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抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……
汉语拼音:tóu qián
汉 赵岐 《三辅决录·饮马》:“ 安陵 道者有 项仲仙 ,饮马 渭水 ,每投三钱。”后用为清介、不妄取的典故。
唐 李绅 《闻里谣效古歌》:“春日迟迟驱五马,留犊投钱以为谢。” 宋 王禹偁 《堂前井》诗:“利物诚堪拜,投钱恶近名;饮之何以报,官况与诗情。” 清 管同 《黄蛟门传赞》:“予幼闻古人还麦投钱之事,心敬慕之。”
But it has been losing money for a while, and its board decided that it was foolish to keep throwing good money after bad.
它只是暂时地亏本,董事会决定在公司亏本后仍继续投钱进来是不明智的做法。41 And He sat down opposite the treasury and watched how the crowd cast money into the treasury. And many rich people cast in much.
可十二41耶稣对着银库坐着,看群众怎样投钱入库。有好些财主,投进了许多钱。It may not be pretty, but apparently Wall Street has decided that the price won't be too steep. Or else, it would have put up the money.
这听起来可能有点吓人,但华尔街显然已经认定届时的拍卖价格不会低得离谱。要不然,他们早就投钱收购了。No more credit is flowing to the Baltics from Swedish banks, to Hungary from Austrian banks or to Iceland from Britain and the Netherlands.
瑞典各银行不再放贷给波罗的海诸国,奥地利的银行也不再向匈牙利注资,英国和荷兰的银行同样不向冰岛投钱。Keep asking yourself: would I put my money into this if it were presented to me for the first time today?
不断地问自己:如果这是我今天第一次才看到的,我会投钱进去吗?Means something provide the money, necessary to do something. Eg: I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new night club.
我发现很多外商都在为咱们的新夜总会投钱。A woman ran to put money in the parking meter. Another carried groceries.
一位妇女急匆匆地往停车收费机里投钱,另一个拎着食品杂货走过。Instead, one of the companies who got the money built a new parking lot.
相反,一家得到建设资金的公司投钱造了个新的停车场。J. P. Morgan says it isn't putting any of its own money into the project.