


1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……





汉语拼音:nán miàn







  1. 古代以坐北朝南为尊位,故帝王诸侯见群臣,或卿大夫见僚属,皆面向南而坐,因用以指居帝王或诸侯、卿大夫之位。

    《易·说卦》:“圣人南面而听天下,嚮明而治。”《论语·雍也》:“子曰:‘ 雍 也可使南面。’” 宋 叶适 《送刘茂实序》:“ 曹 、 滕 、 邾 、 莒 ,有南面之尊,未尝得自行其志。”参阅 清 王引之 《经义述闻·通说上·南面》。

  2. 泛指居尊位或官位。

    汉 王充 《论衡·对作》:“至或南面称师,赋奸伪之説;典城佩紫,读虚妄之书。”《南史·循吏传序》:“乃损华反朴;恭己南面,导人以躬,意存勿扰。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·偷桃》:“官长殊不了了!坚冰未解,安所得桃?不取,又恐为南面者所怒。奈何!” 茅盾 《子夜》四:“ 双桥镇 上的‘新贵’们不但和他比肩而南面共治,甚至还时时排挤他呢!”

  3. 南向;南进。

    《史记·鲁仲连列传》:“ 齐 无南面之心,以为亡 南阳 之害小,不如得 济北 之利大。”

  4. 南方;南边。

    杨朔 《十年》:“ 大有 眼望着南面热情地说:‘要过 长江 去--去解放 江 南的人民。’”

  5. 辽 代统治 汉 人的行政机构。即南院。

    《辽史·百官志一》:“ 辽国 官制,分南、北院。北面治宫帐、部族、属国之政,南面治 汉 人州县、租赋、军马之事。”



  1. He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen, of a hundred cubits.


  2. Lao Zi's "not contending" is not a more sophisticated sort of contending. He was not promoting the craftiness of monarchy.


  3. Most of the windows are south facing which is where the garden is too which makes it a lovely sunny place.


  4. It lies on the map like the top half of a broken cane, parallel with the Equator but a long, long way north.


  5. If I wanted to see them, she made clear, they would have to either inch south or I'd have to go alone.


  6. Don't worry. It's easy to find. It's a few hundred metres south of Tian'anmen, on your left.


  7. The door of our house was toward south, we only had two rooms. Four or five families each ridge-beam, of course, two rooms each family.


  8. The form of the light-house had vanished from the southern horizon, but finally a pale star appeared, just lifting from the sea.


  9. They filled the stairs leading up the south side of the White House, spilling over onto adjacent balconies.


  1. 磁针指向南面。

    The magnetic needle points to the south.

  2. 海宴堂南面

    Palace of the Calm of the Sea, South facade.

  3. 潮水从南面涌来。

    The tide poured in from the south.

  4. 那镇位於伦敦南面。

    The town is to the south of London.

  5. 左侧输尿管通向南面。

    Other smaller cysts are also scattered around the kidney.

  6. 那镇位于伦敦南面。

    The town is to the south of London.

  7. 操场在学校的南面。

    The playground is in the south of the school.

  8. 地面向南面微弱倾斜。

    The land dips gently to the south.

  9. 这个岛位于广东南面。

    The island lies to the south of Guangdong.

  10. 楚国在魏国的南面。

    Chu is situated in the south of Wei.

  11. 定陵在康陵的南面。

    Dingling is to the south of Kangling.

  12. 墨西哥在美国南面。

    Mexico is to the south of the US.

  13. 这地微向南面倾斜。

    The land dips gently to the south.

  14. 农场与城的南面接壤。

    The farm is on the south of the city.

  15. 云正从南面聚积起来。

    The clouds are banking up from the south.

  16. 辽朝南面朝官体制研究

    Study of South Official System in Liao Dynasty

  17. 中湖南面,假山堆砌。

    Hunan in the face and a pile of rock.

  18. 山东的南面与江苏相邻。

    Shan dong is bounded on the south by Jiangsu.

  19. 非洲在西班牙的南面。

    Africa is south of Spain.

  20. 莫哈韦沙漠,死亡谷南面。

    Mojave Desert.

  21. 只有从南面才能到达山顶。

    The summit was approachable only from the south.

  22. 南面是富饶的尼罗河谷地。

    South side is the bountiful Nile River valley land.

  23. 南面的天空呈现出火红的颜色。

    The southern sky flames.

  24. 一架喷气机从南面飞来。

    A planed in from the south.

  25. 昆明湖在万寿山得南面。

    The Kunming lake is in the south of the Longevity Hill.

  26. 昆明湖在万寿山的南面。

    The Kunming lake is in the south of the Longevity Hill.

  27. 在南面我可以看见金茂塔。

    To the south I can see the Jinmao Tower.

  28. 建议你船从进港船南面通过。

    Advise you pass south of entering vessel.

  29. 美国的南面与墨西哥接壤。

    The United States bounds on Mexico in the south.

  30. 帐幕的南面要做板二十块。

    Make twenty frames for the south side of the tabernacle.


  1. 问:南面拼音怎么拼?南面的读音是什么?南面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:南面的读音是nánmiàn,南面翻译成英文是 to face south — to be a ruler; the south

  2. 问:南面拼音怎么拼?南面的读音是什么?南面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:南面的读音是nánmiàn,南面翻译成英文是 Nam-myeon