


1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……





汉语拼音:fán yǎn








  1. 繁殖昌盛。

    《周书·于谨传》:“子孙繁衍,皆至显达,当时莫与为比焉。”《旧唐书·棣王琰传》:“ 琰 男女繁衍,至五十五人。” 宋 叶绍翁 《四朝闻见录·恭孝仪王大节》:“葬 西湖 显明寺 ,子孙视诸邸最为繁衍。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·桥东录》:“ 江氏 世族繁衍,名流代出。” 冰心 《南归》:“我说着我们欢乐的过去,完全的现在,繁衍的将来。”

  2. 繁盛众多。

    北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·城南景明寺》:“信徒法侣,持花成藪,车骑填咽,繁衍相倾。” 宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷五:“﹝三山荔子﹞久则生根,锯截移种之,不踰年,而实自是愈繁衍矣。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通二》:“术数方伎,条流繁衍,至析为二。” 梁启超 《论中国之将强》:“若 墨西哥 ,其纬道在温热带之间,与 中国 、 美国 相等,地质肥沃,物产繁衍,亦伯仲於两邦。”



  1. at least three generations of currency crisis models were developed from his seminal work.

  2. They don't so much want a soul mate as a someone to help set up house, produce a family and give stability.

  3. Such a goldfish as a species of fish, in their offspring, there will be quite a strong physique.

  4. Most of the toilet, it is easy to see the sun all day long, pollution sanitary napkin.

  5. After all, for most of our history we humans have been a resolutely land-locked African, Asian and European species.

  6. However, once it found water supply and settled its root deep in earth, no doubt the sapling would grow into a long-lasting tree.

  7. Relationships in animals can be more complicated than just a male and a female who meet and reproduce.

  8. This was mainly a bid for a legacy, but he also believed Africa's poverty made it a breeding ground or haven for terrorism.

  9. For most animals, sex is not only a way of producing the next generation, but a means of keeping enemies at bay.


  1. 繁衍的欲望

    the urge to procreate.

  2. 为了繁衍后代

    Well, in order to reproduce.

  3. 树靠种子繁衍。

    Trees propagate themselves by seeds.

  4. 树木靠种子繁衍。

    Trees propagate themselves by seeds.

  5. 热带植物繁衍茂盛。

    Tropical vegetation proliferates.

  6. 来让它繁衍下一代。

    can then be put out to stud.

  7. 是繁衍后代的问题。

    What matters is reproduction.

  8. 有些树靠种子繁衍。

    Some trees propagate themselves by seeds.

  9. 于是, 人类才繁衍至今。

    Hence, the mankinds just multiply greatly up to now.

  10. 更多的繁衍后代的优势。

    over the less capable.

  11. 这些马为良种所繁衍。

    These horses breed from a mare of good stock.

  12. 我们是他们繁衍的宿主。

    We're hosts for them to breed in.

  13. 如果你需要种子繁衍后代

    If you need a seed to prosper.

  14. 相交和繁衍中寻找创意

    about crossing and breeding to come up with a design.

  15. 都非常适合鸟类居住繁衍。

    Are ideal for the habituation of the birds.

  16. 难道地球已不再繁衍生息?

    Has the earth ceased to yield its increase?

  17. 我们在各种生态环境中繁衍。

    We populated all the ecologies.

  18. 模因于是开始繁衍。

    Microbes proliferate rapidly. mutate frequently, and adapt with relative ease to new environments and hosts.

  19. 人类之繁衍, 如兔之下仔,

    People breed like fertile rabbits

  20. 传粉榕小蜂与榕树的繁衍

    Pollinator fig wasp and fig propagation

  21. 只有活着人才会繁衍后代。

    You cannot reproduce unless you are alive.

  22. 保护水域生态繁衍渔业资源

    Protecting Ecological Environment of Waters and Multiplying Fishery Resources

  23. 繁衍分布或似乎分布着人居住

    To furnish with or as if with peoplepopulate.

  24. 正是希望维持着人类的繁衍。

    It is hope which maintains most of mankind.

  25. 我们应当使珍稀物种繁衍不绝。

    We should perpetuate the rare species.

  26. 由共同的祖先繁衍而来的人。

    People descended from a common ancestor.

  27. 他们认为, 性交主要是为了繁衍。

    They believe that sex is primarily for procreation.

  28. 正是这才使人类得以繁衍生息。

    That's keeping the human species going.

  29. 波涛或曾冲刷, 海豹藏伏繁衍。

    Where waves might wash, and seals might breed and lurk.

  30. 婚姻大体上是为了保险和繁衍。

    Marriage mostly was for security and lineage.


  1. 问:繁衍拼音怎么拼?繁衍的读音是什么?繁衍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁衍的读音是fányǎn,繁衍翻译成英文是 multiply

  2. 问:繁衍算法拼音怎么拼?繁衍算法的读音是什么?繁衍算法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:繁衍算法的读音是fán yǎn suàn fǎ,繁衍算法翻译成英文是 propagation algorithm



“繁衍”是个多义词,它可以指繁衍(汉语词汇), 繁衍(古巴纪录片)。