




1. 喷 [pēn]2. 喷 [pèn]喷 [pēn]散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。喷 [pèn]香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜……



汉语拼音:jǐng pēn






  1. 地下水、天然气、原油等受地层压力突然夹带着泥沙,从井口喷出的现象。

    刘白羽 《石油英雄之歌》二:“队长头一个冲上去,淋得满头满身是油,制服了井喷。”



  1. So the blowout in the Gulf is just a little piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civilization.


  2. Pervasive ice cover for eight to nine months out of the year can block relief ships in case of a blowout.


  3. This assembly would have powerful rams that could seal off the flow once it was attached to the relevant bit of broken plumbing.


  4. If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout.


  5. The explosion of the subprime-mortgage market early in the 2000s may now appear insane, but it had a logic.


  6. Actually, such blowouts are rare and no cause for celebration since the goal is to extract the oil in a controlled manner.


  7. Blowout and did not damage drilling platforms, which from the oil spill did not cause major ecological disaster.


  8. Precisely such a dreaded blowout is presumed to have occurred on the Deepwater Horizon.


  9. The Natural Resource Damage Assessment, a process mandated for oil spills, is still in its injury-assessment and restoration-planning phase.


  1. 同时井喷易导致失控。

    Meanwhile, blowout may be out of control.

  2. 油田里有一口油井发生井喷。

    An oil well blew out in the oil field.

  3. 那口井喷出大量的天然气。

    The well expelled great quantities of gas.

  4. 那口井喷出大量得天然气。

    The well expelled great quantities of gas.

  5. 这是个井喷式的增长。

    This is the growth of a blowout type.

  6. 这是个井喷式得增长。

    This is the growth of a blowout type.

  7. 北海的一口油井发生了井喷。

    An oil well blew out in the North Sea.

  8. 井喷失控蒸气云爆炸数值模拟研究。

    Vapor cloud explosion numerical simulation study.

  9. 井喷突发中眼化学伤的急救治疗

    First aid treatment of the chemical wound of eye in the well exploding accident

  10. 油价最终呈现出了井喷式的上涨。

    The price of oil is finally showing up at the pump.

  11. 导致发生井喷事故, 含硫天然气窜漏地表。

    It will lead to blowout accident or the leakage of sulfurous natural gas to the ground surface.

  12. 胜利油田浅层气井喷原因分析及预防技术

    Analysis to Shallow Gas Blowout in Shengli Oilfield and Its Preventing Technology

  13. 高含硫天然气井喷扩散将造成严重安全问题。

    Blowout diffusion of gas with high sulfur may cause serious safe problems.

  14. 油田钻井使用的钻头。油田里有一口油井发生井喷。

    A bit used in drilling for oil. An oil well blew out in the oil field.

  15. 发生在作业时的井喷数量在井喷总数中占一定的比例。

    The amount of blowout in operation part of the total.

  16. 假如你到井喷的现场,它看上去让人难以置信。

    If you go to the site of the blowout, It looks pretty unbelievable.

  17. 其存在引起井漏,井喷,影响油气采收率等。

    Abnormal formation pressure leads to circulation loss, blowout, recovery efficiency cutting back etc.

  18. 村庄坐落在海边,那儿最近刚发生过天然气井喷。

    On the coast lies the village, where the natural gas exploded recently.

  19. 利用液压起下钻装置修复井喷后损坏的井眼

    Hydraulic Snubbing Unit Works Over, Recovers Well after Blowout

  20. 井喷点火后对周边井和集气站的影响研究

    Study on Blowout Effect on Surrounding Wells and Gas Gathering Station after Ignition.

  21. 按照这种观点, 美国经济的井喷式增长即将到来。

    In this view, the U.S. growth spurt is just around the corner.

  22. 易导致井喷、水合物阻塞等流动保障安全性问题。

    Flow assurance and security problems such as blowout, plugging of hydrate are prone to be caused.

  23. 世博板块交通和三网合一股票将全线爆发井喷!

    Expo plate and triple play line of the stock will break out blowout!

  24. 调动井喷水泥疲劳烈度,改善泵送机能,递减回弹损失。

    Improve fatigue strength of sprayed concrete to improve the pumping performance, reduce the loss of resilience.

  25. 除了传统得演唱会之外, 各类音乐节也呈井喷之势。

    Besides the traditional concert, each kind of music festival also assumes potential of the blowout.

  26. 除了传统的演唱会之外,各类音乐节也呈井喷之势。

    Besides the traditional concert, each kind of music festival also assumes potential of the blowout.

  27. 石油行业一个多世纪以来一直试图封堵所出现的井喷。

    The oil industry has been fixing blowouts for more than a century.

  28. 对蒸发式冷凝器的放空气探讨一次井喷事件及其社会影响

    Discussion on Air Venting of Evaporative Condenser A WELL VENTING AND ITS SOCIAL INFLUENCE

  29. 三是券商股在昨日午后的盘中井喷也带来相对乐观的信息。

    Third, the brokerage unit yesterday afternoon after the blowout also relatively optimistic.


  1. 问:井喷拼音怎么拼?井喷的读音是什么?井喷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:井喷的读音是jǐngpēn,井喷翻译成英文是 blowout



“井喷”是个多义词,它可以指井喷(石油业专业用语), 井喷(股市行话), 井喷(汽车业行话), 井喷(流行词)。