







汉语拼音:yóu liào







  1. 植物油的原料。参见“ 油料作物 ”。

  2. 指油充当的燃料。如:几分钟之后飞机的油料即会用尽。



  1. If it works as well as planned, the operator saves enough on fuel to be able to pay quite a premium for the bus.


  2. Dick and Jeana had been so busy trying to fly around bad weather and mountains that they had forgotten to watch the oil level.


  3. "The world's misery index is rising . . . as soaring food and fuel prices roll through the lives of the most vulnerable, " she said Friday.


  4. Late last month, the AQSIQ said that it had recently found "substantial" quality-related problems with imports of US oilseed.


  5. They were once widely hunted for meat and oil (used for lamps and cooking), but today only limited dolphin fishing occurs.


  6. They say that this kind of soap can be made from some kind of oil.


  7. Point of no return n. The point in the flight of an aircraft beyond which there is insufficient fuel for return to the starting point .


  8. Brake fluid is another oil product used for a hydraulic brake or a clutch cylinder of a car.


  9. woody oil-bearing plant belongs to plant fuel oil and is one important part of it.


  1. 油料燃烧弹

    oil incendiary bomb.

  2. 不合格油料

    slop oil

  3. 未试验油料

    untest stock.

  4. 气体油料泵

    gas oil pump.

  5. 未处理油料

    untreated oil.

  6. 难裂化油料

    refractory stock

  7. 油料分析箱

    oil analyzing box.

  8. 石蜡基油料

    paraffin base oil.

  9. 木本油料林

    oleaginous forest.

  10. 净循环油料

    clean recycle stock.

  11. 工业用油料

    industrial oil material.

  12. 油料作物害虫

    oil crop pest

  13. 能源油料作物

    Energy oil plant.

  14. 残渣汽缸油料

    residual cylinder stock

  15. 木本油料树种

    oleiferous tree species.

  16. 油料保障能力

    POL service supporting capability

  17. 外场油料保障

    POL service support in the airfield

  18. 专机油料保障

    POL service support for special aircraft

  19. 未调合油料

    unblended oil.

  20. 油料向日葵

    oil sunflower.

  21. 油料使用规则

    regulations for POL application regulation

  22. 油料捕集器

    oil intercepter.

  23. 暗色石油油料

    dark petroleum oils.

  24. 脱胶脂润滑油料

    deresined lube stock

  25. 油料装备技术保障

    technical support of POL equipment

  26. 湖北野生油料植物。

    Wild oil bearing plants in Hubei.

  27. 油料作物基因工程育种

    Genetic Engineering on Oil Crop Breeding

  28. 润滑油和调合油料

    Lubricating Oils and Blending Stocks

  29. 油料植物一新属蒜头果属。

    Malania, a new genus of oilyielding plant.

  30. 小宗油料饼粕的开发利用

    The Development and Utilization of Small Yield Oil Meals


  1. 问:油料拼音怎么拼?油料的读音是什么?油料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料的读音是yóuliào,油料翻译成英文是 oilseed

  2. 问:油料连拼音怎么拼?油料连的读音是什么?油料连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料连的读音是yóu liào lián,油料连翻译成英文是 Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants Company

  3. 问:油料主任拼音怎么拼?油料主任的读音是什么?油料主任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料主任的读音是yóu liào zhǔ rèn,油料主任翻译成英文是 Oil King

  4. 问:油料保障拼音怎么拼?油料保障的读音是什么?油料保障翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料保障的读音是yóu liào bǎo zhàng,油料保障翻译成英文是 POL Support

  5. 问:油料储存拼音怎么拼?油料储存的读音是什么?油料储存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料储存的读音是yóu liào chǔ cún,油料储存翻译成英文是 oil storage

  6. 问:油料勤务拼音怎么拼?油料勤务的读音是什么?油料勤务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料勤务的读音是yóu liào qín wù,油料勤务翻译成英文是 POL Service

  7. 问:油料基数拼音怎么拼?油料基数的读音是什么?油料基数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料基数的读音是yóu liào jī shù,油料基数翻译成英文是 POL Basic Load

  8. 问:油料报告拼音怎么拼?油料报告的读音是什么?油料报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料报告的读音是yóu liào bào gào,油料报告翻译成英文是 Report of Petroleum-Oil-Lubricants

  9. 问:油料更生拼音怎么拼?油料更生的读音是什么?油料更生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料更生的读音是yóu liào gēng shēng,油料更生翻译成英文是 Regeneration of Used Oil

  10. 问:油料耗尽拼音怎么拼?油料耗尽的读音是什么?油料耗尽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料耗尽的读音是yóu liào hào jìn,油料耗尽翻译成英文是 Fuel Exhausted

  11. 问:油料装备拼音怎么拼?油料装备的读音是什么?油料装备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料装备的读音是yóu liào zhuāng bèi,油料装备翻译成英文是 POL Equipment

  12. 问:油料传送口拼音怎么拼?油料传送口的读音是什么?油料传送口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料传送口的读音是yóu liào chuán sòng kǒu,油料传送口翻译成英文是 fuel transfer port

  13. 问:油料传送泵拼音怎么拼?油料传送泵的读音是什么?油料传送泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料传送泵的读音是yóu liào chuán sòng bèng,油料传送泵翻译成英文是 fuel transfer pump

  14. 问:油料取样器拼音怎么拼?油料取样器的读音是什么?油料取样器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料取样器的读音是yóu liào qǔ yàng qì,油料取样器翻译成英文是 oil thief

  15. 问:油料实验室拼音怎么拼?油料实验室的读音是什么?油料实验室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料实验室的读音是yóu liào shí yàn shì,油料实验室翻译成英文是 POL Laboratory

  16. 问:油料分析光谱拼音怎么拼?油料分析光谱的读音是什么?油料分析光谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料分析光谱的读音是yóu liào fēn xī guāng pǔ,油料分析光谱翻译成英文是 Spectrum of Fuel Analysis

  17. 问:油料基数里程拼音怎么拼?油料基数里程的读音是什么?油料基数里程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料基数里程的读音是yóu liào jī shù lǐ chéng,油料基数里程翻译成英文是 Oil Basis

  18. 问:油料技术保障拼音怎么拼?油料技术保障的读音是什么?油料技术保障翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料技术保障的读音是yóu liào jì shù bǎo zhàng,油料技术保障翻译成英文是 POL Technical Support

  19. 问:油料申请报告拼音怎么拼?油料申请报告的读音是什么?油料申请报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料申请报告的读音是yóu liào shēn qǐng bào gào,油料申请报告翻译成英文是 Slate

  20. 问:油料种子工程拼音怎么拼?油料种子工程的读音是什么?油料种子工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油料种子工程的读音是yóu liào zhǒng zǐ gōng chéng,油料种子工程翻译成英文是 oilseed engineering