




1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……



汉语拼音:guāng gùn









  1. 地痞,流氓。

    元 萧德祥 《杀狗劝夫》楔子:“却信着这两个光棍,搬坏了俺一家儿也。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二七:“元来 临安 的光棍,欺 王公 远方人。”《儒林外史》第四六回:“恐怕是外方的甚么光棍,打着太尊的旗号,到处来骗人的钱。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十四:“ 刘四爷 的脸由红而白,把当年的光棍劲儿全拿了出来。”

  2. 单身汉;没有妻子的成年人。

    明 冯惟敏 《僧尼共犯》第一折:“哄俺弟子都做光棍,一世没箇老婆。” 清 洪楝园 《后南柯·招驸》:“妹妹已有人家,阿兄犹然光棍,岂不愧煞人也。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》四:“人和厂有地方住,拉他车的光棍儿,都可以白住--可是得交上车份儿。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一卷第一章:“都说‘二茬子’光棍不好过, 萧长春 本身还沉得住气,最心急的人,倒是他爸爸 萧老大 。”

  3. 方言。好汉;聪明人。参见“ 光棍不吃眼前亏 ”。



  1. Zhi said he will see a film by himself in the evening, then visit a local bar, drink beer and chat with friends until midnight.


  2. This is something of relief even to be undone by a man of honour, rather than by a scoundrel.


  3. This was an old bachelor, Shinshin, a cousin of the countess's, famed in Moscow drawing-rooms for his biting wit.


  4. Zhi Chengguan, 38, white-collar employee in Guangzhou, said he has waited for the Singles Day to come for a few days.


  5. "Bachelor Man, " as the 20-year-old dubbed himself, said he launched the campaign to help other singles find love.


  6. Guanggun Jie heard that I had never heard of this festival I do this 20 years I do not know myself! !


  7. I am lucky enough to be able to make women laugh, but I'm still super single.


  8. It's the contemplation of this sort of thing that makes me deplore my fate in being a bachelor.


  9. If I am inclined to look for a Western lady for a wife, I would look for the qualities I am comfortable with or I rather remain a bachelor.


  1. 光棍不怕偷。

    The beggar may sing before the thief.

  2. 光棍不吃眼前亏。

    A wise man doesn't fight impossible odds.

  3. 他是光棍一条。

    His hat covers his family.

  4. 他打了一辈子光棍。

    He remained single all his life.

  5. 他决定打一辈子光棍。

    He decided to bach it all his life.

  6. 他们怎么庆祝光棍节?

    How do they celebrate Single's Day?

  7. 光棍不怕人来偷

    A beggar may sing before a footpad

  8. 好工作,好工作,光棍学士说。

    Good work, good work, said the bachelor.

  9. 准备一生打光棍的单身汉

    a confirmed bachelor

  10. 我已经成了老光棍啦。

    I am already quite an old bachelor.

  11. 他决心打一辈子光棍儿。

    He's a confirmed bachelor.

  12. 哎啊, 又少了一位光棍了。

    Oh, well. Another single guy who get away.

  13. 难道吉特一直打着光棍吗?

    Did Kit live a single man all his days?

  14. 单身一族过光棍节的方式。

    Ways for singles to spend Single's Day.

  15. 职业光棍儿?为什么不结婚?

    A professional bachelor? Why doesn't he get married?

  16. 是你控制你的光棍地位,还是你的光棍地位控制你?

    Are you in control of your singleness, or is your singleness in control of you?

  17. 是你控制你得光棍地位,还是你得光棍地位控制你?

    Are you in control of your singleness, or is your singleness in control of you.

  18. 你宁可做个疯子, 光棍少数派。

    You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one.

  19. 否则就注定要当一辈子的光棍

    Or be doomed to be lonely and poorly all your life

  20. 迈克啊没有,我今晚是光棍。

    Mike Oh no. No Im going stag tonight.

  21. 如果有姑娘也不想当光棍了。

    I don not want to be alone any more!

  22. 身边光棍太多, 整天饿得直吵。

    Bachelor around too much, all day long hunger straight noisy.

  23. 我希望会结婚,我可不想打光棍。

    I hope to get married one day. I don't want to wind up on my own.

  24. 我正要说我已经发誓要光棍一生了。

    I just want to say that I've taken a vow of celibacy.

  25. 类似,买一赠一优惠劵或光棍节什么的

    Like. Twoforone coupons or singles day?

  26. 过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。

    Better a bachelors life than a slovenly wife.

  27. 光棍问你为什么站右边,你不怕吗?

    Bachelor station the right to ask you why you are not afraid of it

  28. 他是个有怪癖的光棍, 还很顽固。

    Crustiness had been added to his bachelorisms.

  29. 你这一辈子打定了光棍儿啦。

    You'll have to lie alone all your life.

  30. 我瞎说的 一看就知道你们是光棍。

    I'm kidding, I know you don't have girlfriends.


  1. 问:光棍拼音怎么拼?光棍的读音是什么?光棍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光棍的读音是guānggùn,光棍翻译成英文是 hooligan; bachelor

  2. 问:光棍节拼音怎么拼?光棍节的读音是什么?光棍节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光棍节的读音是guāng gùn jié,光棍节翻译成英文是 Singles Day, an unofficial holiday in China, firs...



“光棍”是个多义词,它可以指光棍(西双版纳植物), 光棍(仙剑奇侠传三插曲), 光棍(2009年湖北大专生纪录片), 光棍(现代汉语词汇), 光棍(单身人士称谓)。