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1. 喷 [pēn]2. 喷 [pèn]喷 [pēn]散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。喷 [pèn]香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜……
1. 吐 [tǔ]2. 吐 [tù]吐 [tǔ]使东西从口里出来:~痰。吞~。~刚茹柔(吐出硬的,吃下软的;喻欺软怕硬)。放出,露出:高粱~穗。~故纳新。说出:~话。一~为快。吐 [tù]内脏里的东西从口里涌出:呕~。上~下泻。把吞没的东西……
汉语拼音:pēn tǔ
杨朔 《征尘》:“胖子一刻都不停止吃喝,菜屑伴随着唾沫星子从他的嘴里喷吐出来,又飞进菜盘里。”
杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“傍晚,欢笑着的海洋喷吐着白沫敲打着松软的沙滩。”
康濯 《水滴石穿》第六章:“第一批野花早已无影无踪,那千年古槐上喷吐着浓香的槐花也结束了自己一年的贡献。” 管桦 《清风店》:“蜜蜂又在喷吐着芬芳气息的芝麻地里嗡嗡地飞舞。”
I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting liquid all over the floor.
那天我漫不经心地在搅合一种新的制剂,忘记把炉火调小,沸腾的混合物很快变成嘶嘶作响的怪物,把液体喷吐了一地。my thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe.
我坐在那喷吐,我的思绪停留在哀伤而灰暗景象中,发现自己跟烟斗很相似。Finally Sue speaks up and asks the person not to blow the smoke in her direction.
最后苏直言相告,要那人不要冲她这边喷吐烟雾。The air was heavy with rum and a kind of home-made wine, which people were drinking or spitting around the room in an amazing spray.
人们喝着朗姆酒和一种自制的葡萄酒,并将它满屋喷吐,形成一种令人惊异的喷雾,空气中充满着浓郁的酒香。Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear?
他们口中喷吐恶言,嘴里有刀,他们说有谁听见。Unlike most of China's smoke-belching power stations, it has such low emissions that luxury flats are being built next to it.
该厂与中国大多数喷吐着烟雾的发电厂不同,排放较低,附近建有豪华公寓楼,且价格不菲。Astronomers call the most energetic of these objects active galactic nuclei, or AGNs, after the powerful jets of radiation they spew.
天文学家们将这些观测物中最活跃的那些,依据它们喷吐出的强力迸发的辐射称作活动星系核,英文缩写为AGN。North Korea used the event to show off some of its military hardware. There were rocket launchers, missiles and tanks spewing smoke.
朝鲜借此机会展示了一些国家军事装备。有火箭发射器,喷吐烟雾的导弹和坦克。Instead the human eye perceives Mercury as a land of active volcanoes and craters continuously spewing lava.