







汉语拼音:jiǒng yì








  1. 亦作“逈异”。大不相同。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·辩证一》:“﹝钢﹞乃铁之精纯者,其色清明,磨莹之,则黯黯然青且黑,与常铁迥异。” 明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·铺行》:“民间贫富相悬,价银多寡逈异。” 清 毛祥麟 《对山馀墨·平原闻诗记》:“﹝余﹞启户步月,环溪而行,觉霜寒风峭,清光逼人。及由溪北,復折而东,则草深没径,逈异恒蹊。” 郭沫若 《惠施的性格与思想》:“一体之说虽同,而他们的出发点迥异。”



  1. More sophisticated shooting effects, different enemies, metal background, as well as a sense of his unique music Games.


  2. Mr. Lu's background differs substantially from that of his predecessor.


  3. Each of her works has an essence of its own; each of her phenomena a special characterisation : and yet their diversity is in unity.


  4. These and other numerous examples show the use of the packaging has been used to be and are subjected to.


  5. A lot of hiking holidays sound exciting, but the reality is often very different.


  6. These general symbolic form of painting around the world are also common, but the final form of the schema are different styles.


  7. These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings.


  8. Their evolved brains are indeed highly intelligent, but with a life cycle so abstract and alien, their musings are often indecipherable.


  9. In different parts of the world for the next few years private paper chemicals reverse Variant.


  1. 迥异的观念

    an alien concept

  2. 他们二人性情迥异。

    They are diametrically opposed in temperament.

  3. 他们俩的性格迥异。

    The two of them have utterly different dispositions.

  4. 今年秋装系列风格迥异。

    This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag.

  5. 当他被人迥异的伊玛。

    When he was Imam the people were quite different.

  6. 这两个男人的脸型迥异。

    Facially the two men were very different.

  7. 我的价值观可能迥异于 你的价值观

    My values can be radically different from your values.

  8. 在这一点上他们的意见迥异。

    They differ widely on this point.

  9. 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的。

    Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.

  10. 我们对两者的重视度是迥异的

    The amount of resources we put in are disparate.

  11. 虽然他们性格迥异, 但却相处友好

    Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.

  12. 中西政治旨趣迥异的人性论基础

    The Human Nature Theory Basis of Different Political Purport in China and Western Countries

  13. 他们代表着很有价值的迥异文化。

    They represented different cultures that had great value.

  14. 迥异的系统,数据挖掘也更加低效。

    disparate systems, the less effective data mining can be.

  15. 这两姐妹长得相像, 但性格迥异。

    Though similar in appearance, the two sisters were entirely different in character.

  16. 这对双胞胎长得一样但是性格迥异。

    The twins look identical but they have distinct characters.

  17. 这对双胞胎长得一样但是性格迥异。

    The twins look identical but they have distinct characters.

  18. 虽然他们性格迥异, 但却能友好相处。

    Though their personalities were different, they got along as friends.

  19. 艺术的形式虽说迥异,但有内在的联系。

    Although very different form of art, but there are intrinsically linked.

  20. 德日两国缘何对二战评断迥异

    Why Do Germany and Japan Differ So Widely in Their Judgment on the Second World War

  21. 实际上是由三个迥异的连接器组成。

    There are really three fundamentally different linkers.

  22. 天柱山石崖林立, 奇石众多, 形态迥异。

    Tianzhushan many old quarry area, large stones, and different patterns.

  23. 我身边的站长各个骨骼清奇, 性格迥异。

    The stationmaster beside me each skeletal Qing Ji, disposition are disparate.

  24. 音乐无国界,风格迥异,让我们在这里畅谈音乐!

    Music without Borders, share the Music You Love!

  25. 个性迥异的同学们也展现着各自不同的风格。

    Students with different personalities show their own particular style.

  26. 一半是火焰,一半是海水,国内外废金属表现迥异

    The Differences Between Chinese Waste Metal Market and Foreign Waste Metal Market

  27. 科学研究上这两个迥异方面之间的联系。

    A link between these very disparate aspects of scientific research.

  28. 他渴望会发生什么,一种崭新的,迥异的事情。

    He wanted something to happen to him, something new and different.

  29. 虽然二者有一些相似之处,但却风格迥异。

    While both share some similarities they are stylistically very different.

  30. 从汉字本源看中, 西方诗歌发展轨迹之迥异

    On Different Developing Directions of the Oriental and Occidental Poetry from the Perspective of the Pictographic Nature of the Origin of Chinese Writing System Abstract


  1. 问:迥异拼音怎么拼?迥异的读音是什么?迥异翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迥异的读音是jiǒngyì,迥异翻译成英文是 totally different; widely different


