


天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……


1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:yè jiān








  1. 夜里。

    宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷十:“其意必待夜间出来胡行乱走耳。”《水浒传》第六六回:“且説 时迁 是个飞簷走壁的人,不从正路入城,夜间越墻而过。”《红楼梦》第二七回:“如今且説 黛玉 因夜间失寝,次日起来迟了。” 沙汀 《丁跛公》:“这时已是夜间,有几家人已经关上大门了。”



  1. Life in that home had not been easy. There had been times of food shortages, times when they had shivered at night for want of fuel.


  2. 9During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us. "


  3. But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall.


  4. Special overnight trains to relieve the backlog of would-be passengers which built up in both Paris and London were cancelled.


  5. Ms. Wen said the police found her husband at home that Friday night but told her the matter was best settled privately.


  6. Once you finished doing your counts , don't forget to put the money in the night deposit at the bank .


  7. on the bed Do not overeat, do not eat at night, feeling sleepy again when going to bed.


  8. Advances in bionics and engineering will mean we could all boast enhanced night vision allowing us to see clearly in the dark.


  9. During the night two porpoises came around the boat and he could hear them rolling and blowing.


  1. 夜间托儿所

    a night nursery.

  2. 夜间潜望镜

    night periscope.

  3. 夜间低血糖

    nighttime glyeopenia.

  4. 夜间心绞痛

    Nocturnal angina patients.

  5. 夜间轰炸机

    night bombardment airplane.

  6. 夜间滑雪场

    night hill.

  7. 夜间大排挡

    night market

  8. 夜间大排挡

    night market.

  9. 夜间的微风

    The night air.

  10. 夜间的寂静

    nocturnal stillness.

  11. 夜间酸突破

    Nocturnal gastric acid breakthrough

  12. 夜间编队飞行

    night formation.

  13. 夜间新闻广播

    Nightly news Broadcast.

  14. 夜间阴茎鼓胀

    nocturnal penile tumescence.

  15. 今天夜间多云。

    Tonight will be cloudy.

  16. 夜间时睡时醒

    a fitful night's sleep

  17. 夜间将下雪。

    There will be snow in the night.

  18. 夜间风停了。

    During the night the wind lulled.

  19. 猫在夜间捕食。

    Cats prey at night.

  20. 夜间狂笑阵发

    nocturnal laughing spell.

  21. 夜间下了冰雹。

    It hailed during the night.

  22. 夜间起风暴了。

    A storm arose during the night.

  23. 夜间起了大风。

    A strong wind arose in the night.

  24. 夜间活动的野兽

    noctivagant wild beasts

  25. 夜间一直在打雷。

    It thundered all night.

  26. 老虎在夜间猎食。

    Tiger hunts in the night.

  27. 夜间单程环游票

    Single Ride Night Round Trip Ticket

  28. 他开始夜间盗汗。

    He started having night sweats.

  29. 夜间外线集中设备

    trunk concentrator

  30. 夜间风暴平息了。

    During the night the storm lulled.


  1. 问:夜间拼音怎么拼?夜间的读音是什么?夜间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间的读音是yèjiān,夜间翻译成英文是 night-time; at night

  2. 问:夜间濑拼音怎么拼?夜间濑的读音是什么?夜间濑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间濑的读音是Yèjiānlài,夜间濑翻译成英文是 Yomase

  3. 问:夜间的拼音怎么拼?夜间的的读音是什么?夜间的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间的的读音是yè jiān de,夜间的翻译成英文是 nocturnal

  4. 问:夜间交通拼音怎么拼?夜间交通的读音是什么?夜间交通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间交通的读音是yè jiān jiāo tōng,夜间交通翻译成英文是 night traffic

  5. 问:夜间任务拼音怎么拼?夜间任务的读音是什么?夜间任务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间任务的读音是yè jiān rèn wù,夜间任务翻译成英文是 Night Duty

  6. 问:夜间传真拼音怎么拼?夜间传真的读音是什么?夜间传真翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间传真的读音是yè jiān chuán zhēn,夜间传真翻译成英文是 nightfax

  7. 问:夜间侦察拼音怎么拼?夜间侦察的读音是什么?夜间侦察翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间侦察的读音是yè jiān zhēn chá,夜间侦察翻译成英文是 Night Reconnaissance

  8. 问:夜间侵入拼音怎么拼?夜间侵入的读音是什么?夜间侵入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间侵入的读音是yè jiān qīn rù,夜间侵入翻译成英文是 Night Intrusion

  9. 问:夜间信号拼音怎么拼?夜间信号的读音是什么?夜间信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间信号的读音是yè jiàn xìn hào,夜间信号翻译成英文是 night signal

  10. 问:夜间停车拼音怎么拼?夜间停车的读音是什么?夜间停车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间停车的读音是yèjiān tíngchē,夜间停车翻译成英文是 Night Parking

  11. 问:夜间列车拼音怎么拼?夜间列车的读音是什么?夜间列车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间列车的读音是,夜间列车翻译成英文是 NSB Night Train

  12. 问:夜间加油拼音怎么拼?夜间加油的读音是什么?夜间加油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间加油的读音是yè jiān jiā yóu,夜间加油翻译成英文是 night refueling

  13. 问:夜间医院拼音怎么拼?夜间医院的读音是什么?夜间医院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间医院的读音是yè jiān yī yuàn,夜间医院翻译成英文是 night hospital

  14. 问:夜间反击拼音怎么拼?夜间反击的读音是什么?夜间反击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间反击的读音是yè jiān fǎn jī,夜间反击翻译成英文是 Night Counterattack

  15. 问:夜间天气拼音怎么拼?夜间天气的读音是什么?夜间天气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间天气的读音是yè jiān tiān qì,夜间天气翻译成英文是 Night Weather

  16. 问:夜间失音拼音怎么拼?夜间失音的读音是什么?夜间失音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间失音的读音是yè jiān shī yīn,夜间失音翻译成英文是 nyctaphonia

  17. 问:夜间存款拼音怎么拼?夜间存款的读音是什么?夜间存款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间存款的读音是yè jiān cún kuǎn,夜间存款翻译成英文是 night deposit

  18. 问:夜间巡逻拼音怎么拼?夜间巡逻的读音是什么?夜间巡逻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间巡逻的读音是yè jiān xún luó,夜间巡逻翻译成英文是 Night Patrol

  19. 问:夜间巴士拼音怎么拼?夜间巴士的读音是什么?夜间巴士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间巴士的读音是yèjiān bāshì,夜间巴士翻译成英文是 Late-night Bus

  20. 问:夜间截击拼音怎么拼?夜间截击的读音是什么?夜间截击翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夜间截击的读音是yè jiān jié jī,夜间截击翻译成英文是 Night Interception




基本解释 [at night;between two days] 指从黄昏到黎明的那段时间,夜里