







汉语拼音:xiǎo wǒ








  1. 对自己的谦称。

    清 姚鼐 《祝芷塘同年惠书并以新刻诗集见寄复谢》诗:“岂徒小我吞如芥,更使前贤放一头。”

  2. 指个人,



  1. A minute later a man came out of the woods. He wore hunting clothes.


  2. I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance.


  3. As the ego has no reality it cannot bear truth, love or light and its creations are not birthed from a point of balance.


  4. Releasing "on it" is often a way the ego keeps us stuck. We could forever release "on it, " but it only takes a moment to release "it. "


  5. When you really really like someone, it's easy to think too much, say stupid things and do silly stuff.


  6. When she looked out of the window at midnight, Mrs. Wilson saw a man trying to open Mr. Smith's window. Mrs.


  7. The depth to which you go in meditation determines how much you wipe out the ego.


  8. The idea really is to join them both together as much as possible, as you will be taking the little mind with you to your next journey.


  9. Human righteousness, but in the righteous cause of the front, to put aside personal affair.


  1. 泉小我十岁。

    Izumi was ten years younger than me.

  2. 送小我私家来爱我吧。

    Send someone to love me.

  3. 从小我就对集邮感兴趣。

    My interest in stamp collecting dates from my childhood.

  4. 从小我的外语就不好

    From childhood, I have been a poor student of foreign languages

  5. 我知道挑选的范围很小 我知道挑选的范围很小。

    I know the pickings are slim, but we can't hold out much longer.

  6. 世界之大,小我,所以我很高兴。

    Big world, small I, so I'm happy.

  7. 从小我就学会了打猎和捕鱼。

    As a child I learned to hunt and fish.

  8. 小我是无法抵御我们的联合阵势的。

    Against our united strength the ego cannot prevail.

  9. 我觉得这么小我想我需要你的婴儿。

    I feel so small I guess I need you baby.

  10. 从小我就被教育要尊重官老爷。

    I was taught to respect the dignity of the office from childhood.

  11. 从小我就被教育要尊重官老爷。

    I was taught to respect the dignity of the office from childhood.

  12. 你通常都是一小我俬家度假吗?

    Do you usually take vacations alone?

  13. 打小我是个书虫, 也是个电视迷。

    As a child I was both a bookworm and a TV junkie.

  14. 对小我来说,死亡始终随待在侧。

    To the ego, death is always just around the corner.

  15. 那位老太太装上了一小我造髋关节。

    The old lady had an artificial hip joint fitted.

  16. 小我的利益不能与大我的利益发生冲突。

    The interests of the individual should not be in conflict with the interests of the collective.

  17. 小我的利益不能与大我的利益发生冲突。

    The interests of the individual should not be in conflict with the interests of the collective.

  18. 开会时,每小我私人都应该有讲话权。

    Everybody should be able to have the floor during the meeting.

  19. 圣灵的使命即是化解小我的一切妄作。

    The Holy Spirit has the task of undoing what the ego has made.

  20. 针对小我私人环境选择适合得瘦身方法。

    According to individual circumstance to select a suitable method reducing weight.

  21. 针对小我私人环境选择适合的瘦身方法。

    According to individual circumstance to select a suitable method reducing weight.

  22. 不再遮遮掩掩的,这是化解小我的关键。

    It without disguise as a crucial step in the undoing of the ego.

  23. 那是一小我被敬服的标识表记标帜。

    This is the sign of an individuing who is respected.

  24. 我必需准备囊括自己在内七小我的食品。

    I have to prepare food for seven people, including me.

  25. 只要放下你的小我, 你就会变得伟大。

    Just let go of your small self and then you ll be big.

  26. 冥想的深度決定了你能消除多少的小我。

    The depth to which you go in meditation determines how much you wipe out the ego.

  27. 他也没那么小 我在他这个年纪的时候。

    Oh, he's not that young. When I was his age.

  28. 你看得到小我和权力是如何欺瞒的吗?

    Do you see how ego and power can deceive?

  29. 对对方地十一小我试图阻止一个玩球。

    Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the ball.

  30. 这小我地友情被藉由把花环给彼此显现。

    This personal friendship is shown by giving leis to one another.


  1. 问:小我拼音怎么拼?小我的读音是什么?小我翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小我的读音是xiǎowǒ,小我翻译成英文是 An individual , myself



小我是对自己的谦称。 亦有《新世界》(作者:艾克哈特·托尔)的“小我的核心”