


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……





汉语拼音:lián guàn








  1. 连接,贯穿。

    《汉书·律历志上》:“斗纲之端连贯营室。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·百丈》:“故劈竹为大瓣,以麻索连贯其际。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·新城北录上》:“道旁荒塚如奕,草深没踝,路灯如萤,连贯不絶。” 吴晗 《灯下集·历史的真实与艺术的真实》:“戏的困难之处是历史时间太长,人物的线索太长,无法连贯起来。”



  1. Whatever you think about this continuing debate, his account of the evolving response of policy is at least clear, frank and coherent.


  2. "We haven't been able to do it consistently enough in this series, " he said, in quotes carried by Reuters. com.


  3. coherence: being (of ideas, thoughts, speech, reasoning, etc) connected logically or consistently; easy to understand; clear.


  4. He found that in his models (as well as in real life) very few systems were able to self-organize into any kind of lasting coherence.


  5. Every once and a while we suffer too much, even today we lacked a bit of continuity.


  6. To make it a joke instead of a logic puzzle, the result needs to be a coherent story that isn't strictly sensible in everyday terms.


  7. A convenient location with nearby railway and bus transport connections is expected to make it a trend-setting project in the area.


  8. Embedded within the turbulent dynamics are coherent structures, which transiently show up in the temporal evolution of the turbulent flow.


  9. An easy to follow navigation of various web links plays a major role in ensuring the stickiness of your web site.


  1. 连贯裂谷带

    coherent rift belt

  2. 不连贯言语

    Incoherent speech.

  3. 动态性连贯

    dynamic coherence.

  4. 连贯的思考

    consecutive thought

  5. 不连贯妄想

    fragmentary delusions.

  6. 衔接与连贯

    cohesion and coherence.

  7. 因果连贯中断

    causal coherence break

  8. 衔接连贯理论

    theory of cohesion and coherence

  9. 不连贯的散文

    aBrupt prose.

  10. 不连贯的引文

    disjecta membra.

  11. 不连贯的呼吸

    catchy breathing.

  12. 语篇连贯机制

    discourse mechanism.

  13. 不连贯的思想

    an inconsequent mind.

  14. 不连贯的句子

    disjointed sentences.

  15. 不连贯的文体

    an abrupt literary style.

  16. 语篇连贯教学

    Discourse coherence teaching.

  17. 成为连贯的一体

    join the flats

  18. 连贯之故事

    a consecutive story

  19. 双元素连贯构造

    duodirun structure

  20. 连贯流畅的谈话

    a seamless flow of talk

  21. 统一, 连贯和完整

    unity, cohesion and integrity

  22. 自然连贯主义

    naturalistic coherentism

  23. 我们确实缺少连贯。

    We are certainly lacking consistency.

  24. 使句子连贯, 顺理成章

    to string together a few sentences

  25. 你动作没连贯起来

    You are not connecting.

  26. 清晰而连贯的叙述

    a clear and consecutive narrative

  27. 动作要连贯, 一气呵成。

    The action should be piece together without a break.

  28. 上下句意思要连贯。

    Two consecutive sentences must hang together.

  29. 连贯的符合逻辑顺序的

    Marked by logical sequence.

  30. 没有受到干扰的连贯。

    having undisturbed continuity.


  1. 问:连贯拼音怎么拼?连贯的读音是什么?连贯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯的读音是liánguàn,连贯翻译成英文是 be coherent

  2. 问:连贯性拼音怎么拼?连贯性的读音是什么?连贯性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯性的读音是liánguànxìng,连贯性翻译成英文是 consistency; continuity

  3. 问:连贯步法拼音怎么拼?连贯步法的读音是什么?连贯步法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯步法的读音是lián guàn bù fǎ,连贯步法翻译成英文是 continuous skating

  4. 问:连贯性客户拼音怎么拼?连贯性客户的读音是什么?连贯性客户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯性客户的读音是,连贯性客户翻译成英文是 connexion

  5. 问:连贯接收器拼音怎么拼?连贯接收器的读音是什么?连贯接收器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯接收器的读音是lián guàn jiē shōu qì,连贯接收器翻译成英文是 Coherent Receiver/Transmitter

  6. 问:连贯脉冲雷达拼音怎么拼?连贯脉冲雷达的读音是什么?连贯脉冲雷达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯脉冲雷达的读音是lián guàn mài chōng léidá,连贯脉冲雷达翻译成英文是 Coherent-Pulse Radar

  7. 问:连贯表意不能拼音怎么拼?连贯表意不能的读音是什么?连贯表意不能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯表意不能的读音是lián guàn biǎo yì bù néng,连贯表意不能翻译成英文是 acataphasia

  8. 问:连贯对抗处理器拼音怎么拼?连贯对抗处理器的读音是什么?连贯对抗处理器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯对抗处理器的读音是lián guàn duì kàng chǔ lǐ qì,连贯对抗处理器翻译成英文是 Coherent Countermeasures Processor

  9. 问:连贯性与逻辑性拼音怎么拼?连贯性与逻辑性的读音是什么?连贯性与逻辑性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯性与逻辑性的读音是liánguànxìng yǔ luójìxìng,连贯性与逻辑性翻译成英文是 continuity and logic

  10. 问:连贯的数字排列系统拼音怎么拼?连贯的数字排列系统的读音是什么?连贯的数字排列系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯的数字排列系统的读音是liánguàn de shùzì páiliè xìtǒng,连贯的数字排列系统翻译成英文是 coherent digitalphased array system

  11. 问:连贯发射器位置试验台拼音怎么拼?连贯发射器位置试验台的读音是什么?连贯发射器位置试验台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯发射器位置试验台的读音是lián guànfā shèqì wèi zhì shì yàn tái,连贯发射器位置试验台翻译成英文是 Coherent Emitter Location Testbed

  12. 问:连贯录像移动取消目标指示器拼音怎么拼?连贯录像移动取消目标指示器的读音是什么?连贯录像移动取消目标指示器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯录像移动取消目标指示器的读音是lián guàn lù xiàng yí dòng qǔ xiāo mù biāo zhǐ shì qì,连贯录像移动取消目标指示器翻译成英文是 Coherent Video Cancellation-Moving Target Ind...

  13. 问:连贯激光雷达机载修剪传感器拼音怎么拼?连贯激光雷达机载修剪传感器的读音是什么?连贯激光雷达机载修剪传感器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连贯激光雷达机载修剪传感器的读音是lián guàn jī guāng léidá jī zài xiū jiǎn chuán gǎn qì,连贯激光雷达机载修剪传感器翻译成英文是 Coherent Laser Radar Airborne Shear Sensor...



“连贯”是个多义词,它可以指连贯(词语释义), 连贯(原中共中央对外联络部副部长)。