如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……
汉语拼音:yī bìng
亦作“ 一并 ”。亦作“ 一并 ”。一起;一齐。
宋 秦观 《元日立春三绝》之一:“直须残腊十分尽,始共新年一併来。” 元 无名氏 《赚蒯通》第三折:“本待拿将此人,一併杀坏,争奈他已自风魔了。”《水浒传》第六九回:“且把这厮长枷木扭送在死囚牢里,等拿了 宋江 ,一并解京施行!”《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“目下凑不起价钱,只好现奉一半。等待我家官人回来,一并清楚。” 清 蒋士铨 《桂林霜·完忠》:“已经起马,夫人家眷一并到了公馆。”《老残游记》第十六回:“这浑蛋 胡举人 写了一封信,并这五千两凭据,一併送到县衙里来。” 鲁迅 《野草·风筝》:“现在,故乡的春天又在这异地空中了,既给我久经逝去的儿时的记忆,而一并也带着无可把握的悲哀。”
见“ 一併 ”。
The effectiveness of the IAD shall be part of the accountability review process in the event of any major control failure within the HKMA.
金管局的内部监控如出现任何重大的失误,当局亦应把内部审核处的效用一并列入问责性检讨工作之内。The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.
随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in session again next spring.
明年春天国会复会后,污染问题同其他几个问题一道,将被一并讨论。Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency.
除非菲亚特(Fiat)或者曼格纳(Magna)愿意在24小时内拿出这笔钱,否则欧宝和沃克斯豪尔将与其母公司一并进入破产程序。All of our sinful words, retaliations, or even thoughts he took with him to the cross.
我们所有邪恶的字眼、报复的行为,甚至是罪恶的想法,他都一并带上与他同钉十字架了。An application is often sent to a work unit or corporation with a resume.
申请书常常与简历一并寄到所申请的学校或单位、公司。These goals, when taken together, were intended to make it easy to adapt to changing customer needs.
当一并考虑这些目标时,这些目标将使得对客户需求的变更更容易地适应。Yet he would help you yet a little more if you will share your pains and joys with him, and leave them both to find the peace of God.
不过如果你愿意与他分享你的痛苦及喜悦,为了寻得上主的平安而将它们一并放下,他对你的帮助会更大。Together with the glory and humiliation, holding the cup to forget the wind was in his seventh heaven, that mood.