


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu jié






  1. 齐一貌;整齐貌。有,助词。

    《诗·商颂·长发》:“苞有三蘖,莫遂莫达,九有有截。 韦顾 既伐, 昆吾 夏桀 。” 郑玄 笺:“九州齐一截然。”又:“相士烈烈,海外有截。” 郑玄 笺:“截,整齐也。” 唐 白居易 《刑礼道策》:“方今华夷有截,内外无虞,人思休和。”后人割取《诗》句“有截”二字代称九州,天下。《北齐书·文苑传·樊逊》:“后服之徒,既承风而慕化,有截之内,皆蹈德而咏仁。” 唐 杜牧 《奉和门下相公送西川相公出镇全蜀诗十八韵》:“无私天雨露,有截 舜 衣裳。”



  1. There is no carjacking crisis in the state. And juries have never been sticklers about the duty to retreat.


  1. 每个人都有截稿时间的压力,所以大家经常抓狂。

    Everybody has a deadline, and people flip out all the time.

  2. 这里有个截屏。

    Here is a screen shot.

  3. 有没有能截视频的截图软件?

    topslayer How to probe video card and video mem

  4. 你说有三个人截停了你?

    You said three guys jumped you?

  5. 有浏览,截图,捕获,等各种功能。

    Have browser, screenshot, capture, and other various functions.

  6. 上面浮动的截图有一个小的右边境。

    The float in the above has a small right margin.

  7. 上面浮动的截图有一个小的右边界。

    The float in the screenshot above has a small right margin.

  8. 桂皮是中药,也是烧菜得配料。因此,桂树老是有截枝之痛。

    Cassia bark is both traditional medicine and the secondary ingredient for dish so its branches and bark are always cut off.

  9. 桂皮是中药,也是烧菜的配料。因此,桂树老是有截枝之痛。

    Cassia bark is both traditional medicine and the secondary ingredient for dish so its branches and bark are always cut off.

  10. 肌纤维截面积, 有髓神经纤维数均减少。

    The wet weight and the cross sectional area of the anterior tibial muscle was smaller.

  11. 通常指角脱落或被截掉的有角动物。

    A usually horned animal that as either shed its horns or had them removed.

  12. 其中3例患儿的下颌截骨线上有尚未萌出的牙胚。

    In3 of the cases, there were dental germs on the osteotomy line in the mandible.

  13. 他有一条腿被平膝截掉了,马马虎虎地装上了一段木头。

    One of his legs was gone at the knee and to the stump was fitted a roughly whittled wooden peg.

  14. 通常对截掉的部位还有感觉

    often feel sensation where the missing limb was.

  15. 有粗截线的西文字体

    slab serif

  16. 截翅与有翅鹌鹑对比饲养试验

    A Comparative trial on Feeding of Cutwing Quail and Normal One

  17. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。

    Do not hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.

  18. 菲利普脚附近有一截腐烂的木头。

    Close by Philip's foot was a rotten log.

  19. 菲利普脚附近有一截腐烂的木头。

    Close by Philip's foot was a rotten log.

  20. 库尔特因此就有了这个时间截点了?

    KA And there was therefore this ticking clock

  21. 看上去只有挪威大部分, 北方被截去了。

    Seems like most of Norway with some of the north cut off.

  22. 截去角的动物不再有角的动物,如牛,山羊或绵羊

    An animal,such as an ox,a goat,or a sheep,that no longer has its horns.

  23. 截件时间根据所在地略有不同,详情请查询。

    Pick up cut off times vary by locations. Please contact Customer Service for details.

  24. 有一张截图里,基地旁边有15个卵正在孵化中。

    In 1 screen shot there are 15 eggs hatching.

  25. 对付亚洲金融危机有一个很大的截阻作用。

    The first result is that it helped China to cope with the Asian financial crisis.

  26. 硬岩掘进机截齿与齿座的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of pick and holder on hard rock roadheader

  27. 花两性花萼杯状, 5齿, 很少有叶26的或截形。

    Flowers bisexual.Calyx cupshaped, 5toothed, rarely 26lobed or truncate.

  28. 在离截稿日期还有三四天时,我会陷入疯狂。

    Three or four days before any deadline, I descend into a frenzy.

  29. 截曲率有界流形及其子流形的特征值估计

    Eigenvalue Estimates for Manifolds with Bounded Sectional Curvature and Its Submanifolds

  30. 他们都很有魅力,但是她的魅力显然超出其他人一截。

    They were all attractive, but she stood out from the others.