


1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:yī shān bù zhěng








  1. She sat up with her hair disheveled and the bed-clothes a tangle. Her captain slept beside her, yet she was alone.


  2. An hour later, the 3 thugs and the ruffled driver came back to the bus and the driver is ready to drive off again. . .


  3. Mr. Brown arrived for work an hour late. His clothes were torn and tattered. He was banged and bruised , and he had one arm in a sling .


  4. They were checking out the toys when Belvin noticed the untidy guy in a brown baseball hat walking quickly down the aisles.


  5. Slipshod girls cleaning the windows of the little shops broke the monotony of the street.


  6. We were turned away from the restaurant because we were poorly dressed.


  7. I asked a disheveled European woman working with the United Nations about security.


  8. Dad, how come you live in this house with mom . . . instead of an apartment with several scantily clad female roommates?


  9. One in untidy clothes is refused to attend.


  1. 衣衫不整的疲惫游人。

    Tired travelers in wrinkled clothes.

  2. 他蓬头垢面且衣衫不整。

    He was unwashed, uncombed, with his clothes half buttoned.

  3. 衣衫不整是不准上车的。

    One in untidy clothes is refused to attend.

  4. 他觉得自己衣衫不整,头发凌乱。

    His clothes felt disagreeable, his hair bad.

  5. 因为我们衣衫不整,饭店不让我们进。

    We were turned away from the restaurant because we were poorly dressed.

  6. 她到的时候满脸通红,衣衫不整。

    She arrived flushed and dishevelled.

  7. 发现她时她侧躺着,且衣衫不整。

    She was left lying on her side and her clothes were in disarray.

  8. 就只为了一个衣衫不整的吉普赛人?

    all for a raggle taggle gypsyo

  9. 还有一个歌唱衣衫不整的吉普赛人

    And the other sang a raggletaggle gypsyo

  10. 他衣衫不整, 一边啃着一块巧克力干压谷条。

    Yet another walks in late, looking scruffy and eating a chocolate cereal bar.

  11. 他觉得自己衣衫不整,头发凌乱。文件都凌乱地摆放在那里。

    His clothes felt disagreeable, his hair bad. the files are in complete disorder.

  12. 不可弯腰驼背不可衣衫不整地穿垮裤等

    No slouching, no pants hanging down, none of that stuff.

  13. 她衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔了出来。

    She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.

  14. 她衣冠不整。

    Her clothing was disheveled.

  15. 他仪容不整。

    He had an unkempt appearance.

  16. 借来衣衫不合身。

    Borrow garment never fit well.

  17. 只重衣衫不重人。

    A smart coat is a good letter of introduction.

  18. 衣冠不整的旅客

    a disheveled traveler

  19. 花冠不整下堂來。

    She walks into the hall in disheveled wreath crown.

  20. 切勿只重衣衫不重人。

    Be not influenced by fine clothes, and refuse not him that is in rags.

  21. 他并非存心要衣冠不整。

    He did not mean to go unkempt.

  22. 如果不整, 党确实要腐朽。

    otherwise, the Party will become decadent.

  23. 我指,你总说我衣冠不整。

    I mean, you always say I look like crap.

  24. 母亲不断地批评他衣着不整。

    Mother constantly picked at him for being sloppy.

  25. 你说整了这次风就不整了?

    Do you think there will be no more rectifications after this one?

  26. 我从未看过到他衣冠不整。

    I never saw him dress out of place.

  27. 我从未看过到他衣冠不整。

    I never saw him dress out of place.

  28. 琼没有,保安说我们衣着不整。

    Joan No. The bouncer said that we were not dressed properly.

  29. 简因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。

    Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly.

  30. 衣冠不整的部分但不完全穿衣的

    Partially but not fully dressed.