


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……





汉语拼音:hóng shǔ







  1. 甘薯的通称。

    王愿坚 《党费》:“她揭开砂罐,拿出两个红薯丝子拌和菜叶做的窝窝。”



  1. At Thanksgiving, we dash for sweet potatoes as if they're available just once a year.


  2. persimmon sweet potato, if with eating, the body stone easy to form.


  3. Due to rich nutrition and anti-cancer function of sweet potatoes, the anti-cancer health noodle is to be popular with the public.


  4. A presentation by "the doctor" would drive local sales of sweet potato and "anti-cancer" vegetables up a few notches.


  5. Altogether hold his wife got home, or go directly to the rural areas to plant sweet potatoes!


  6. IN A market in southern Uganda two traders squat behind little piles of sweet potatoes and a sign that says "with extra vitamin A" .


  7. The invention discloses oligosaccharide sweet potato rice and a preparation method thereof.


  8. The invention discloses a cultivation method of a sweet potato and aims at providing a sweet potato with high starch content and quality.


  9. (Laughter) And those sweet potatoes became part of me.


  1. 油炸红薯片

    fried purple sweet potato.

  2. 青蒜红薯汤

    Leek and Sweet Potato Soup

  3. 啊, 洗红薯的洗衣机?

    Oh a sweet potato washing machine ?

  4. 啊,洗红薯的洗衣机?

    Oh a sweet potato washing machine ?

  5. 发酵红薯饮料的研究

    Studies on the fermented sweet potato beverage

  6. 红薯果脯加工新方法

    New Process of Preserved Fruit of Ipomoea batatas

  7. 汤姆买了很多红薯。

    Tom bought a lot of sweet potatoes.

  8. 红薯酸牛奶发酵技术研究

    Study on the fermentation technology of sweet potato yoghurt

  9. 霜下了之后, 红薯烂掉了。

    Sweet potatoes decayed after the frost.

  10. 另外,红薯含的脂肪很少。

    Plus, they contain very little fat.

  11. 而且我们吃了无数的红薯。

    And we ate an awful lot of the sweet potatoes.

  12. 红薯的保健功能及发展趋势

    Health Protection Function and Development Trend of Sweet Potato.

  13. 这个红薯都快烤得焦炙了。

    The sweet potato is almost burned to charcoal.

  14. 这个红薯都快烤得焦炙了。

    The sweet potato is almost burned to charcoal.

  15. 红薯藤地面青贮技术研究

    Study on Sweet Potato Ground Silage Technique Application

  16. 那些红薯已经煮沸二十分钟了。

    Those sweet potatoes have been boiling away for 20 minutes.

  17. 四川出产水稻、小麦、辣椒和红薯。

    Sichuan grows rice, wheat, chilies, and sweet potatoes.

  18. 约翰逊太太烤一个红薯馅饼。

    Mrs. Johnson baked a sweet potato pie.

  19. 红薯中黄酮提取及抗氧化研究

    Studies on the Extracting and Antioxidant Activities of Flavonoids in Sweet Potatoes

  20. 红薯叶滋补酒的工艺研究

    The Research of Entire Liquid State to the Sweet Potato Leaf Incite the Tonic

  21. 流行的配菜包括小红莓和红薯。

    Popular side dishes include cranberries and sweet potatoes.

  22. 有个男人背着一袋红薯来了。

    A man arrived with a sack of sweet potatoes.

  23. 红薯叶和马齿苋复合饮料的研究

    Study on compound beverage of sweet potato leaf and purslane.

  24. 柿子红薯若同吃,体内结石易形成。

    persimmon sweet potato, if with eating, the body stone easy to form.

  25. 我们越过道道灌渠和大片的红薯地。

    We cross irrigation channels and fields planted with sweet potatoes.

  26. 这些作物包括木薯,红薯,山药,芋头和椰子。

    These include cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and coconut.

  27. 空腹不宜吃红薯, 否则不利于肠胃健康。

    It is not good to eat sweet potato in limosis, or it will be bad for the intestines and stomach.

  28. 空腹不宜吃红薯,否则不利于肠胃健康。

    It is not good to eat sweet potato in limosis, or it will be bad for the intestines and stomach.

  29. 有些人以玉米,木薯,西米,红薯为主食。

    Some people consum corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food.

  30. 每天吃红薯真的比吃饭要健康吗?

    Eat yam to want health than having a meal really everyday?


  1. 问:红薯拼音怎么拼?红薯的读音是什么?红薯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯的读音是hóngshǔ,红薯翻译成英文是 a sweet potato.

