




1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……



汉语拼音:bīng gùn





2.犹冰条。 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十四章:“ 周仆 抢上去同他们握手。一只只大手,全冻得象冰棍似的。”



  1. The next time you are eating an ice lolly in the office, be warned: you could be sexually harassing your colleagues.


  2. I will buy her sesame ice-cream, tell her stories about witches and magics, take her to the zoo in the summer evening.


  3. Yogurt pops - fill paper cups with your favorite non-fat or low-fat yogurt and put a popsicle stick in each cup. Freeze and enjoy!


  4. Hence, I sat on the ground to depend on, father, mother and I had no choice but to buy me a pineapple ping2 shuo wear an ice-sucker.


  5. Looks like the watermelon, the burning hot summer eats a watermelon ratio to eat 3 icicles also to solve the hot weather.


  6. Since financial crisis erupts, home of body of Ba Fei spy resembles the ice- lolly in his hand equally quick shrink.


  7. In summer, more students like having salad for lunch. More students like having ice-cream, ice lollies and soft drinks after school.


  8. How a woman suggestively licking a lolly could face a sex harassment case.


  9. The packaged ice cream complements an existing line of Dora Popsicles.


  1. 给我10根冰棍!

    Give me ten ice bars!

  2. 我的招牌菜 冰棍。

    My specialty,popsicles.

  3. 你吃过红豆冰棍。

    Youve eaten a red bean popsicle.

  4. 你肯定吃过红豆冰棍。

    You've eaten a red bean popsicle.

  5. 别再来这里卖冰棍了!

    Never come back here to sell ice bars!

  6. 你只卖出了两根冰棍?

    All you sold were two ice bars?

  7. 沿着线找出谁会吃冰棍。

    Follow the lines to find out who will eat the ice lolly.

  8. 意大利首次参加雪橇冰棍球的比赛。

    Italy participated in ice sledge hockey for the first time.

  9. 那么我能告诉你妈妈你在卖冰棍。

    Then I can tell your mom that you're selling ice bars.

  10. 而柱状雪晶看起来像一根根冰棍。

    Columnar snow crystals look like sticks of ice.

  11. 你刚才做的就是分给我半根冰棍吗?

    You offered me half a Popsicle?

  12. 大多数学生课后爱吃冰淇淋,冰棍和软饮料。

    More students like having icecream, ice lollies and soft drinks after school.

  13. 蔡伟卖过香烟, 冰棍, 也当过三轮车夫。

    Cai Wei once sold cigarettes and worked as pedicab driver.

  14. 保持无核葡萄在冰箱而不是冰棍和雪糕。

    Keep seedless grapes in the freezer instead of popsicles and ice cream bars.

  15. 我告诉过你在我妈打架的时候别卖冰棍!

    I told you not to sell ice bars when my Ma fought!

  16. 难道你经常在别人打架时冲进去卖冰棍?

    That you always rush in to sell ice bars at a fight?

  17. 就象当你是小孩的时候你有一根冰棍。

    Like when you're a kid and you have a popsicle.

  18. 冰棍热天很棒, 但冷天就可能不那么好了。

    Ice pops are good on hot days but may not be good on a cold day.

  19. 红果儿的冰棍很好吃,有机会你一定要尝尝。

    Frozen suckers made of Hawthorne taste delicious. You must have a taste some time.

  20. 要不要买些巧克力冰淇淋当甜食,买些雪糕或冰棍当零食?

    Will you get some chocolate ice cream for dessert and some ice cream bars or popsicles for snacks?

  21. 他把刚买的冰棍放在冰瓶里,等孩子们回来吃。

    He bought some ice lollies, and put them in the ice flask for the children to eat when they come back.

  22. 他把刚买的冰棍放在冰瓶里,等孩子们回来吃。

    He bought some ice lollies, and put them in the ice flask for the children to eat when they come back.

  23. 经过一晚的夜车在风雨中的旅行,老公的身体已经冻如冰棍。

    His body became a popsicle after bus travel whole night.

  24. 你不会以为,我想花着脸膛出去像吃了冰棍的一样?

    Do you think I want to march down the aisle looking like I ate a popsicle?

  25. 你可以躺下来看天空的云卷云舒,或是去商店买一根冰棍。

    You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky, and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle.


  1. 问:冰棍儿拼音怎么拼?冰棍儿的读音是什么?冰棍儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰棍儿的读音是bīnggùnr,冰棍儿翻译成英文是 ice lolly; popsicle; ice-sucker