


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……





汉语拼音:dà jiā zú






  1. Having money is external, for the money may not serve its function for you, or you may become embroiled in a large family.


  2. Capulet and a montague is a city of two families, the two families, are often caught feudal.


  3. The most striking thing about this document was its vision of a networked family of UAS.


  4. The family suffers those ups and downs to which the great houses of Scotland have been ever liable.


  5. Collagen relates to a large family of different types of amylase proteins. So far, 27 different species of collagen have been found.


  6. All of them were named Wei, and a dozen members of this extended clan left before dawn, hiking up the steep mountain behind the village.


  7. From now on after, fully suffered the difficult queen ant to take a seat life of Riley, becomes this community respected family's command.


  8. I am what I am today. Perhaps, this is the pathetic outcome of growing up in a hypocritical feudalistic clan.


  9. One man binges as a way of accepting the love of his big Italian-American family.


  1. 你可以有个大家族

    You have bigger clan gatherings and so on.

  2. 她喜欢大家族的气氛。

    She likes the atmosphere of a large family.

  3. 这个大家族逐渐败落了。

    The great family gradually went into decline.

  4. 这个大家族逐渐败落了。

    The great family gradually went into decline.

  5. 别的大家族反应是否强烈。

    How violently the other Families react.

  6. 由一个大家族所拥有。

    It's owned by extended families.

  7. 应该算是很有地位的大家族。

    must have been a very influential big family.

  8. 我们都是这个非洲大家族的一部分。

    We're all effectively part of an extended African family.

  9. 道尔家族是波特兰的大家族啊。

    The doyle family is pretty old money for portland.

  10. 道尔家族是波特兰的大家族啊。

    The doyle family is pretty old money for portland.

  11. 我和你要把两个大家族结合在一起。

    You and me, we're gonna bring two great families together.

  12. 我和你要把两个大家族结合在一起。

    You and me, we're gonna bring two great families together.

  13. 此外,他在各大家族中都是一个重要人物。

    Also he is an important man in the Families.

  14. 像这样一大家族的人在机场团聚真是不多见。

    How odd to have a family reunion in an airport.

  15. 现代和宽敞的房屋十分适合一个大家庭或大家族。

    Modern and spacious home for the big family or for an extended family.

  16. 罗家大院,当地一个大家族,此时正处于悲伤中。

    Luo familys compound, the dwelling place of one of the largest local clan, was now in great sorrow.

  17. 艾森豪威尔来自一个大家族,在堪萨斯州阿比林。

    Dwight Eisenhower came from a large family in Abilene, Kansas.

  18. 这些各具魅力的成员, 构成了一个极具魅力的文鱼大家族。

    These charming members consist in a very charmful Fantail family.

  19. 他受骗了,上当了,被五大家族胆小怕事的外表迷住了心窍。

    He had been fooled, faked out, by the Five Families and their seeming timidity.

  20. 这个家庭遭遇的兴衰, 是苏格兰许多大家族难以避免的。

    The family suffers those ups and downs to which the great houses of Scotland have been ever liable.

  21. 祝普天下的芸芸众生,同进入观音大家族,同受上帝的恩典。

    I hope that all beings in the world will join our Quan Yin family, and together receive and enjoy the grace of God.

  22. 小单孢菌是除链霉菌外,生产抗生素的另一大家族。

    Micromonospora is a family that produce a lot of antibiotics besides Streptomyces.

  23. 祝普天下得芸芸众生, 同进入观音大家族, 同受上帝得恩典。

    I hope that all beings in the world will join our Quan Yin family, and together receive and enjoy the grace of God.

  24. 杰克家殷富实,一个大家族大型企业继承人的不二人选。

    Jack was born in a rich family is sure to be the only heir of one huge family corporation.

  25. 主教职位被作为一种封禄而授予了大家族年龄较小的儿子们。

    Bishoprics were received as appanages for the younger sons of great families.


  1. 问:大家族拼音怎么拼?大家族的读音是什么?大家族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大家族的读音是dàjiāzú,大家族翻译成英文是 A Hong Kong television series starring Alex Man...



“大家族”是个多义词,它可以指大家族(梁凤仪著小说), 大家族(1991年万梓良主演TVB港剧), 大家族(梁凤仪著小说改编的央视剧), 大家族(1954年上映苏联电影), 大家族(王小天著小说), 大家族(1991年香港TVB电视剧)。