


查究,处治:检~。征伐,发动攻击:~伐。声~(宣布罪行而加以抨击)。研究,推求:研~。探~。索取:~还(huán)。求,请求:~教(jiào )。~饶。惹:~厌。~人喜欢。娶:~老婆。……





汉语拼音:tǎo fá








  1. 征伐,征讨。

    汉 司马相如 《难蜀父老》:“以偃甲兵於此,而息讨伐於彼。” 宋 吕陶 《送张子公》诗:“近日羽书至,讨伐加 羌 夷。” 瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“他们会说:‘讨伐伪国,不承认 日本 侵略的 满洲国 。’”



  1. Stars emigration to abroad is no longer odd news, but such news happens frequently is inevitable to be focused by the public.


  2. You know, we are just about getting ready to raid MC, if you do not concentrate, we will put your name in the "backup" list.


  3. A month ago he called for a jihad against Switzerland to punish it for banning the building of new minarets following a referendum.


  4. But he says the exercise has nothing to do with pursing the LRA or any other terrorist group in the region.


  5. It was a crusade, motivated mostly for riches and gold, but a crusade against the heathen pagans.


  6. Her family became a target of the Cultural Revolution and her mother and brothers were imprisoned or sent to labor camps.


  7. However, all visitors are now drop maid also early some, the cause of the sound of the webmaster to break out.


  8. Sawt al-Jihad (Voice of Jihad), one the best-known jihadi online magazines, disappeared for more than two years.


  9. The bin Laden statement says the cartoons are part of a new crusade against Islam in which the Vatican has played a large and lengthy role.


  1. 口头谴责, 笔端讨伐

    Condemn both in speeches and in writings

  2. 征发军。讨伐军

    punitive forces

  3. 他率领军队讨伐叛乱。

    He headed the troops to crusade against the rebellion.

  4. 让我带兵去讨伐这些军阀。

    And allow me to lead them on a punitive expedition against these warlords.

  5. 要么你为我带领军队讨伐他。

    Or you will lead my army against him.

  6. 去讨伐犹特人的队伍回来了。

    The party that went against the utes is coming back.

  7. 嗯, 已经开始讨伐老五了, 你们呢?

    Yeah, we've raiding the fifth already, and you?

  8. 你变成了你父亲毕生所讨伐的东西!

    You have become all that your father fought against!

  9. 什么时候开始你和妈妈一起讨伐我了?

    Since when do you take mom's side over mine?

  10. 手听了大怒, 要联合众部位讨伐膝。

    The hand listened bate, should combine numerous place expeditionary genu.

  11. 我招呼您, 帕特里克, 讨伐我的兄弟的英雄。

    I greet you, Patrick, my brother's crusading hero.

  12. 通常情况下,邪恶必定会遭致正义的讨伐。

    In normal times, evil would be fought by good.

  13. 这是个伊斯兰教术语, 和穆斯林讨伐西部有关。

    The Islamic term is associated with the Muslim crusade against the west, the Daily Mail reports.

  14. 林肯政府于4月15日发布讨伐令,内战爆发。

    And the crusade continues.

  15. 她向该通讯社发起了一场声势逼人的讨伐。

    She launched a withering attack on the Press.

  16. 在继续他们反对真正信徒与纯洁信徒的专横的讨伐。

    Continue their imperious crusade against the true believers and pure followers.

  17. 美国是会为了再一次大举讨伐邪恶而摩拳擦掌?

    Is the US girding its loins for another great crusade against evil?

  18. 是的,正所谓鱼不能说话,蝙蝠也不会讨伐罪恶。

    OK, so fish can't talk and bats don't fight crime.

  19. 不久,袁世凯在全国的讨伐声中死去。

    Later Yuan Shikai died in grief under nationwide condemnation against his attempts to restore monarchy.

  20. 讨伐伊莎贝尔和亡灵巫师得战争进入了最后阶段。

    The war against Isabel and the Undead reaches its final stage.

  21. 联合国由于具有普遍性, 是这一讨伐运动的最佳框架。

    The United Nations, thanks to its universal nature, is the optimal framework for such a crusade.

  22. 使他吃惊的是他并没有感到自己受到了无言的讨伐。

    He was surprised at not finding himself exposed to these silent batteries.

  23. 而美中不足的是在进行讨伐鞭挞的时候走的有点远了。

    The weakness is that it takes its crusading a little far.

  24. 人民要在这里讨伐你们讨不公, 你们将成为最大的不幸。

    you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

  25. 作为报复,查理六世派军讨伐布列塔尼,奸淫杀戮平民。

    In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace.

  26. 斯皮策则不同,他自诩为一个特殊利益的讨伐者。

    Mr. Spitzer, by contrast, is relishing his role as a crusader against special interests.

  27. 诸葛亮决定亲自讨伐孟获。常常带兵在蜀国边境上捣乱,

    He was constantly making trouble on the border with his army, so Zhuge Liang decided to subdue him.

  28. 这些国家当时正在互相征战, 各统治者为了权力而相互讨伐。

    The states were warring with each other, the rulers fighting for power.

  29. 这部小说最终成为废奴主义者及其他人讨伐南方的武器。

    Ultimately, though, the book was used by abolitionists and others as a polemic against the South.


  1. 问:讨伐拼音怎么拼?讨伐的读音是什么?讨伐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨伐的读音是tǎofá,讨伐翻译成英文是 send troops against

  2. 问:讨伐的拼音怎么拼?讨伐的的读音是什么?讨伐的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨伐的的读音是,讨伐的翻译成英文是 expeditionary

  3. 问:讨伐异教徒拼音怎么拼?讨伐异教徒的读音是什么?讨伐异教徒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨伐异教徒的读音是,讨伐异教徒翻译成英文是 jihad

  4. 问:讨伐体制乐团拼音怎么拼?讨伐体制乐团的读音是什么?讨伐体制乐团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讨伐体制乐团的读音是,讨伐体制乐团翻译成英文是 Rage Against the Machine




拼音:tǎo fá词义:指出兵攻打:讨伐匪寇。基本解释出兵征伐详细解释征伐,征讨。汉 司马相如《难蜀父老》:“以偃甲兵於此,而息讨伐於彼。” 宋 吕陶《送张子公》诗:“近日羽书至,讨伐加 羌 夷。” 瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“他们会说:‘讨伐伪国,不承认 日本 侵略的 满洲国 。’”