







汉语拼音:fù chéng






  1. 附带恭敬地送上。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“旧邮票集得六枚,并附呈。” 茅盾 《子夜》十六:“火柴商恐惧万分,请为调查,以释群疑等情,并附呈工商部稿一通前来。”



  1. I had revised your short report. See attached file. At the end of the article I put down the mantra as you requested.


  2. Disciple Kai Xin came out from a seven-day retreat today. And during the retreat Kai Xin was inspired to compose the attached praise.


  3. Now he got a son over 4 months old, one of the photos he sent of his son on his 100th day is attached.


  4. It turned out to be a very nice one. So it is given a file name, see attached file.


  5. Disciple Jing Xing is going to print the attached card for free distribution. It looks nice, so I share it with all on my list.


  6. Attached is the Thangka of Guru Chen , and I believe that you had seen it in the past .


  7. He just sent in two photos, and I chose the attached one to share with all on my list.


  8. The file attached contains my calligraphy of the heart mantra and the seed word Hong.


  9. Her work and a photo showing me wearing such a cap are attached.


  1. 修订版附呈。

    The revised file is attached.

  2. 这文章已附呈。

    The article is attached.

  3. 此校阅档附呈。

    It is reviewed and attached.

  4. 定案版档案附呈。

    The finalized file is attached.

  5. 相关档案全都附呈。

    All related files attached.

  6. 此已完成并附呈。

    It is done and attached.

  7. 所有相关档案皆附呈。

    Related files are all attached.

  8. 原始档案以及翰墨档案附呈。

    Both original file and calligraphy file are attached.

  9. 此手书以图档附呈。

    The calligraphy is in the attached jpg file.

  10. 翰墨及档案一并附呈。

    It is also in calligraphy; both files attached.

  11. 因此我手书附呈的档案。

    So I wrote the attached calligraphy.

  12. 定案的档案亦一并附呈。

    The resulting file is also attached.

  13. 此轨已在附呈的档案内。

    The ritual is in the attached file.

  14. 我的回覆在附呈的档案中。

    My replies are in the attached file.

  15. 本净,请看附呈的翰墨档案。

    Ben Jing, Originally Pure; see attached calligraphy file.

  16. 附呈档案中也包含了提请文。

    Also the file containing the requests is attached.

  17. 一档案附呈, 此档案亦包含英文原作。

    One file attached. It also contains the English original.

  18. 他的中文提请及翰墨一并附呈。

    Both his request in Chinese and the calligraphy are attached.

  19. 我已校阅并修订之。一档案附呈。

    I had reviewed and revised them. One file attached.

  20. 拙书档案及它们的原作都附呈。

    The calligraphy files and their respective original works are attached.

  21. 拙书档案及它们得原作都附呈。

    The calligraphy files and their respective original works are attached.

  22. 此附呈作品的主要内容如上所述。

    The content of the attached work is mainly about the above.

  23. 附呈的中文报告是弟子通透的感应事件。

    Attached is a report in Chinese by disciple Tong Tou on inspirational events.

  24. 应一弟子的提请我已手书附呈的翰墨。

    As requested by a disciple I had written the attached calligraphy.

  25. 她将所有的译文记录在附呈的档案中。

    She recorded all those transcriptions in the attached file.

  26. 为弟子开心住处所命名的翰墨已附呈。

    The calligraphy for disciple Kai Xin's residence is attached.

  27. 我已赞了此颂,请看附呈的档案。

    I had composed the stanzas already; see attached file.

  28. 附呈的翰墨是写给你的,那是你的法名的解说。

    The attached calligraphy is for you; it exponds on the meaning of your Dharma name.

  29. 翰墨及原始打好的赞颂作品一并附呈。

    Both calligraphies and the original typed work of the praise are attached.

  30. 附呈的是我正在做此沐浴供养时的相片。

    Attached is a photo showing me doing this shower offering.