














  1. Nobody kept me in the dark, I may have been lax in not asking, but [the News of the World] was such a tiny part of our business.


  2. That drew Brooks deeper into the scandal as she was the editor of News of the World at the time.


  3. "Working for the News of the World was never easy. There was relentless pressure. There was a constant demand for results, " he said.


  4. Yet it would be premature to see the closure of the News of the World as the beginning of the end of tabloid journalism.


  5. The News of the World, which suspended Goodman on Friday, said it had no comment to make on today's court proceedings.


  6. Maybe if it had happened after the News of the World phone-hacking story broke it would have gathered more. Or maybe not.


  7. When Denver's Rocky Mountain News folded just over a year ago, some of its staffers left journalism.


  8. She was in charge at the time and, if she did not know, she ought to have done.


  9. The trio are expected to be questioned over what they knew about phone-hacking at the News of the World and whether there was a cover-up.


  1. 漫画新闻报

    comic newspaper.

  2. 世界新闻报

    News of the World.

  3. 中华新闻报

    China National News.

  4. 厚册新闻报

    Bulky news.

  5. 纽约新闻报

    New York News.

  6. 芝加哥新闻报

    Chicago News

  7. 努瓦克肖特新闻报

    Nouakchott Information

  8. 版权属于时事新闻报所有。

    Copyright 2008 Jornal SiSi all rights reserved.

  9. 最后, 来说说世界新闻报停刊的事情。

    Finally, there is the closure of the news of the world.

  10. 我只看从墨西哥城来的新闻报。

    I read only La Prensa which comes from Mexico City.

  11. 校对公司网站新闻,内刊和电子新闻报内容。

    Proofread the contents of corporate website news, internal publications and enewspapers.

  12. 要说没有倾向性的报导, 我最信任新闻报。

    For unbiased reporting, I swear by The News.

  13. 她恰巧在俄罗斯新闻报工作不是一个偶然。

    The fact that she worked at Novaya Gazeta was no coincidence.

  14. 他说, 最后一份世界新闻报将在周日出版。

    He said the final News of the World would be published Sunday.

  15. 每日新闻报是一份非常有影响力的报纸。

    The Daily News is a very influential newspaper.

  16. 每日新闻报的发行量曾位居全国所有日报之首。

    The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.

  17. 他说, 世界新闻报的声誉已被错误行为所玷污。

    He said the papers reputation had been sullied by behavior that was wrong.

  18. 世界新闻报是世界上销售量最多的英语报纸之一。

    The Sunday tabloid is one of the worlds biggestselling Englishlanguage newspapers.

  19. 落矶山新闻报报导, 陆军与空军都否认知悉这起插曲。

    The newspaper said Army and Air Force denied knowledge of the episode.

  20. 新闻 报抢先其它各家报纸发表了澳大利亚选举的消息。

    The News' scooped the other newspapers with an early report on the Austrilian election.

  21. 每天, 国家新闻报都有对体育事业猛烈的大篇幅报道。

    The daily national press took up the cause of sport with a vengeance.

  22. 每天,国家新闻报都有对体育事业猛烈的大篇幅报道。

    The daily national press took up the cause of sport with a vengeance.

  23. 每天,国家新闻报都有对体育事业猛烈得大篇幅报道。

    The daily national press took up the cause of sport with a vengeance.

  24. 在那有个素材密歇根的德克斯特, 底特律新闻报

    there s a story here in the detroit news , dexter , michigan

  25. 科尔森是世界新闻报的前编辑,他于星期五被逮捕。

    Coulson, the former editor the News of the World, was arrested Friday.

  26. 目前仍在发展的这场重大丑闻与英国小报世界新闻报有关。

    The ongoing saga relates to British tabloid News of the World.

  27. 新闻哨兵报

    News Sentinel.

  28. 这条新闻在报上给删掉了。

    The news was blacked out by the press.

  29. 各大新闻都在报,不过没有嫌疑人。

    It's all over the news, but there are no suspects.

  30. 各大新闻都在报,不过没有嫌疑人。

    It's all over the news, but there are no suspects.


  1. 问:新闻报告拼音怎么拼?新闻报告的读音是什么?新闻报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新闻报告的读音是xīn wén bào gào,新闻报告翻译成英文是 Information Report

  2. 问:新闻报道拼音怎么拼?新闻报道的读音是什么?新闻报道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新闻报道的读音是,新闻报道翻译成英文是 reportage

  3. 问:新闻报导中的糖尿病拼音怎么拼?新闻报导中的糖尿病的读音是什么?新闻报导中的糖尿病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新闻报导中的糖尿病的读音是xīnwén bàodǎo zhōng de tángniàobìng,新闻报导中的糖尿病翻译成英文是 Diabetes in the News