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对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……
汉语拼音:zhǐ xiàng
We are truly excited on our end that all seems to be pointing in the direction of Disclosure at this time.
我们非常高兴在此时刻我们这边的一切都是指向的披露。All the XML code points to this vendor's servers to provide information, sort of like a non-public PKI infrastructure.
所有XML程式码都指向该供应商的伺服器以提供讯息,这有点像非公用的PKI基础结构。The neuron is a specific sort of cell and the neuron has three major parts, as you could see illustrated here [pointing to the slide].
神经元是一种特殊的细胞并且神经元有三个重要的部分,你可以看这个演示(指向幻灯片)。This was clearly a shout-out to the US, and indirectly a subtle hint to the Bank of Japan to refrain from direct FX market intervention.
这当然指向美国,也间接隐晦指向日本央行,暗示后者不要直接干预汇市。Note that I also add arrows that point back to which of those three cells I used to get the value for the current cell.
请注意,我在图中还添加了箭头,指向当前单元格值的来源。So, the position of this point, P, is going to be the same as OP knowing the vector OP from the origin to this moving point.
点P的位置就是,从原点指向这个运动点的向量。Yesterday the British government turned on the company, issuing an unexpectedly damning assessment of its behaviour.
昨天,英国政府将矛头指向该公司,出人意料地对其行为发出一份证据确凿的评估。The first double word of every frame points to the next frame and this is immediately followed by the address of the calling function.
每一帧的第一个双字(doubleword)指向下一帧,这后面紧跟着调用函数的地址。Mouse in the chicken run set the direction of the road, along the direction you point to the door, she can go home.