listen to the counsel of your elders?

  20. 敬重我们的父母和长辈。

    Respect our parents and elders.

  21. 我们应与长辈们保持友谊。

    We must keep in with superiors.

  22. 有些事情你得依靠长辈。

    In some things you must trust to your elders.

  23. 你应该听取长辈的建议。

    You should listen to the advice of your elders.

  24. 长辈,亲友,祝福,美好企盼。

    Eldership, relatives and friends all extend the nice hope and warm wishes to the new couple.

  25. 年轻人不尊重他们的长辈。

    The young have no respect for their elders.

  26. 我想给长辈送件礼物。

    It's a present for someone elderly.

  27. 团体中的长辈发动了战争。

    The elders of the community have started a war!

  28. 晚辈给长辈拜年是常礼。

    It's a common practice for young people to pay a New Year's visit to their elders.

  29. 他已接替长辈当了经理。

    He has succeeded his elder as manager.

  30. 父母教导我们必须尊敬长辈。

    We have been told to show respect for our elder.


  1. 问:长辈拼音怎么拼?长辈的读音是什么?长辈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长辈的读音是zhǎngbèi,长辈翻译成英文是 elder

  2. 问:长辈亲属拼音怎么拼?长辈亲属的读音是什么?长辈亲属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长辈亲属的读音是zhǎng bèi qīn shǔ,长辈亲属翻译成英文是 senior relative