




1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……



汉语拼音:yú guī






  1. 出嫁。

    《诗·周南·桃夭》:“之子于归,宜其室家。” 朱熹 集传:“妇人谓嫁曰归。” 马瑞辰 通释:“《尔雅》:‘于,曰也。’曰读若聿,聿、于一声之转。‘之子于归’,正与‘黄鸟于飞’、‘之子于征’为一类。于飞,聿飞也;于征,聿征也;于归,亦聿归也。又与《东山》诗‘我东曰归’《采薇》诗‘曰归曰归’同义,曰亦聿也。于、曰、聿,皆词也。” 明 孙仁孺 《东郭记·一妾》:“在闺中双双聚首,怕于归不能相守。” 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·双订》:“他日于归,不知嫁着甚么男子,好生愁闷。” 郭沫若 《棠棣之花》第二幕:“我记得你还有一位令姐,怕已经于归了吧?”



  1. An honor guard presented a flag that had flown over ground zero after the attacks.


  1. 之子于归。

    The maiden goes to her future home.

  2. 仪仗队手持恐怖袭击后飘扬于归零地上空的国旗。

    An honor guard presented a flag that had flown over ground zero after the attacks.

  3. 将其归之于心理上的原因

    attribute it to psychic cause

  4. 她把自己的成功归之于勤奋。

    She ascribed her success to hard work.

  5. 我们把他的沉默归之于羞怯。

    We set his silence down to his diffidence.

  6. 他把成功归之于技巧加苦干。

    He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.

  7. 他们把柄他们的灾难归之于命运不济

    They ascribed the disaster to an nkind fate

  8. 我们把他的沉默归之于缺乏自信。

    We set his silence down diffidence.

  9. 至隆庆初告成, 仍归原本于南京。

    To the beginning of Gaocheng Longqing, still belong to the original in Nanjing.

  10. 这样一种分歧不能简单归之于巧合。

    Such a dichotomy cannot simply be attributed to coincidence.

  11. 他企图把错误归之于他近边的什么人。

    He tries to pin the fault on someone in his immediate neighbourhood.

  12. 我把他的坏脾气归之于他有过不幸的童年。

    I put his bad temper down to having had an unhappy childhood.

  13. 戈登堡博士和利维博士把这种提高归之于互联网。

    I dont know To what extent can we ascribe personality to God

  14. 这种滤液的浸染性应归之于不能描述的细菌。

    The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate.

  15. 这种滤液得侵染性应归之于不能描述得细菌。

    The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate.

  16. 这种滤液的侵染性应归之于不能描述的细菌。

    The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate.

  17. 放弃思维的颓然,直觉于手中的动力,让繁复归于单一。

    The disappointed capitulation of logic, intuition and the movement on our hands, these things let us revert to simplicity.

  18. 归咎于归因于,归罪于。

    To put the blame for attribute or impute.

  19. 归向神始于忧伤痛悔的心。

    The way back to God begins with a broken heart.

  20. 光荣归于人民。

    The honour belongs to the people.

  21. 光荣归于伟大的祖国。

    Glory belongs to the great motherland.

  22. 以上这些都可以归罪于或归功于通信保障。

    All this above imputes or contributes to the communication support.

  23. 晚年归里,讲学于凤山书院与丰湖书院。

    In the later years, to give lectures in Fengshan and abundance College Lake College.

  24. 愿光荣归于天主, 至于无穷之世!阿们。

    Glory to him for ever and ever. Amen.

  25. 会是在最后的痉挛之后归于静寂吗?

    Will final spasm be followed by silence

  26. 愿光荣归于天主, 我们的父, 至于世世。阿们。

    Glory to God, our Father, for ever and ever Amen.

  27. 政府与议会冲突可能使政府得计划归于失败。

    A collision with parliament could rain the government's plans.

  28. 政府与议会冲突可能使政府的计划归于失败。

    A collision with parliament could rain the government's plans.

  29. 导致家庭问题的部分原因可归于现金的短缺。

    Lack of cash might be partly to blame for the problems at home.

  30. 英语, 德语和挪威语归于日耳曼语系。

    English, German and Norwegian are grouped under the Germanic family of languages.