


1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……





汉语拼音:huá shuǐ







  1. You'll probably need to initiate the pull JUST a bit before you think you should.


  2. The recovery is how a swimmer brings the arm out of the water and back to the front after completing a stroke.


  3. As you finish the kick, start your first pull, trying to keep your head down and in line.


  4. When it's time to pull, focus on the hands, and try not to let any other part of your body move.


  5. Pitch your feet out, keeping your head down and beginning to prepare for your first pull.


  6. I try to grab as much water as I can on my palm and forearm, and then hang on to all the water through the pull.


  7. After you've had a good look, head to the pool and try to relax your fingers during your extension and during the initiation of your pull.


  8. As a pull begins, notice that I keep my elbow high, and put my fingers toward the bottom of the pool.


  9. As you feel yourself surge forward, stop paddling and grab the rails of the surfboard with your hands.


  1. 头顶双桨式划水

    overhead sculling

  2. 高手扔球,划水或发球

    An overhand throw, stroke, or delivery.

  3. 那个游泳者划水很用力。

    That swimmer has a powerful stroke.

  4. 划水使我感到无比的高兴。

    Waterskiing gives me a tremendous kick.

  5. 比其他桨。长,用来当划水桨

    is longer than the others and is used as the stroke oar.

  6. 向前划水,向前呼吸,向前入水,向前踢腿。

    Pull forward, breathe forward, land forward and kick forward.

  7. 结束划水前得推水动作要有力。

    Finish arm stroke strong.

  8. 结束划水前的推水动作要有力。

    Finish arm stroke strong.

  9. 一连串反覆动作中的一次。一次划水

    any of a series of repeated movements, esp in swimming or rowing

  10. 哪只胳膊是起始的划水臂?

    Which hand do you stroke with first?

  11. 水下划水将有助于划水的定时和力度。

    The underwater pull will help with the timing and emphasis of the pull.

  12. 横桨桨面在划水时的羽状动作

    The act of feathering the blade of an oar in rowing.

  13. 在两腿之间放一块划水板。

    Place a pull buoy between your legs.

  14. 有多种方法可以练习浆式划水动作。

    There are many ways to practice your sculling.

  15. 这个向下的划动开始强有力的向内划水。

    This down sweep begins the powerful insweep.

  16. 游艇得灯光渐去渐远, 他拼命划水追赶。

    Desperately he struck out after the receding lights of the yacht.

  17. 游艇的灯光渐去渐远,他拼命划水追赶。

    Desperately he struck out after the receding lights of the yacht.

  18. 她说哦,原来是你这划水家伙在这儿。

    Oh, there you are, old water paddler, she said.

  19. 对爬泳划水主要阶段手掌攻角的探讨

    Discussion on Angle of Attack in the Main Phase of Crawl Paddling

  20. 你划水的姿势基本上要像是游泳时划水一样。

    Your paddle stroke should be essentially like a crawlswimming stroke.

  21. 除了浆划水得声音, 大部分得船只都是静默得。

    Most of the boats were silent except for the dip of the oars.

  22. 除了浆划水的声音,大部分的船只都是静默的。

    Most of the boats were silent except for the dip of the oars.

  23. 失一桨用一桨划水,用以恢复划水或划船时失去一桨

    To strike the water with an oar in recovering a stroke or miss it in making one while rowing.

  24. 在最有力的划水阶段,肘的最大弯度接近90度。

    A good maximum elbow bend approaches 90 degrees at the power phase of the stroke.

  25. 划水一结束就马上进行迅猛有力的蝶泳腿。

    Just as you finish the pull, the kick should be snapping to completion.

  26. 在你认为你应该划水前的早一点儿的时候开始划水。

    Youll probably need to initiate the pull JUST a bit before you think you should.

  27. 显然, 每次向外划水和每次向内划水刚好在水面下。

    There is simply a scull out and a scull inward to just under the face.

  28. 平衡也意味着保持你的划水和打腿同样有效。

    Balance also means keeping your upper body and lower body equally efficient.

  29. 但今天, 每一次划水, 我的手臂将擦过水线。

    But on this day, on each stroke, my arm would graze the lane.

  30. 鸭子在水里用鸭蹼划水,一会游了很远。

    The duck paddled its way within a minute with its webbed feet.


  1. 问:划水拼音怎么拼?划水的读音是什么?划水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水的读音是huáshuǐ,划水翻译成英文是 to paddle

  2. 问:划水板拼音怎么拼?划水板的读音是什么?划水板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水板的读音是huá shuǐ bǎn,划水板翻译成英文是 paddle

  3. 问:划水动作拼音怎么拼?划水动作的读音是什么?划水动作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水动作的读音是huá shuǐ dòng zuò,划水动作翻译成英文是 drive

  4. 问:划水周期拼音怎么拼?划水周期的读音是什么?划水周期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水周期的读音是huá shuǐ zhōu qī,划水周期翻译成英文是 arm cycle

  5. 问:划水幅度拼音怎么拼?划水幅度的读音是什么?划水幅度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水幅度的读音是huá shuǐ fú dù,划水幅度翻译成英文是 distance per stroke

  6. 问:划水动作效率拼音怎么拼?划水动作效率的读音是什么?划水动作效率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:划水动作效率的读音是huá shuǐ dòng zuò xiào lǜ,划水动作效率翻译成英文是 stroke efficiency


