







汉语拼音:yú yóu






  1. 从鱼体中提取出来的油。也泛指鱼类和海兽的体油、肝油、内脏油等。有工业价值,或供食用。

    唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷下:“ 大中 初…… 女王国 贡龙油綾、鱼油锦,纹彩尤异,皆入水不濡湿,云有龙油、鱼油故也。” 宋 庄季裕 《鸡肋编》卷上:“ 潁州 亦食鱼油,颇腥气。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上日记之二》:“ 毕力涅克 却是 苏联 的作家,但据他自传,从革命的第一年起,就为着买面包粉忙了一年多。以后,便做小说,还吸过鱼油。”



  1. More research is needed to see if fish oils protect against asthma and hay fever, the British Medical Journal reported.


  2. The UK Food Standards Agency advises consumers eat at least one portion of oily fish a week.


  3. When fish oil capsules were tested from a variety of manufacturers, most were found to be very low in mercury and PCB's.


  4. Since 2004, fish oil-based emulsions have been used investigationally for the treatment of parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease.


  5. Oily fish is one of the best dietary sources, but vegans can obtain it from fortified breakfast cereals and margarine.


  6. Because Super Fisol is enteric-coated and better absorbed by the body, its required dose is less than taking non-coated fish oil.


  7. Although fish oil supplements have significant health benefits, they're not always well tolerated.


  8. Fish oil supplements may work too; at least one study found they helped depression in people with bipolar disorder.


  9. Salmon: Yes, half of its calories come from fat, but it's the heart-healthy omega-3 type (often called fish oil).


  1. 鱼油脂肪酸

    fish oil fatty acid

  2. 全枪鱼鱼油

    tuna oil

  3. 鱼油精炼废水

    wastewater of the refined ichthyol process

  4. 鱼油硬脂酸

    fish oil stearine

  5. 亚硫酸化鱼油

    sulfited fish oil.

  6. 环戊二烯化鱼油

    cyclopentadienated fish oil

  7. 鱼油精药膏

    ichthyol ointment

  8. 海鱼油胶丸

    Capsulae Duoxikang.

  9. 硫酸化鳕鱼油

    sulfated cod oil.

  10. 维他命白鱼油

    alemvite emulsion

  11. 鱼油能减轻背痛

    Fish Oil May Help Ease Back Pain

  12. 鱼油可能不防癌

    Fish Oil May Not Help Prevent Cancer

  13. 鱼油的环氧化研究

    Study on Epoxidation of Fish Oil

  14. 鱼油碟式离心机

    fish oil disc centrifuge

  15. 鱼油加工工艺的研究

    Study on Process of Preparing Fish Oil

  16. 鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。

    Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.

  17. 他们包括鱼和鱼油。

    They include fish or fish oils.

  18. 鱼油能拯救你的眼睛

    Fish Oil May Help Save Your Eyes

  19. 鱼油的品质控制与掺假鉴别

    Quality Control and True or False Distinguishing of Fish Oil

  20. 鱼油降低尿钙作用的研究

    Unprocessed fish oil in the treatment of hypercalciuric patients with urinary stone

  21. 现可供应精炼鱼油成套设备。

    Now we can supply the compete equipment of fish oil refining.

  22. 饲用鱼油脂肪酸营养成分分析

    Analysis of nutrition facts of fatty acids in feeding fish oil

  23. 阿拉斯加野生三文鱼油

    Wild Alaska Salmon Oil and Nartural Mixed Tocopherol and Rosemary extracts.

  24. 鱼油对有心脏装置的患者无益?

    Fish Oil No Help With Heart Device?

  25. 鱼油的浓缩和粉末化技术的研究

    Study on Concentration and Encapsulation Technology of Fish Oil

  26. 饲料企业如何评价和使用鱼粉,鱼油

    How to appraise and use fishmeal, fish oil for feed enterprise

  27. 这种新药是从鱼油中提炼出来的。

    The new drug is derived from fish oil.

  28. 应用脂肪酸特征指标鉴别掺伪鱼油

    Discern the false oil from the genuine by characteristic index of fatty acid

  29. 目得考察精制鱼油微囊得稳定性。

    Objective To observe the stabilities of concentrated fish oil microsphere.

  30. 利用罗非鱼下脚料提取鱼油的工艺研究

    Research on extraction of fish oil from Tilapia byproduct


  1. 问:鱼油拼音怎么拼?鱼油的读音是什么?鱼油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼油的读音是yúyóu,鱼油翻译成英文是 fish oil

  2. 问:鱼油精拼音怎么拼?鱼油精的读音是什么?鱼油精翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼油精的读音是,鱼油精翻译成英文是 ichthyol