




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:yún jiān






  1. 指天上。

    南朝 梁 刘孝威 《斗鸡篇》:“愿赐 淮南 药,一使云间翔。” 金 元好问 《无尘亭》诗之二:“亭中剩有题诗客,独欠云间 李謫仙 。” 元 谷子敬 《城南柳》第三折:“纵有那惊俗客云间吠犬,须无那聒行人风外鸣蝉。”

  2. 很高很远的地方。

    南朝 梁 萧统 《锦带书十二月启·姑洗三月》:“声驰海内,名播云间。”

  3. 指远离尘世的地方。

    宋 苏轼 《满江红》词:“君不见《周南》歌《汉广》,天教夫子休乔木。便相将、左手抱琴书,云间宿。” 元 马致远 《陈抟高卧》第三折:“俺那里云间 太华 烟霞细,鼎内还丹日月迟。”

  4. 松江县 (今属 上海市 )的古称。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·排调》:“ 荀鸣鹤 、 陆士龙 二人未相识,俱会 张茂先 坐。 张 令共语。以其并有大才,可勿作常语。 陆 举手曰:‘ 云间 陆士龙 。’ 荀 答曰:‘日下 荀鸣鹤 。’” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·诗谶》:“‘潮逢 谷水 难兴浪,月到 云间 便不明。’ 松江 古有此语。 谷水 、 云间 ,皆 松江 别名也。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·听稗》:“选诗 云间 ,徵文 白下 ,新登復社之坛。” 阿英 《胡沙随笔·文化之浩劫》:“ 云间 姚石子 先生,收藏 中国 典籍极富。”



  1. For him, it was a return to an old delight, soaring and sailing among the clouds.


  2. The first was allowing the Millennium Falcon to escape Cloud City. Curiously, Vader did not punish Piett for this mistakes.


  3. The Buddhist feels the energy rushing into him from the Universe and lets himself be driven in great sweeping movements through the clouds.


  4. A few of the nearer flying mountains are visible a few miles off, among the clouds.


  5. The white men came out of the clouds of Mount Darling.


  6. The plan is themed "Water and Cloud" , creating a resort atmosphere featuring oriental style and low-density modern aesthetics.


  7. The top of the mountain vanishes into the clouds, or on cloudless days, into the sun.


  8. With soaring peaks reaching high into the sky, the ice of the Shiverpeaks never melts, and it snows year round.


  9. Melodious of violin, with clouds from the sky, descending.


  1. 太阳从云间出现。

    The sun peeped through the clouds.

  2. 云间吹下一阵冷风,

    A wind blew out of a cloud

  3. 我在学习飞翔, 云间飞翔。

    I'm learning to fly, around the clouds.

  4. 太阳从云间射出光线。

    The sun shot its beams through the clouds.

  5. 信念就是看见天使在云间漫舞。

    To believe is to see angles dancing among the clouds.

  6. 云间树色树树满, 竹里泉生泉泉明

    Here the trees are luxuriance, the springs around with bamboo are all clear

  7. 信念就是看到天使在云间漫舞。

    To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds.

  8. 从唱和活动看云间词风的形成

    Observing the Formation of Poetic Style from the Responsory Activity of the Verse

  9. 刮强风前云间的晴空星星在晴空中闪耀。

    The stars were winking in the clear sky.

  10. 我从云间看到一小块蓝色的天空。

    I saw a bit of blue sky between the clouds.

  11. 云间距离通常大约是条云本身高度的2倍。

    Often the distance between the rows is about twice their height.

  12. 暴雨从云间降下,猛烈地打在我们身上。

    The cloulds began pelting rain on us.

  13. 听着它, 往往感觉来到了飘忽不定的云间。

    Listening to it, often feels erratic cloud came between.

  14. 美妙悠扬的小提琴声,从天上云间,缓缓降落。

    Melodious of violin, with clouds from the sky, descending.

  15. 美妙悠扬得小提琴声,从天上云间,缓缓降落。

    Melodious of violin, with clouds from the sky, descending.

  16. 山顶隐没于云间, 在没云的日子, 则消失在阳光里。

    The top of the mountain vanishes into the clouds, or on cloudless days, into the sun.

  17. 穿梭于云间自由的翱翔,对他来讲是重新找回久违的欢乐。

    For him, it was areturn to an old delight, soaring and sailing among the clouds.

  18. 怀俄明州的红色沙漠, 叉状的云间闪电穿过一座孤峰的上空。

    Prongs of intracloud lightning reach across the sky above a butte in Wyoming's Red Desert.


  1. 问:云间地杨梅拼音怎么拼?云间地杨梅的读音是什么?云间地杨梅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:云间地杨梅的读音是yúnjiāndìyángméi,云间地杨梅翻译成英文是 Luzula wahlenbergii



“云间”是个多义词,它可以指云间(旧时松江府别称), 云间(汉语词汇)。