








汉语拼音:xī liú






  1. 指 汉高祖 刘邦 。

    秦 亡后, 楚 汉 相争,以 鸿沟 为界, 项羽 在东, 刘邦 在西,故称。 唐 罗隐 《谗书·英雄之言》:“救彼涂炭者,则宜以百姓心为心,而 西刘 则曰:‘居宜如是。’ 楚籍 则曰:‘可取而代。’”



  1. This is online map of the address "Xi Liu Qiao Xiang Sang Ke San Cun , Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong Province, China" .


  2. This is online map of the address "Xi Liu Qiao Di Yi Tou Di Duan , Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong Province, China" .


  3. Xi Liu Qiao Xiang Sang Ke San Cun , Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong Province


  1. 西汉衡山太子刘爽获罪原因考

    Research on the Cause of Getting Guilty about Prince Liu Shuang of Hengshan in Western Han Dynasty

  2. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han.

  3. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han.

  4. 对,成为西班牙的卡尔?刘易斯。

    Yes, the Spanish Carl Lewis.

  5. 刘邦建立了西汉,巩固了中央集权的封建国家。

    Liu Bang established Western Han Dynasty, and he consolidated the centralized feudal state.

  6. 露西给刘和茉莉看一本关于本土花卉的书。

    Lucy showed her book on native flowers to Liu and Jasmine.

  7. 露西给刘和茉莉看一本关于本土花卉得书。

    Lucy showed her book on native flowers to Liu and Jasmine.

  8. 刘易斯用热情洋溢的话语描述了西印度群岛的生活。

    Lewis wrote in glowing terms about life in the West indies.

  9. 刘大使祝贺沃西成为进入英政府内阁的首位穆斯林女性。

    Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.

  10. 刘春泉律师出席墨西哥龙舌兰酒品酒及推广会。

    On Sept 26th, 2005, Spring was invited to attend the mescal party held by Mexico Consulate Shanghai.

  11. 刘伯承将军这时不在家, 上鲁西视察部队去了。

    General, at the moment, was not around, being off with the troops in west Shantung.

  12. 女演员刘玉玲在密西根大学的专业是亚洲语言。

    Lucy Liu, actress, studied Asian Languages at the University of Michigan.

  13. 榆次西窑水源地三叠系刘家沟组裂隙水分析

    Analysis on Trias Liujiagou Group's Fracture Water in Yuci Xiyao Watershed

  14. 时至西汉末年,这一场大争论的序幕终于由刘歆揭开了。

    Pm to the Western Han Dynasty, this prelude to a major controversy was finally opened by Liu Xin.

  15. 西汉初期,刘邦在建立了皇帝制度后便建立了皇太子继承制。

    The early Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang set up at the emperor system after system set up to inherit the crown prince.

  16. 他们的婚礼之夜是在刘易斯顿开往西雅图的快车上过的。

    Their wedding night in Lewiston, on the express train bound for Seattle before.