


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà wǒ







  1. 佛教语。指涅槃四德“常乐我净”之“我”。以自在而无束缚,平等而无人我为义。


  2. 指集体。

    孙中山 《社会主义之派别与方法》:“个人社会,本大我小我之不同,其理可互相发明,而未可以是非之也。”



  1. But I was delighted to hear the news and have it confirmed that it looks like it is going to go through.


  2. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.


  3. I decided to systemize it really, because one of the things is to warm-up and I think as I get older and older I must do it better.


  4. I've never seen such a strange man like him in all my born days!


  5. magnificent windows , so beautiful , so large , that i believe a man of your size should pass through each frame .


  6. Forcing my eyes to open wider and drawing aside the mosquito net, I began to search for you in the pitch darkness.


  7. but, all the same, she could quickly see that we were different and that I was - an enigma.


  8. So I give him a whole room, which is bigger than my room. I treat him at least as an equal, or sometimes even better than myself.


  9. It was a large object, I only saw it for two or three seconds. It was going in a low trajectory then petered out into nothing.


  1. 他大我几岁。

    He is my elder by several years.

  2. 那么大我还以为是胎记。

    It's so big I thought it was a birthmark.

  3. 风太大我追不上他。

    The wind was blowing too hard to catch up with him.

  4. 长这么大我还没听说过

    In a million years, I wouldn't have known that.

  5. 你大我啊?班马劈友。

    Do you big me? Zebra chops people.

  6. 雾太大我不得不摸索着走。

    It's sl foggy that I had to feel my way.

  7. 因为雨很大我躲进了商店。

    I duck into the store as the rain is so heavy.

  8. 你的脚有多大 我穿17号。

    How big are you feet I wear size 17.

  9. 我有幫手能养大我的小女儿。

    I had help raising my little daughter.

  10. 包括亚历山大 我的法语老师

    including Alexandre, my French teacher, okay.

  11. 就是因为这所房子大我才买的。

    I bought the house simply because it was large.

  12. 如果我的订单大我能享受折扣吗?

    Can I have discount if my order is large one?

  13. 我捕捉的只是你们在空中飞行的大我。

    And I hunted only your larger selves that walk the sky.

  14. 小我的利益不能与大我的利益发生冲突。

    The interests of the individual should not be in conflict with the interests of the collective.

  15. 小我的利益不能与大我的利益发生冲突。

    The interests of the individual should not be in conflict with the interests of the collective.

  16. 从你这么大我就一部都没看过

    I haven't seen one since I was your age.

  17. 她变化太大我差点没有认出她来。

    She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her.

  18. 不能只顾自己的利益,要多想想大我。

    We should take the interests of the group into account, instead of only thinking of ourselves.

  19. 但我实在受够不停火大我不断的想。

    But I'm so busy bein pissed off, I don't stop to think.

  20. 专注不正是大我意识的本质甚或活动吗??

    Is not attentiveness the nature of, even the function of, Conscious ?

  21. 我所猎取只是你们行走于太虚之中的大我。

    And I hunted only your larger selves that walk the sky.

  22. 他的孩子究竟多大我不清楚,反正不超过20岁。

    I dont know just exactly how old his child is, but certainly not older than twenty.

  23. 我告诉他,我妈妈怎样在嬉皮时代独自带大我。

    I told him how Mom had brought me up on her own at the start of the Hippie Era.

  24. 他的帽子被一阵大我吹走,最后落在房顶上。

    His hat blew off in a strong wind and landed up on top of a house.

  25. 我除了一个哥哥外, 还有一个姐姐, 她大我三岁。

    Aside from my elder brother, I had a sister who was three years older than me.

  26. 这是不大我想要的,因为我没有启动工具箱。

    This is not quite what I want, as I don't have a starting toolbox.

  27. 你以为你可以搞大我女儿的肚子然后不娶她吗?

    You think you can knock up my daughter and then not marry her?

  28. 她大我一两岁。一天我去看她, 她刚买了一把空气枪。

    One day I was visiting her just after she'd gotten a new BB gun.

  29. 你以为你可以搞大我女儿的胜子然后不娶她吗?

    You think you can knock up my daughter and then not marry her?

  30. 你们知道, 没有像我的鹿角那么大我又说了一次, 好!

    You know, not as big as my antlers. I got you again, yes!


  1. 问:大我拼音怎么拼?大我的读音是什么?大我翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大我的读音是dàwǒ,大我翻译成英文是 One's country, or a group that one owes allegiance...

