


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……


1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:qiǎn jiàn








  1. 谓见识短浅。亦指见识短浅者。

    《史记·五帝本纪论》:“书缺有间矣,其軼乃时时见於他説,非好学深思,心知其意,固难为浅见寡闻道也。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水一》:“水陆路殊,径復不同,浅见未闻,非所详究,不能不聊述闻见,以誌差违也。” 宋 苏轼 《再论积欠六事四事札子》:“小人浅见,只为朝廷惜钱,不为君父惜民。”《水浒传》第三三回:“贤弟休如此浅见。” 郭沫若 《集外·七请》:“但我也不如一般浅见的人一样,人云亦云地便说口号标语诗是罪大恶极。”

  2. 短浅的见识。

    《晋书·忠义传·王豹》:“敢以浅见,陈写愚情。” 明 何景明 《何子·心迹》:“夫拘学不假於绳尺之外,浅见不及於衣带之下。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·<阿Q正传>的成因》:“在这事实发生以前,以我的浅见寡识,是万万想不到的。”



  1. Or maybe it is just a surplus of shallow punditry in an era with endless hours of airtime and Internet space to fill.


  2. Finally, this article proposed some humble opinions about development of various modes of transportation under the land resource constraint.


  3. The old duality of body and soul has become shrouded in scientific terminology and we can laugh at it as merely an obsolete prejudice.


  4. Proposed myself regarding carry on the project management in this type's State-owned business some humble opinions.


  5. My View on the Reform of "Teaching Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing"


  6. In this paper, safety problems of civil construction project management are analyzed and some shallow views are presented.


  7. Let me give my humble opinion.


  8. Some humble opinions on how to strengthen the clean government in the fire inspection are talked about.


  9. Based on effective role of bidding in construction cost management, this paper makes some humble opinions for reference.


  1. 解读圣经诗歌浅见

    Some Thoughts on the Understanding of Biblical Poetry

  2. 中风后遗症用药浅见

    Superficial Views on Drugs Administration of Apoplexy Sequels

  3. 锅炉燃烧设备之浅见

    Comments on boiler combustion equipment

  4. 出版企业纳税筹划浅见

    On Levies on Publishing Industries

  5. 中学语文教学艺术浅见

    Views on Chinese Language Skill in Middle School

  6. 关于意境的两点浅见

    Two Notes on Artistic Conception

  7. 最低工资标准调整之浅见

    A View on the Adjustment of the Minimum Payment

  8. 英语翻译教学方法浅见

    Brief Survey on Teaching English Translation Skills at College Level

  9. 良好班集体建设之浅见

    On the Construction of an Excellent Class

  10. 城考工作质量保证浅见

    Suggestion to Urban Environmental Quantitative Examination

  11. 如何确保工程质量的浅见

    Initial Thoughts on How to Ensure Quality Works

  12. 施工技术课程改革之浅见

    On Restructuring the Course of Construction Technique

  13. 提高冷却循环水功效浅见

    Opinion on Improving the Efficiency of Cooling Back Water

  14. 英语外来词起因发展之浅见

    View about the Origin and Development of Loanword

  15. 干熄焦锅炉系统设计浅见

    Design of Boiler System for Coke Dry Quenching Process

  16. 关于对种子执法工作的浅见

    Improvidence of executing seed laws

  17. 老年人厨房设计的几点浅见

    On the design of kitchen for the age

  18. 整顿和规范金融秩序之浅见

    Making Financial Order Standard and Perfect

  19. 对历史人物翻案问题之浅见

    On Reversing the Verdicts for Historical Figures The Burden of History

  20. 对重婚罪认定的几点浅见

    Opinions of Conviction of Remarriage Crime

  21. 离心式压缩机组控制方案浅见

    Discussion on Control Options for Centrifugal Compressor Set

  22. 国际承包工程风险管理之浅见

    My view About venture Management in Contracting Internationa Projects

  23. 专业课教学现状分析及改革浅见

    Utilitze the Special Skil for Guiding the Practice of Student

  24. 对我国企业所得税改革的浅见

    Views on the Reform of Chinese Enterprise Income Tax

  25. 建筑施工企业降低工程成本之浅见

    Reducing lost on Constraction Enterprises

  26. 提高法律援助案件服务质量之浅见

    Enhancing the Service Quality of Legal Aid Cases

  27. 英语最高级意义的特殊表达法浅见

    A tentative study of expressions of superlatives

  28. 为此围绕这一主题谈些个人浅见。

    Talk about some of individual view around this one theme for this.

  29. 农村小型水利工程产权制度改革浅见

    Views on Property Right Reformation for Small Scale Water Resources Project in Rural Area

  30. 对我国粮食安全问题的几点浅见

    Some Views of the Safe Food in China


  1. 问:浅见拼音怎么拼?浅见的读音是什么?浅见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见的读音是qiǎnjiàn,浅见翻译成英文是 humble opinion; a short-sighted view

  2. 问:浅见的拼音怎么拼?浅见的的读音是什么?浅见的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见的的读音是,浅见的翻译成英文是 nearsighted

  3. 问:浅见茂拼音怎么拼?浅见茂的读音是什么?浅见茂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见茂的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Mào,浅见茂翻译成英文是 Asami Shigeru

  4. 问:浅见与七拼音怎么拼?浅见与七的读音是什么?浅见与七翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见与七的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Yǔqī,浅见与七翻译成英文是 Asami Yoshichi

  5. 问:浅见义弘拼音怎么拼?浅见义弘的读音是什么?浅见义弘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见义弘的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Yìhóng,浅见义弘翻译成英文是 Asami Yoshihiro

  6. 问:浅见喜舟拼音怎么拼?浅见喜舟的读音是什么?浅见喜舟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见喜舟的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Xǐzhōu,浅见喜舟翻译成英文是 Asami Kishū

  7. 问:浅见敬三拼音怎么拼?浅见敬三的读音是什么?浅见敬三翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见敬三的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Jìngsān,浅见敬三翻译成英文是 Asami Keizō

  8. 问:浅见笕洞拼音怎么拼?浅见笕洞的读音是什么?浅见笕洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅见笕洞的读音是Qiǎnjiàn Jiǎndòng,浅见笕洞翻译成英文是 Asami Kendō



词目:浅见 拼音:qían jìan 基本解释 1. [superficial view;humble opinion]∶短浅的见识 依我浅见 2. [superficial]∶见识短浅 浅见寡闻