


1. 汤 [tāng]2. 汤 [shāng]汤 [tāng]热水:~雪。赴~蹈火。扬~止沸。煮东西的汁液:米~。参(shēn )~。烹调后汁特别多的食物:鸡~。菜~。清~。专指温泉(现多用于地名):~泉(温泉)。~山(在中国北京市)。中药……


1. 匙 [chí]2. 匙 [shi]匙 [chí]舀汤用的小勺子(亦称“调(tiáo )羹”):汤~。茶~。匙 [shi]〔钥~〕开锁的东西。……



汉语拼音:tāng chí






  1. 餐具。舀汤的小勺。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五一回:“早有当差的送上一份汤匙刀叉。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第九章:“ 阿划 倒了一碗温开水,拌了盐端来,用把断汤匙喂他母亲喝水。”



  1. You might say such a person, " was born with a silver spoon in his mouth . "


  2. With her children standing by, Aziza reached into a cloth bag and produced a filthy spoon, a bit of powder and a straw.


  3. Then the Little Wee Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge-bowl, but the porridge was all gone!


  4. One day he took a very big tin spoon and began to make soldiers out of it.


  5. Harry S. Truman Spoon- feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon .


  6. With a long, thin bladed knife, cut a five or six-sided opening out on the top of the pumpkin around the stem.


  7. He said he lost 26 pounds, eating just a spoonful of tuna every 48 hours and drinking polluted water.


  8. Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonfulof liquor, some vinegar and olive oil-but that comes ten minutes later.


  9. Some restaurants did not enclose with the spoon, the Japanese picks up to drink the soup habitually.


  1. 约多于一汤匙

    Ca. More than a soup spoon full.

  2. 他用汤匙喂食婴儿。

    He feeds the baby with a spoon.

  3. 加两汤匙的水。

    Add two tablespoons of water.

  4. 请用汤匙喝汤。

    Please drink the soup with a spoon.

  5. 平平两大汤匙糖

    two level tablespoonfuls of sugar

  6. 你用汤匙吃点心。

    You use this spoon for dessert.

  7. 她用汤匙喂婴儿。

    She feeds the baby with a spoon.

  8. 她用汤匙搅咖啡。

    She stirred her coffee with a spoon.

  9. 平底锅里加入2汤匙油。

    Add 2 tablespoon oil to pan.

  10. 别试著折弯汤匙。

    Do not try and bend the spoon.

  11. 橱柜中没有任何汤匙。

    There are not any spoons in the cupboard.

  12. 把领子缝成汤匙状

    to spoon the collar

  13. 用汤匙把豆腐压碎。

    Mash the tofu with a tablespoon.

  14. 当心别把汤匙弄弯。

    Be careful of bending that spoon.

  15. 有不满一汤匙的糖。

    There was a scant spoonful of sugar.

  16. 把汤匙放到餐桌上。

    A soup spoon should be left on the table.

  17. 刀, 叉和汤匙等餐具

    Table utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons.

  18. 这些汤匙是塑料制的。

    These spoons are made of plastic.

  19. 刀,叉和汤匙等餐具。

    Table utensils such as knives,forks,and spoons.

  20. 这些汤匙是纯银制品。

    These spoons are made of sterling silver.

  21. 这把汤匙是纯银的。

    This spoon is solid silver.

  22. 这把汤匙是纯银得。

    This spoon is solid silver.

  23. 有不满一汤匙得糖。

    There was a scant spoonful of sugar.

  24. 面包上淋约12汤匙橄榄油。

    Drizzle 10 tablespoon olive oil on the bread.

  25. 碾碎的四川胡椒一汤匙

    Tablespoon Sichuan peppercorn, ground

  26. 有些人含着银汤匙长大。

    Some are teethed on a silver spoon.

  27. 他用一块木头制作一把汤匙。

    He fashioned a spoon from a piece of wood.

  28. 比茶匙大比大汤匙小的勺子。

    A spoon larger than a teaspoon and smaller than a tablespoon.

  29. 趁着汤热用汤匙舀汤喝。

    Spoon your soup while it is still warm.

  30. 放一汤匙或两汤匙的蛋黄酱。

    Put one to two spoons of mayonnaise into the egg.


  1. 问:汤匙拼音怎么拼?汤匙的读音是什么?汤匙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汤匙的读音是tāngchí,汤匙翻译成英文是 tablespoon; soupspoon



基本解释 [soupspoon;tablespoon] 餐具。舀汤的小勺