


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……





汉语拼音:zhǎng zhě









  1. 年纪大或辈分高的人。

    《孟子·告子下》:“徐行后长者谓之弟,疾行先长者谓之不弟。”《后汉书·马援传》:“﹝ 援 ﹞闲於进对,尤善述前世行事。每言及 三辅 长者,下至閭里少年,皆可观听。”《隋书·刘炫传》:“昔在幼弱,乐参长者。” 巴金 《秋》二十:“男女居室,人之大伦,你不知道,还敢诽谤长者!”

  2. 指显贵的人。

    《韩非子·内储说下》:“刑餘之人,何事乃敢乞饮长者?”《史记·陈丞相世家》:“﹝ 陈平 ﹞家乃负郭穷巷,以獘席为门,然门外多有长者车辙。” 三国 魏 陈琳 《檄吴将校部曲文》:“及 吴 诸 顾 陆 ,旧族长者,世有高位。”《水浒传》第六十回:“他( 卢俊义 ),是 北京 大名府 第一等长者,如何能够得他来落草?”

  3. 指德高望重的人。

    《韩非子·诡使》:“重厚自尊谓之长者。”《史记·项羽本纪》:“ 陈婴 者,故 东阳 令史,居县中,素信谨,称为长者。” 汉 班彪 《王命论》:“ 汉王 长者,必得天下。” 清 钱谦益 《祖璇先赠通议大夫》:“慷慨有丈夫之风,孝谨修长者之行。”

  4. 指豪侠。

    《后汉书·马援传》:“ 王氏 ,废姓也。 子石 当屏居自守,而反游京师长者,用气自行,多所陵折,其必败也。” 李贤 注:“长者,谓豪侠者也。”

  5. 旧时对男子的尊称。

    唐 白行简 《李娃传》:“生跪拜前致词曰:‘闻兹地有隙院,愿税以居,信乎?’姥曰:‘惧其浅陋湫隘,不足以辱长者所处,安敢言直耶!’”《水浒传》第七二回:“夙世有缘,今夕相遇二君,草草杯盘,以奉长者。”



  1. I never stood by the bedside of a godly man who reposed any confidence whatever in his own prayers, or repentance, or religiousness.


  2. Their argument was that, in a crisis, the President needs to be a father figure, not just a rational decision-maker.


  3. Without any hesitation the little girl walked up to the old man and his daughter and knelt down before them.


  4. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull, " said the Elder, "Stand to Center for Shame in the sight of your fellow gulls! "


  5. Those old enough to remember the 1980s will recall that Japan used to be an up-and-coming economic superpower.


  6. The eldest among us taught this dark history to the young ones, telling of a time when our world was a vastly different place.


  7. When he took his leave, late in the evening, from the mujlis of our elders, I would buttonhole and drag him to our school room.


  8. From her I learned to tell the truth, to refrain from waste, to be considerate of the weak and respectful to age.


  9. The local yamen or headquarters might have one as a link with superiors elsewhere, but there were rarely lines within a town itself.


  1. 长者睿智。

    Wisdom comes with age.

  2. 尊敬长者。

    Show respect to those who are older.

  3. 长者就是图书馆。

    The elders are the libraries.

  4. 她对长者谦恭。

    She is deferential to her superiors.

  5. 长者家居照顾服务

    Home care services for the elderly

  6. 长者谱写的咏调

    The arias of the oldest ones

  7. 南山长者健康中心

    Nam Shan Elderly Health Centre

  8. 我收到长者的来信。

    We heard from his elders.

  9. 筲箕湾长者健康中心

    Shau kei wan elderly health centre

  10. 他拒绝服从他的长者。

    He refused to submit himself to his elders.

  11. 长者焦虑问题得普遍性?

    How common is Anxiety among Elders?

  12. 幼者难具长者智。

    You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.

  13. 长者焦虑问题的普遍性?

    How common is Anxiety among Elders?

  14. 长者健康服务成立典礼

    Launching ceremony of elderly health services

  15. 他对长者总是彬彬有礼。

    He was always respectful to older people.

  16. 他不应模仿那长者。

    He shouldn't burlesque the elder.

  17. 吉姆小时候经常模仿长者。

    As a boy, Jim used to take off his elders.

  18. 石湖墟长者健康中心

    Shek Wu Hui Elderly Health Centre

  19. 应该教育孩子尊敬长者。

    Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.

  20. 我该听从长者的劝导。

    I ought to let older people judge.

  21. 男修道院院长修道院的长者

    The superior of a monastery.

  22. 长者意外受伤,幸获照料

    Thanks for taking care of injured senior

  23. 他是个觉悟了的长者。

    He is a disillusioned elder.

  24. 他们把他看成是长者。

    They look upon him as an elder.

  25. 穆斯林如何对待年长者

    How Do Muslims Treat the elderly.

  26. 我将于何时收到长者咭?

    When will I receive my Senior Citizen Card?

  27. 村子里的长者都在这里。

    All the village seniors were here.

  28. 注意食物温度, 避免烫伤长者。

    Serve food at the right temperature, e. G.

  29. 他在长者之前很是恭敬。

    He was respectful before his betters.

  30. 家有长者优先配屋计划

    Families with Elderly Persons Priority Scheme


  1. 问:长者拼音怎么拼?长者的读音是什么?长者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长者的读音是zhǎngzhě,长者翻译成英文是 elder; venerable elder

  2. 问:长者原拼音怎么拼?长者原的读音是什么?长者原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长者原的读音是Zhǎngzhěyuán,长者原翻译成英文是 Chōjahara

  3. 问:长者智人拼音怎么拼?长者智人的读音是什么?长者智人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长者智人的读音是,长者智人翻译成英文是 Homo sapiens idaltu

  4. 问:长者爱德华拼音怎么拼?长者爱德华的读音是什么?长者爱德华翻译成英文是什么?

    答:长者爱德华的读音是,长者爱德华翻译成英文是 Edward the Elder


