




家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第:~分。先~。长(zhǎng )~。后~。晚~。前~。等,类(指人):吾~。尔~。~出。无能之~。人活着的时间,毕生:我这一~子。车百辆,亦指分行列的车。……



汉语拼音:wǎn bèi








  1. 后辈。

    宋 苏轼 《过广爱寺见三学演师》诗之三:“ 朱瑶 唐 晚辈,得法尚雄深。”《西游记》第五八回:“我们虽不是神仙--神仙还是我们的晚辈哩!” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第三章:“他用长者的身分教训晚辈。”



  1. Mother had said nothing, just because she was a mother being capable of forbearing, even in front of her descendants.


  2. The elderly to younger peoples money, then people began to visit relatives and friends, each on New Year's blessing to one another.


  3. In the face and the action, contents are the characters with which the manly spirit overflows and the junior trowing though Nampa.


  4. The younger should turn to the side when drinking with an old Korean to show his respect.


  5. By junior after finish firecrackers put elders in turn salute, elders are among the younger generation are "lucky money" .


  6. We can legislate about relative in-law, stipulate maintenance obligation and inheritance right between them.


  7. The younger generation newcomers, ask a clear, one thousand provoke some not to be taunted the Pope door, this is not yourself in trouble?


  8. New Year's bell ringing, people should be setting off firecrackers every household joyfully, New Year's younger generation to the elderly.


  9. First names were for close relatives, intimate friends and for when addressing subordinates.


  1. 晚辈直系血亲

    direct lineal descendant.

  2. 汤姆是我得晚辈。

    Tom is my junior.

  3. 我是她的晚辈。

    I am his junior in life.

  4. 她回答说我是晚辈。

    She replied that I was a minor.

  5. 我是团队里的晚辈。

    I was the junior partner on the team.

  6. 他是我爷爷的晚辈。

    He's a generation younger than my granddad.

  7. 晚辈给长辈拜年是常礼。

    It's a common practice for young people to pay a New Year's visit to their elders.

  8. 你们这些晚辈, 怎么能拂逆长者?

    How can you rebel against your seniors?

  9. 你们这些晚辈,怎么能拂逆长者?

    How can you rebel against your seniors?

  10. 总是礼让长辈在先,晚辈居后。

    Let those who are older go first, the younger ones should follow behind.

  11. 晚辈跟长辈一起喝酒时, 晚辈必须。

    The younger should turn to the side when drinking with an old Korean to show his respect.

  12. 作为一个晚辈,我们应该尊敬老人。

    As a junior, we should respect the old.

  13. 您对晚辈的垂念,真是让我受宠若惊。

    I am quite overwhelmed by your appreciation.

  14. 您对晚辈的垂念,真是让我受宠若惊。

    I am quite overwhelmed by your appreciation.

  15. 当然,在那里,我有兄弟妹妹,还有晚辈。

    Definitely, I have brothers and sisters, and also junior generations.

  16. 作为晚辈,你理该去看望生病的叔叔。

    As a junior, you should go to visit your ailing uncle.

  17. 作为晚辈,你理该去看望生病的叔叔。

    As a junior, you should go to visit your ailing uncle.

  18. 中国古代礼仪要求晚辈坐在长辈下首。

    According to ancient manners, the juniors should sit on the right side of the superiors.

  19. 作为晚辈,他出言如此不恭真是不应该。

    As a junior, he shouldn't speak so disrespectfully.

  20. 作为晚辈,他出言如此不恭真是不应该。

    As a junior, he shouldn't speak so disrespectfully.

  21. 这两家的晚辈在试图缓解长久的世仇。

    The children of the two families are trying to smooth over a lengthy feud.

  22. 晚辈驽钝,没看出卢前辈刀的藏味来。

    I didnt descry any Tibetan flavor.

  23. 晚辈和长辈生意人之间避免直接眼神接触。

    Avoid direct eye contact between junior and senior business people.

  24. 家世后代,后辈后代,晚辈后裔继承血缘家谱媒体

    extraction descent, offspring descendants progeny, issue succession blood relationship family tree

  25. 我说你们这些后生晚辈都没有好好被训练,

    And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained

  26. 二楼的结构跟一楼相似, 是晚辈起居的地方。

    Two building's structures are similar with a building, is the younger generation daily life place.

  27. 这个老人非常爱他得晚辈, 因为他们是他得希望。

    This old man loves his inferiors very much, for they are his hope.

  28. 这个老人非常爱他的晚辈,因为他们是他的希望。

    This old man loves his inferiors very much, for they are his hope.

  29. 用于长辈对晚辈,或者青年人之间互相询问姓名。

    It is used by elders when they want to know the names of young people or between young people.

  30. 这宝盒充满爱得记忆, 是长辈赠与晚辈得礼物。

    It is a gift of loving memories from one generation to the next.


  1. 问:晚辈拼音怎么拼?晚辈的读音是什么?晚辈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚辈的读音是wǎnbèi,晚辈翻译成英文是 younger generation

  2. 问:晚辈亲属拼音怎么拼?晚辈亲属的读音是什么?晚辈亲属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晚辈亲属的读音是wǎn bèi qīn shǔ,晚辈亲属翻译成英文是 descendant



词语解释 wǎn bèi ㄨㄢˇ ㄅㄟˋ 晚辈(晚辈)  后辈。 宋 苏轼《过广爱寺见三学演师》诗之三:“ 朱瑶 唐 晚辈,得法尚雄深。”《西游记》第五八回:“我们虽不是神仙--神仙还是我们的晚辈哩!” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第三章:“他用长者的身分教训晚辈。” 晚辈: 比自己前一代,或者比自己小的。