




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:zěn di






  1. 亦作“ 怎的 ”。怎样,如何。

    《京本通俗小说·西山一窟鬼》:“我家中浑家却不知怎地盼望。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“你试寻思,早晚时分,迤逗得 鶯鶯 去,推探 张生 病,恁般闲言语,教人怎地信?”《儒林外史》第四五回:“这是 王父母 前日在 仁大典 吃酒席上亲口説的,怎的不确?” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·<狗·猫·鼠>》:“因为这些大脚色是‘不好惹’的,怎地‘不好惹’呢?”



  1. There's no sign of any sort of path. They've got off the trail somehow.

  2. As you walked down, it seemed to cover the whole earth, and it was astonishing how every bird and tree became still.

  3. Ugarte: You know, Rick, I have many a friend in Casablanca , but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust.

  4. The man's words were somehow given greater importance by his unexpected death, and suddenly Clare felt ashamed.

  5. Somehow he knew that his children would not find their way back this time.

  6. next moment , hardly knowing how it came about , he found he had hold of the handle and was turning it.

  7. That was what my life had been like , endless omissions of coffee granules , somehow never managing to make that cup of coffee .

  8. Somehow, I don't think [TV presenter] Lisa Kelley ever expected to show up on Youtube as the face of Korean cultural imperialism.

  9. They fished in the big river, but somehow they were still very thin, emaciated, already old, some very crippled.


  1. 不知怎地,这些克制的渴望

    These somehow subdue the longing.

  2. 不知怎地你看上去很面熟。

    Your face is strangely familiar.

  3. 蒋大郎怎地也来了这里?

    Jiang Da Dun Lang how did the ground too come here?

  4. 可不知怎地, 我却没有这样做。

    I know you got me be alright.

  5. 不知怎地, 他找到一种复制自己的方法。

    Somehow, he's found a way to copy himself.

  6. 不知怎地, 我们聊起了关于习惯的话题。

    At one point we started talking about habits.

  7. 他不知怎地一下就从树上掉了下来。

    He fell from the tree before he knew it.

  8. 我不知怎地仍然怀念我们一起分享的幸福时刻。

    I somehow still miss the happy moments we shared together.

  9. 上课时他注意力不集中, 内心不知怎地感到不安苦恼。

    During classes he was distracted and strangely troubled.

  10. 有了大家的微笑,不知怎地不为何,这就是好照片。

    Somehow, this is a nice photo, with all of your smiles.

  11. 她是个很奇怪的女人, 但是不知怎地, 我就是喜欢她。

    She is a very strange woman, but somehow I can't help liking her.

  12. 莉贝卡是下去拿外衣时不知怎地关在舱里了。

    Rebecca had somehow got shut in the cabin when she went down to get a coat.

  13. 那件事不知怎地竟传开了, 好像每个人都知道。

    The matter has taken air somehow. Everyone seems to know about it.

  14. 那年轻人是无辜的, 可不知怎地警察认定他犯了小偷小摸罪。

    The young man was innocent, but somehow the police fastened the charge of petty theft upon him.

  15. 他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。

    He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.

  16. 虽不用水,却任其四溢,地怎会不陷。

    With water continually flowing, the ground is bound to subside.

  17. 安心?没有她的下落, 我怎能安心地休息?

    At ease, sayest thou ?How can I rest, not knowing she is safe ?

  18. 我又怎能抱愧地说我的妆奁就是贫穷。

    How could I utter for shame that I keep for my dowry this poverty.

  19. 我们为她做了这么多, 她怎能如此地不知感恩?

    After all we have done for her, how could she be so ungrateful ?

  20. 在你了解她的底细之前怎能如此地相信她呢?

    How could you place too much trust in her before you have had her number?

  21. 试想, 当你的心有空洞时你怎能积极地生活呢?

    How can you live with passion when you have a hole in your heart?

  22. 不知怎麽搞地他从来就没有想到过凯蒂是个年轻的新娘。

    Someway, he has never thought of Katie as being young, and a bride.

  23. 我把沙拉撒了一地。怎会没事呢?

    Oh! Spilled the salad all over the floor.

  24. 怎不会很快地背叛我?

    Wouldst thou not betray me as swiftly ?

  25. 你怎敢如此大声地对我发号施令?

    How dare you thunder out your orders at me.

  26. 你怎能如此大胆地侮辱这位勇敢少妇?

    How dare you insult this brave young woman?

  27. 我们怎们能完全地把这些遗传性全都表达出来呢?

    How we choose to express those genetics is completely up to us.

  28. 在这些条件下, 怎能想象机械地来应用这些法则呢?

    Under these conditions, how imagine a sieve capable of applying them mechanically

  29. 你怎敢对我大声地发号施令。

    How dare you thunder out your orders at me ?

  30. 甚至,我们怎还能心怀善意地看待这种人?

    How can we even presume to look upon him with favor.




