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1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……
汉语拼音:wáng hòu
《诗·大雅·文王有声》:“匪棘其欲,遹追来孝。王后烝哉。” 毛 传:“后,君也。”
天子的嫡妻。亦称“ 皇后 ”。
《周礼·天官·内宰》:“上春,詔王后帅六宫之人,而生穜稑之种,而献之于王。” 汉 班固 《白虎通·嫁娶》:“天子之妃谓之后何?后者君也。天子妃至尊,故谓之后也……天子尊之,故繫王言之,曰王后也。”《三国志·魏志·后妃传序》:“﹝ 汉 制﹞帝妃曰皇后…… 太祖 建国,始命王后。”
Girl JuOnly dignified, courteous, the king especially liked it, muttering: "She is the queen of my mind, I am non-that she did not marry. "
姑娘举止端庄,彬彬有礼,国王格外喜欢,就喃喃自语道:“她就是我心目中的王后,我非她不娶。”For this queen you think you own wants to see the world alone again, to take a chance on life again; so let me go, let me leave.
因为我这个你认为属于你的王后想要自己再见见世面,想要尝试新的生活,所以还是让我走吧。He said the queen had given him a sovereign remedy in all disorders.
他说王后给他的是能治百病的妙药。The ghost wants Hamre him to revenge specially, but do not have to injure queen, lets ascend the sky adjudicates she.
鬼魂要哈姆雷特为他报仇,但不要伤害王后,让上天去裁决她。His father was the Rajah of the Sakya clan, King Suddhodana, and his mother was Queen Maha Maya.
他的爸爸是释迦部落的首老--净饭王,他妈妈是摩耶王后。But, judging from the wing, it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen's apartment, he might have made more of his stockings.
不过,我从边上看过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。The " natural " course of action for an Arab woman these days never mind an Arab queen is often not the most accepted one.
现在,对阿拉伯妇女——更不用说阿拉伯国家的王后——来说的“正常”行为方式,常常并非最为公众所接受。Then one day when the king had ridden out hunting, she took the little shirts and went into the woods. The ball of yarn showed her the way.
一天,国王骑马狩猎去了,王后便带着这些小衬衫走进森林,用线团儿在前面给她引路。It would never do to come before this queen without a retinue of his own, if half of what they said of her was true.