




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:gāo jiàn








  1. 见解高明。

    宋 王明清 《摭青杂说》:“彼商贾乃高见如此,士大夫色重礼轻,有不如也。”

  2. 高明的见解。常用为敬词。

    元 郑光祖 《伊尹耕莘》第二折:“似这等不肯进身,哥哥高见为何?” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献一·司徒公历仕录》:“前辈涉歷事久,多有高见,有疑难事不能自决,不可不以咨问。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部二七:“闲话少叙,言归正传。还是听 慕韩兄 的高见吧!”



  1. Cats eat mice. No matter how much we talk it over, cats and mice will always be enemies. Now, any other suggestions?


  2. Curious to hear who, if anyone, you think might be next (talking U. S. firms, primarily, here).


  3. Her mother would talk of her views in the same intelligible tone.


  4. Although the solution has been formed, but still consult others as though one has not been formed.


  5. Do you know a little white lie never hurts anybody, and besides, the truth sometimes hurts?


  6. Your own personal billboard ready to announce your brilliant thoughts to the world or a convenient way to quietly tell someone to STFU.


  7. "I need one of your bright ideas, Peter, " he told me, "see what you can do. "


  8. She always refused, at least as far as public pronouncements were concerned.


  9. Could you give us advice on enjoying Chinese culture? Food is an easy one, but how good is the furniture, especially those wooden sofas?


  1. 您有何高见?

    What is your opinion?

  2. 你有何高见?

    What is your brilliant idea?

  3. 谢谢你的高见。

    Thank you for your sage advice.

  4. 这就是你得高见?

    Is that your contribution?

  5. 她向他征询高见。

    She asked him for advice.

  6. 这就是你的高见?

    Is that your contribution?

  7. 你的高见又来了!

    You and your bright ideas!

  8. 那你有何高见吗

    Do you have a better idea of how to do it?

  9. 等你发表完高见之后。

    When you're through with the lectures.

  10. 根据有经验记者的高见。

    in the sage opinion of experienced journalists

  11. 根据有经验记者得高见。

    in the sage opinion of experienced journalists

  12. 你对室内设计有何高见?

    Do you have good suggestions for interior design?

  13. 你对这一题目有何高见?

    What are your views on the subject?

  14. 对我的提议你有何高见。

    Tell me your views on my proposal.

  15. 你的这番高见,我服膺了。

    I am deeply impressed by your insights.

  16. 你的这番高见,我服膺了。

    I am deeply impressed by your insights.

  17. 依你高见, 怎么才能促进感情?

    Mr. Darcy So, what do you recommend to encourage affection ?

  18. 我将很高兴听取您的高见。

    I could be pleased to have your remarks.

  19. 所以我想问问你有何高见。

    That's why I hoped to take advantage of your expertise.

  20. 所以我想问问你有何高见。

    That's why I hoped to take advantage of your expertise.

  21. 你有何高见?你是有创见的人。

    Do you have any ideas? You're the creative one.

  22. 我对那件事还没有高见。

    I have not arrived at a very intelligent opinion on that matter.

  23. 约翰没有自己的高见, 只是人云亦云。

    John had no opinions of his own but simply followed the herd.

  24. 这是她得高见, 我不敢掠美。

    It was her idea. I can't claim credit for it.

  25. 这是她的高见,我不敢掠美。

    It was her idea. I can't claim credit for it.

  26. 我有件私事需要听听你的高见。

    I need your advice on a personsal matter.

  27. 又一个神学专家在发表高见了。

    Another expert theologian heard from.

  28. 她发表了几句无需答理的高见。

    She made a number of remarks that did not need an answer.

  29. 她的母亲偏偏要大声发表高见。

    Her mother would talk of her viwes in the same intelligible tone.

  30. 她似乎相信他那一番关于世人的高见。

    She seems to trust his advice about people.


  1. 问:高见拼音怎么拼?高见的读音是什么?高见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高见的读音是gāojiàn,高见翻译成英文是 opinion

  2. 问:高见顺拼音怎么拼?高见顺的读音是什么?高见顺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高见顺的读音是Gāojiàn Shùn,高见顺翻译成英文是 Takami Jun

  3. 问:高见三郎拼音怎么拼?高见三郎的读音是什么?高见三郎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高见三郎的读音是Gāojiàn Sānláng,高见三郎翻译成英文是 Takami Saburō

  4. 问:高见裕一拼音怎么拼?高见裕一的读音是什么?高见裕一翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高见裕一的读音是Gāojiàn Yùyī,高见裕一翻译成英文是 Takami Yūichi

  5. 问:高见泽今朝雄拼音怎么拼?高见泽今朝雄的读音是什么?高见泽今朝雄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高见泽今朝雄的读音是,高见泽今朝雄翻译成英文是 Kesao Takamizawa



“高见”是个多义词,它可以指高见(2014电视剧《爱情回来了》人物), 高见(高见)。