  2. 问:红薯棒拼音怎么拼?红薯棒的读音是什么?红薯棒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯棒的读音是hóngshǔ bàng,红薯棒翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Sticks

  3. 问:红薯派拼音怎么拼?红薯派的读音是什么?红薯派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯派的读音是hóngshǔ pài,红薯派翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Pie

  4. 问:红薯披萨拼音怎么拼?红薯披萨的读音是什么?红薯披萨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯披萨的读音是hóngshǔ pīsà,红薯披萨翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Pizza

  5. 问:红薯拿铁拼音怎么拼?红薯拿铁的读音是什么?红薯拿铁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯拿铁的读音是hóngshǔ ná tiě,红薯拿铁翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Latte

  6. 问:红薯浓汤拼音怎么拼?红薯浓汤的读音是什么?红薯浓汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯浓汤的读音是hóngshǔ nóng tāng,红薯浓汤翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Soup

  7. 问:红薯甜饼拼音怎么拼?红薯甜饼的读音是什么?红薯甜饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯甜饼的读音是hóngshǔ tián bǐng,红薯甜饼翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Manju

  8. 问:红薯糕点拼音怎么拼?红薯糕点的读音是什么?红薯糕点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯糕点的读音是hóngshǔ gāodiǎn,红薯糕点翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Pastry

  9. 问:红薯糖饼拼音怎么拼?红薯糖饼的读音是什么?红薯糖饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯糖饼的读音是hóngshǔ táng bǐng,红薯糖饼翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Manju

  10. 问:红薯蒸包拼音怎么拼?红薯蒸包的读音是什么?红薯蒸包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯蒸包的读音是hóngshǔ zhēng bāo,红薯蒸包翻译成英文是 Steamed Sweet Potato Bun

  11. 问:红薯蛋糕拼音怎么拼?红薯蛋糕的读音是什么?红薯蛋糕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯蛋糕的读音是hóngshǔ dàngāo,红薯蛋糕翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Cake

  12. 问:红薯面包拼音怎么拼?红薯面包的读音是什么?红薯面包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯面包的读音是hóngshǔ miànbāo,红薯面包翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Bun

  13. 问:红薯炸猪排拼音怎么拼?红薯炸猪排的读音是什么?红薯炸猪排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯炸猪排的读音是hóngshǔ zhà zhūpái,红薯炸猪排翻译成英文是 Pork Cutlet with Sweet Potato

  14. 问:红薯馅面球拼音怎么拼?红薯馅面球的读音是什么?红薯馅面球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯馅面球的读音是hóngshǔ xiàn miàn qiú,红薯馅面球翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Bread

  15. 问:红薯南瓜沙拉拼音怎么拼?红薯南瓜沙拉的读音是什么?红薯南瓜沙拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯南瓜沙拉的读音是hóngshǔ nánguā shālā,红薯南瓜沙拉翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Salad

  16. 问:红薯叶拌大酱拼音怎么拼?红薯叶拌大酱的读音是什么?红薯叶拌大酱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯叶拌大酱的读音是hóngshǔ yè bàn dà jiàng,红薯叶拌大酱翻译成英文是 Seasoned Sweet Potato Stalks with Soybean Past...

  17. 问:红薯奶酪炸猪排拼音怎么拼?红薯奶酪炸猪排的读音是什么?红薯奶酪炸猪排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯奶酪炸猪排的读音是hóngshǔ nǎilào zhà zhūpái,红薯奶酪炸猪排翻译成英文是 Pork Cutlet with Sweet Potato and Cheese...

  18. 问:红薯奶酪玉米披萨拼音怎么拼?红薯奶酪玉米披萨的读音是什么?红薯奶酪玉米披萨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红薯奶酪玉米披萨的读音是hóngshǔ nǎilào yùmǐ pīsà,红薯奶酪玉米披萨翻译成英文是 Sweet Potato Tortilla Pizza



红薯原名番薯(学名:Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.),又名茴芋、甘储、甘薯、朱薯、金薯等,属管状花目,旋花科一年生草本植物,叶片通常为宽卵形,长4-13厘米,宽3-13厘米,花冠粉红色、白色、淡紫色或紫色,钟状或漏斗状,长3-4厘米,蒴果卵形或扁圆形,有假隔膜,分为4室。红薯富含蛋白质、淀粉、果胶、纤维素、氨基酸、维生素及多种矿物质,有“长寿食品”之誉。含糖量达到15%-20%。有抗癌、保护心脏、预防肺气肿、糖尿病、减肥等功效。又俗称地瓜。 红薯民间大部分人叫作“番薯”,是一年生草本植物。叶片生长一般为椭圆形,花冠有多种颜色,最多的是粉红色、白色、紫色。埋在地下的部分多为椭圆形的块根。 红薯在中国北方也叫做地瓜,是很重要的食材。将红薯切条,晒干,做成地瓜干,是非常美味的食品。