




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:shì zǐ






  1. once a week, after cleaning the bathroom with a clean towel wrung, repeated several times to swab.


  2. you need to be examined by a doctor . tests may include a swab taken from any visible sores and a sample of urine.


  3. Methods Routine methods were used to isolate and identify fastidious bacteria and Streptococcus from samples of children's throat swabs .


  4. gonorrhoea can be diagnosed by a swab collected from the urethra , anus , throat , cervix ( for women ) , or by urine sample.


  5. chlamydia can be diagnosed by a swab taken from place which may be infected , or by a urine sample.


  6. In the early days of the swine flu outbreak, doctors took swabs and tested people for swine flu.


  7. A small, flat absorbent pad used to medicate, drain, or protect a wound or sore.


  8. We think that the swab cultures taken from the tonsillar surface may not always reveal the real pathogen of the tonsils.


  9. METHODS To get 102 samples of ear swabs or purulent secretion were collected for culture and its drug resistance were detected.


  1. 硝酸银拭子

    silver nitrate swab.

  2. 拭子或海绵包扎夹

    dressing holder, swab or sponge

  3. 咽喉及扁桃体拭子培养

    Swabs culture of pharynx and tonsil

  4. 你得搜集大家的拭子。

    You have to collect everyone's swabs.

  5. 不要把拭子插入耳道。

    Do not insert swab into ear canal.

  6. 方法咽拭子常规细菌学培养。

    Methods By routine bacterial culture of pharyngo swab.

  7. 用拭子揩掉她脸上得血迹。

    swab the blood off her face

  8. 用拭子揩掉她脸上的血迹。

    Swab the blood off her face.

  9. 我采了他手上血迹的拭子。

    I swabbed his hands for blood spatter.

  10. 儿童急性扁桃体炎咽拭子培养结果研究

    Study of Throat Swab Cultures in Children with Acute Tonsillitis

  11. 结果显示尿沉渣培养与拭子培养完全一致。

    The result of the urinary sediment culture was the same as urinary swab culture.

  12. 该仪器以病人得咽拭子为检测标本。

    The device tests material collected from a quick swab of the person's throat.

  13. 我检验了妻子捉奸在床那案子的拭子。

    I processed the swabs from the wife who found her husband in the hooker case.

  14. 千万别把棉拭子或其他东西塞进耳道。

    You should never put a cotton ball swab or other object into the ear conalcanal.

  15. 宫颈棉拭子标本支原体培养及药敏分析

    Mycoplasma Culture and Drug Resistance of the Cotton Swab Samples From Cervix

  16. 结果对照组咽拭子标本结果报告为正常细菌生长。

    The secretion of 33 healthy volunteers as control also collected and cultivated.

  17. 使用培养拭子取样的手术病例的类别列举在表1。

    The surgical cases from which the culture swabs were obtained are outlined in Table 1.

  18. 不过, 可以用拭子或布来清洁耳朵外露的部分。

    But you can a swab or clap cloth to clean the outer part of the ear.

  19. 该检测可以通过尿液, 或阴道男士尿道拭子来做。

    This testing is done by urine or swabbing the vagina or the urethra in men.

  20. 技师操作的悬臂同样进行拭子取样作为阳性对照组。

    The technicians console was also swabbed as a positive control.

  21. 技师操作得悬臂同样进行拭子取样作为阳性对照组。

    The technicians console was also swabbed as a positive control.

  22. 随后采用半定量技术对每一份拭子样品进行评估。

    Each of the swab samples was subsequently assessed using a standard semiquantitative technique.

  23. 在猪流感爆发的早期,医生用喉拭子为人们测试猪流感。

    In the early days of the swine flu outbreak, doctors took swabs and tested people for swine flu.

  24. 鼻咽拭子特殊培养与血清学检查相结合有助于诊断。

    The results of both culture and serology are most informative for diagnosis of B. pertussis.

  25. 你最好不要用棉拭子可者其他的东西进入耳道。

    You should never a cotton swab or other object in to into the ear canal.

  26. 研 究人员分别在典礼前后对14名学校官员采集手拭子。

    The researchers swabbed the palms of 14 school officials before and after graduation.

  27. 结果克雷伯菌属得检出以咽拭子和痰标本为主。

    RESULTS Klebsiella were isolated from pharynx and sputum.

  28. 结果克雷伯菌属的检出以咽拭子和痰标本为主。

    RESULTS Klebsiella were isolated from pharynx and sputum.

  29. 做个咽拭子链球菌培养你不会把棉签伸到他肛门吧

    Think you can do a strep throat culture without the swab ending up in the guys poop chute

  30. 患者及其密切接触者咽拭子均未分离到白喉棒状杆菌。

    No Corynebacterium diphtheriae was isolated from the nasopharyngeal swabs, neither of the patient nor of the close contacts.


  1. 问:拭子拼音怎么拼?拭子的读音是什么?拭子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拭子的读音是shì zǐ,拭子翻译成英文是 swab



shi zi