







汉语拼音:tàng jīn






  1. 亦作“ 烫印 ”。一种印刷装饰工艺。将金属印版加热,施箔,在印刷品上压印出金色文字或图案。

    徐迟 《搜尽奇峰打草稿》:“他站起身来,到窗下打开皮箱,取出一迭红绸烫金的精装的四本书。”《小说选刊》1981年第2期:“他从上衣小口袋中掏出两个工作证,掰开那烫金红塑料皮来扫了一眼。”



  1. The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script.


  2. On the basis of the size of the gilded area was used for blocking the comprehensive materials to consider what type of anodized.


  3. Blocking is a vapor in plastic coating on the surface of the metal layers by hot press way over to the packaging process.


  4. If the blocking by aluminum is from China or other countries, then they may be able to face even greater price pressure.


  5. paperback books are still in the ring on the title-lining, hot stamping, silver, to produce a unique decoration.


  6. Bronzing products for both plane, also suitable for the surface smooth non plane products.


  7. only before noun The company name was spelled out in gold letters.


  8. Here's a practical action are reflected in the quality of a scientific analysis, to help you master the bronzing suitable to their needs.


  9. Traditional foil stamping has always been prohibitively expensive, requiring special equipment and custom-made metal dies.


  1. 烫金压花机

    gold blocking and embossing press.

  2. 烫金地段, 显赫人生!

    Area Sector Of Golding Huhan Of Illustrious!

  3. 烫金地段,显赫人生!

    Area Sector Of Golding Huhan Of Illustrious!

  4. 那书脊是烫金的。

    The spine is tooled in gold.

  5. 材料中含有烫金纹理。

    A gold pattern was woven into the material.

  6. 烫金方式从圆压圆, 圆压平到平压平。

    Spilling from Rotary, flat circular applanation to applanation.

  7. 用烫金纸和小牛皮装订。

    On gilded paper bound in calfskin.

  8. 燥,以免造成烫金层氧化或损伤。

    Dryness to avoid creating bronzing layer oxidizing or injury.

  9. 首先,烫金工艺分为冷烫和热烫。

    First of all, stamping process is divided into the Perm and blanching.

  10. 也就是说, 冷烫金的效果不如传统的热烫金。

    In other words, not cold stamping traditional hot stamping.

  11. 联系供应商取得油墨和烫金纸样品。

    Contact suppliers for samples of ink and HS foil.

  12. 烫金业可简略分为纸品烫金及塑胶品烫金。

    Gilded industry can be divided into curtly as and Centre paper bronzing products bronzing.

  13. 该公司的名称用烫金字母拼成。

    only before noun The company name was spelled out in gold letters.

  14. 其主要出现在大面积印金及烫金产品。

    The occurred mainly in the large printing gold and bronzing products.

  15. 局部咭片为表现矮贵, 派头还需给烫金。

    Part the business card to display a noble above the city will also need to bronzing.

  16. 烫金套准装置得改进意味着烫金废品率进一步降低。

    Improvement of gilded registration means gilding scrap rate cuts.

  17. 高精度机械控制,实现定距烫金及压痕。

    High precision mechanical control can realize fixed space gilding and impressing.

  18. 寒烫金工艺本钱矮,耗费能源,不入产成果矮。

    Cold stamping process cost low, save energy, high production efficiency.

  19. 在实际操作中往往还需要在烫金箔上压凸。

    In practice often need hot foil stamping with accurecy.

  20. 圆压圆烫金辊制造成本高, 所以只适合长版活烫金。

    Rotary bronzing roll manufacturing costs, only for the long version live stamping.

  21. 配备横纵双向走箔装置,烫金工艺更加合理。

    Longitudinal and lateral foil stamping devices are equipped which make foil stamping process more reasonable.

  22. 公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。

    The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script.

  23. 公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。

    The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script.

  24. 烫金既得当平背的产物,也得当表背比力凹凸的否平背产物。

    Bronzing products for both plane, also suitable for the surface smooth non plane products.

  25. 对开烫金机,压痕机,标牌制作设备等印刷配套设备。

    Off bronzing machine, indentation machine, printing plate production equipment supporting equipment.

  26. 是用途广泛的带状卷状物体表面的转印及烫金。

    It is widely used for surface transfer printing and gilding of stripped articles and reeled products.

  27. 是用途广泛得带状卷状物体表面得转印及烫金。

    It is widely used for surface transfer printing and gilding of stripped articles and reeled products.

  28. 二蛋的父亲捧起烫金的大学录取通知书, 笑疼了肚子。

    Holding up the gilded matriculate note, Er Dan's father burst his sides with laughter.

  29. 本文介绍了冷烫金的工艺流程原理及其附加设备等情况。

    This article describes the cold stamping process principle and additional devices, and so on.

  30. 我们拥有印刷、烫金、超声熔接、组装等二次加工工程。

    We have secondary processes like printing, hot stamping, ultrasound welding, assembling etc.


  1. 问:烫金拼音怎么拼?烫金的读音是什么?烫金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烫金的读音是tàngjīn,烫金翻译成英文是 gild; bronze; gold stamp



亦作“ 烫印 ”。一种印刷装饰工艺。将金属印版加热,施箔,在印刷品上压印出金色文字或图案。随着烫印箔及包装行业的飞速发展,电化铝烫金的应用越来越广泛。