


1. 番 [fān]2. 番 [pān]番 [fān]遍数,次,回:三~五次。轮流更代:轮~。更(gēng )~。称外国的或外族的:~邦。~茄。~薯。倍:产量翻了二~。番 [pān]〔~禺〕地名,在中国广东省。……





汉语拼音:fān shǔ







  1. 一种草本植物。茎蔓生,细长,匍匐地面,茎节着土后易生不定根。叶心脏形至掌状深裂。夏季开红紫色或白色喇叭形的花。块根皮色红或白,肉白色、黄色或红色。块根除供食用外,还可以制糖和酒精。蔓、叶可作饲料。常用块根或茎蔓繁殖。

    明 万历 由 吕宋 引进,初仅在 福建 、 广东 一带种植,后几遍及全国。在不同地区还有红薯、白薯、山芋、地瓜、红苕等名称。 清 俞樾 《茶香室三钞·番薥》:“ 明 李日华 《紫桃轩又缀》云, 蜀 僧 无边 ,貽余一种,如萝卜,而色紫,煮食,味甚甘,云此 普陀巖 下番薥也……按,此盖即所谓番薯也。薥与薯,一声之转耳。” 丁玲 《奔》:“ 老龙 这时忽然才想起,那年为一篮番薯,他同 赵四爹 打架,把 赵四爹 的头都伤了一大块。”



  1. To say a woman is talented and scholarly is like praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless.

  2. And although her children were put to work pounding yams, fetching water and shelling beans, she wouldn't allow me to help.

  3. by this you sweet potato of these a few excessive, smelly bird egg, want to take my life, rather too live trifling matter! ! ! !

  4. The Qing period, mainly due to a substantial increase in population, the American plant corn, sweet potato, potato promotion.

  5. The two varieties at my local farmers' market are jewel yams and the darker-skinned garnet yams, both sweet and moist.

  6. In the UK, the gustation boffins have even created a persuasive website showing a photograph of a bald man smiling at a pile of yams.

  7. This was the main reason for the obvious development of north seacoast in Chaochow Gulf after Tongzhi Emperor time, Qing Dynasty.

  8. If I actually believed we couldn't defeat Barcelona I would be home instead of here.

  9. And depending where you're from, the sweet potato dish just might be called yams .


  1. 那是甜薯,是番薯的一种。

    And that is a yam, which is a kind of sweet potato.

  2. 那么甜薯, 是番薯的一种。

    And that is a yam, which is a kind of sweet potato.

  3. 那么甜薯,是番薯得一种。

    And that is a yam, which is a kind of sweet potato.

  4. 主要作物是木豆、番薯和玉米。

    The principal crops are pigeon peas, sweet potatoes and maize.

  5. 番薯和小红莓果酱到哪去了?

    Where are the yams and the cranberry sauce?

  6. 种很多蔬菜,还有甘蔗,番薯和生姜。

    A lot of vegetables are grown, also sugarcane, sweet potatoes and ginger.

  7. 清代番薯引种栽培对湘西种植业的影响

    The influence of sweet potato introducing cultivation in Qing Dynasty to Xiangxi plant production.

  8. 将糖、番薯及芋头加入豆水内,煮至熟透。

    Put sugar, sweet potato and taro into the beans mixture, cook until tender.

  9. 番石榴叶、番薯叶中多糖的提取和测定

    Extracting and determination of polysaccharides in sweet potato leaves and psidium guajava leaves

  10. 配料, 蜜番薯, 烤火腿, 还有各种蛋糕和饼干。

    Stuffing Candied yams. Baked ham. And lots of cakes and cookies.

  11. 番薯,南瓜,豌豆和胡萝卜都含有很多的营养哦。

    So indulge in sweeter vegetablesyams, squash, peas, and carrotswhich pack plenty of nutritional advantages.

  12. 番薯,南瓜,豌豆和胡萝卜都含有很多得营养哦。

    So indulge in sweeter vegetablesyams, squash, peas, and carrotswhich pack plenty of nutritional advantages.

  13. 番薯的自然属性使人类开发山地和丘陵地的能力增强。

    The natural attributes strengthened mans ability to exploit uplands and hilly regions.

  14. 在蒸熟的胡萝卜或番薯上淋些蜂蜜,枫糖浆或果汁。

    Drizzle honey, maple syrup, or fruit juice on steamed carrots or sweet potatoes.

  15. 介绍了以番薯为原料, 经乳酸发酵后再制成果脯的方法。

    In this paper, methods of making preserves of sweet potato through lactic acid fermentation were introduced.

  16. 甘薯排,糖渍番薯以及甘薯烤锅菜都是很多人的最爱。

    Sweet potato pie, candied yams and sweet potato casserole are all favorites for many people.


  1. 问:番薯拼音怎么拼?番薯的读音是什么?番薯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯的读音是fānshǔ,番薯翻译成英文是 Ipomoea batatas

  2. 问:番薯属拼音怎么拼?番薯属的读音是什么?番薯属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯属的读音是fānshǔ shǔ,番薯属翻译成英文是 Ipomoea

  3. 问:番薯族拼音怎么拼?番薯族的读音是什么?番薯族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯族的读音是fānshǔ zú,番薯族翻译成英文是 Trib Ipomoeeae

  4. 问:番薯组拼音怎么拼?番薯组的读音是什么?番薯组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯组的读音是fānshǔ zǔ,番薯组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Batatas

  5. 问:番薯尾孢拼音怎么拼?番薯尾孢的读音是什么?番薯尾孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯尾孢的读音是fānshǔwěibāo,番薯尾孢翻译成英文是 Cercospora ipomoeae

  6. 问:番薯糖水拼音怎么拼?番薯糖水的读音是什么?番薯糖水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:番薯糖水的读音是,番薯糖水翻译成英文是 Sweet potato soup



番薯(学名:Ipomoea batatas)又名:甘藷(植物名实图考),甘储、甘薯、朱薯、金薯、番薯、番茹(本草纲目拾遗),甘藷、番薯、红山药、朱薯、唐薯(农政全书等),玉枕薯(台湾府志),山芋(天津、江苏、浙江),地瓜(辽宁、山东),甜薯、红薯(山西、河南),红苕(四川、贵州),白薯(北京),阿鹅(云南彝语),白薯、地瓜(河北、福建)。 一年生草本,地下部分具圆形、椭圆形或纺锤形的块根,块根的形状、皮色和肉色因品种或土壤不同而异。茎平卧或上升,偶有缠绕,多分枝,圆柱形或具棱,绿或紫色,被疏柔毛或无毛,茎节易生不定根。