


傻,无知:~人说梦。~钝。~愚。白~。精神失常,疯癫:发~。~癫。入迷,极度迷恋:~心。~情。谦辞,白白地:~长(zhǎng )(说自己白白地比对方大若干岁)。……





汉语拼音:chī xīn








  1. 亦作“痴心”。沉迷于某人或某种事物的心思。

    《法苑珠林》卷十四:“彼家所生,不结痴心。” 唐 寒山 《诗》之二四八:“伸头临白刃,痴心为 緑珠 。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“从此痴心物色,而短于资。” 巴金 《怀念萧珊》二:“其实这是她一片痴心,结果只苦了她自己。”



  1. The world is so, the men had been accustomed to this kind of treatment, to be the master of the world.


  2. The current obsession with how soon China's economy will overtake that of the United States is absurd.


  3. My fascination with nature, in whatever country I moved to, provided me with an endless source of distraction and amazement.


  4. Even if some of the cats also then, it did not even frightening, to spend money acquiring point of cats like to eat food, what ah?


  5. After tying your love locks, tell her "Our hearts will be united, and I will be loyal to you, infatuated by you and never change my heart. "


  6. The program was never recognized by NASA and now, at the age of 72, Funk, a professional pilot, is still waiting.


  7. The beautiful talk between lovers also does not compare me to your foolishness.


  8. She loved him - the first time since he took her infatuation!


  9. Trustscience to have the answer: Turns out, we've always been wired for shoe lust, even when the going gets tough.


  1. 痴心绝对手放开

    Absolutely Obsessed Release My Hand

  2. 痴心也不是绝对,

    My infatuation is faint definitely

  3. 痴心会得到回报

    Blind faith will lead where it has to go

  4. 人人回首, 妄想痴心

    Every head turned feeling passion and lust

  5. 她的痴心想望破碎了。

    Her fond hope were dashed.

  6. 不懂我痴心的疲惫。

    Do not understand the weariness of my infatuation.

  7. 约翰对她的一片痴心

    John's infatuation for her

  8. 我了解你, 我对你痴心依旧。

    I know you I were belleving for so long.

  9. 我对我得女友痴心一片。

    I'm crazy about my girlfriend.

  10. 我对我的女友痴心一片。

    I'm crazy about my girlfriend.

  11. 说服一个痴心不爱你,

    Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee

  12. 他老痴心于在半夜唱歌。

    He's fond of singing at midnight.

  13. 遭到轻蔑拒绝的痴心爱慕者

    a spurned lover

  14. 亲爱的,你可知我想你的痴心?

    Honey, you know I miss you infatuation?

  15. 痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。

    She raved about her childs intelligence.

  16. 一片痴心我该寄托何处

    It was craziness seem give me life

  17. 期望不再辜负我痴心的关注。

    Hoping no longer let my blind love down.

  18. 不要辜负我的一片痴心。

    Don't let down my cheer infatuation.

  19. 他对他的新女友一片痴心。

    He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.

  20. 多少痴心风雨中, 多少泪莹划夜空。

    How much infatuated and winds in, how much tears the row a night sky.

  21. 西风古瘦,织一网妄妄痴心。

    Westerly wind ancient thin, weaves a net absurdly absurd foolish.

  22. 我就不要痴心地爱上你。

    I should not crash on you at first.

  23. 痴心的人总是被伤得最重

    Spoony Is Always Easy To Be Hurt

  24. 告诉你, 他对我是一片痴心。

    He's mad about me, I tell you.

  25. 为什么这样子苍白, 憔悴, 痴心汉?

    Why So Pale and Wan ?

  26. 我与那痴心的花儿呢喃低诉。

    I and the infatuation flowers twitter low v.

  27. 初见痴心,再见痴心,终日费心,欲得芳心。

    Initial fond, fond goodbye the day, spirits, specifying heart.

  28. 她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。

    She raved about her child's intelligence.

  29. 我就有自言自语一百遍的痴心。

    I have the devotion to talk to myself one hundred times.

  30. 我对你可是情真意切, 痴心不改呀!

    I have a true love and genuine concern for you as well as pure infatuation.


  1. 问:痴心拼音怎么拼?痴心的读音是什么?痴心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痴心的读音是chīxīn,痴心翻译成英文是 infatuation

  2. 问:痴心妄想拼音怎么拼?痴心妄想的读音是什么?痴心妄想翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痴心妄想的读音是chīxīnwàngxiǎng,痴心妄想翻译成英文是 wishful thinking

  3. 问:痴心汉拼音怎么拼?痴心汉的读音是什么?痴心汉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痴心汉的读音是chī xīn hàn,痴心汉翻译成英文是 a man who is infatuated with a girl



“痴心”是个多义词,它可以指痴心(词语解释), 痴心(1995年陈晓娟演唱歌曲)。