


1. 北 [běi]2. 北 [bèi]北 [běi]方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)……





汉语拼音:běi miàn







  1. 面向北。古礼,臣拜君,卑幼拜尊长,皆面向北行礼,因而居臣下、晚辈之位曰“北面”。

    《周礼·夏官·司士》:“正朝仪之位,辨其贵贱之等。王南嚮,三公北面东上。”《韩非子·功名》:“此 尧 之所以南面而守名, 舜 之所以北面而効功也。”《新唐书·张士衡传》:“ 幽州 都督 燕王 灵夔 以礼邀聘,北面事之。” 清 杭世骏 《经史质疑·礼记》:“父,北面而事之,所以明子事父之道。”

  2. 谓臣服于人。

    《史记·田单列传》:“ 王蠋 ,布衣也,义不北面於 燕 ,况在位食禄者乎!”《资治通鉴·后周太祖广顺元年》:“ 武穆王 奄有全 楚 ,富强安静五十餘年。正由三十五舅、三十舅兄弟寻戈,自相鱼肉,举先人基业,北面仇讎。” 胡三省 注:“言举国臣 唐 也。” 太平天囯 杨秀清 萧朝贵 《奉天诛妖救世安民谕》:“况尔四民人等原是 中国 人民,需知天生真主,亟宜同心同力以灭妖,孰料良心尽泯,而反北面於讎敌者也!”

  3. 谓拜人为师;行弟子敬师之礼。

    《汉书·于定国传》:“ 定国 乃迎师学《春秋》,身执经,北面备弟子礼。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·赏誉》:“ 刘尹 先推 谢镇西 , 谢 后雅重 刘 ,曰:‘昔尝北面。’” 明 陈宏绪 《寒夜录》:“ 董萝石 年六十有八,慨然北面 阳明 先生。” 苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第十五章:“余久不属意於画,盖已 江郎 才尽。阿姊自是才调过人,固应使我北面红妆,云何谓我妄言?”

  4. 方位词。谓位置在北。

    《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“当下我俩个一个站在北面,一个站在南头,亮了兵器,就交起手来。” 毛泽东 《关于淮海战役的作战方针》:“以一个至二个纵队,歼灭 临城 、 韩庄 地区 李弥 部一个旅,并力求占领 临韩 ,从北面威胁 徐州 。”



  1. A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north.


  2. In this earthquake, although his school north of the overall collapse of the wall, but there was no case of casualties.


  3. It was one of several similar structures in the Tsinghua Science Park in the Hardan District of north Beijing, China's Silicon Valley.


  4. Canada's problems with its imperial southern neighbor involve trade disputes and protectionist surges -- just as if we were equal partners.


  5. He seems to have turned northward toward Galilee then circled back across Jordan once more.


  6. And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north.


  7. "We are not going to leave until our demands are fulfilled, " protesters chanted from a bank of speakers in the middle of the square.


  8. There was a gate to the inner court facing the north gate, just as there was on the east.


  9. Lee sent Jackson around the north end of Pope's line to try to stop the northern retreat.


  1. 海宴堂北面

    Palace of the Calm of the Sea, North facade.

  2. 湖北在湖南北面。

    Hubei is on the north of Hunan.

  3. 吉林在辽宁北面。

    Jilin is on the north of Liaoning.

  4. 德国的正北面

    just north of Germany.

  5. 这是北面的情景。

    This is the scene north.

  6. 山西在河南的北面。

    Shanxi is on the north of Henan.

  7. 在水晶池塘的北面。

    On the north side of Crystal Pond.

  8. 厕所在院子的北面。

    The toilet is in the north of the courtyard.

  9. 加拿大在美国的北面。

    Canada is north of the United States.

  10. 亮光离开了,去了北面。

    The light's passed on, away towards the north.

  11. 福建北面与浙江交界。

    Fujian is bounded on the north by Zhejiang.

  12. 江苏北面与山东交界。

    Jiangsu is bounded on the north by shandong.

  13. 从渐渐变暗的北面,

    South, with flying curds of steams

  14. 美国北面与加拿大交界。

    The U.S.is bounded on the north by Canada.

  15. 北面的烟囱仍旧是坏的。

    The north chimney was still impaired.

  16. 火车停靠在北面的月台。

    The train is waiting at the up platform.

  17. 我想是在东部的北面。

    Upper east side, I think.

  18. 在我领地的北面不远。

    A few yards north of my territory.

  19. 苔藓长在树的北面,所以。

    Moss grows on the north side of trees, so.

  20. 苔藓长在树的北面,所以。

    Moss grows on the north side of trees, so.

  21. 现在,信风是吹向北面的。

    Now, the trade winds are blowing north right now.

  22. 九龙启德机场北面停机坪。

    Kai Tak Airport North Apron, Kowloon.

  23. 伯明翰位于伦敦西北面。

    Birmingham is northwest of London.

  24. 选择北面的墙, 避免夏天的热气。

    Choose a north wall to avoid summer heat.

  25. 选择北面得墙,避免夏天得热气。

    Choose a north wall to avoid summer heat.

  26. 门开在这所房子的北面。

    The door is on the north side of the house.

  27. 请在每张支票的北面签名。

    Endorse on each of the cheques, please.

  28. 隆福寺医院的北面胡同里。

    Long Fusi hospital to the north of the alley.

  29. 从北面攀登这座山更方便。

    The mountain may be conveniently climbed from the northern side.

  30. 不过船去了北面而不是南面。

    It was just that it went north instead of south.


  1. 问:北面拼音怎么拼?北面的读音是什么?北面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北面的读音是běimiàn,北面翻译成英文是 Some place to the north; the northern side....

