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1. 纵 [zòng]2. 纵 [zǒng]纵 [zòng]放:~虎归山。~火。放任;不拘束:放~。~目四望。~情。~观全局。身体猛然向前或向上:~身。即使:~然。~使。~令。竖,直,南北的方向,与“横”相对:~横交错。~横捭阖(指在政治、……
1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……
汉语拼音:zòng guān
《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 高祖 常繇 咸阳 ,纵观,观 秦皇帝 ,喟然太息曰:‘嗟乎,大丈夫当如此也!’”《北史·裴矩传》:“復令 张掖 、 武威 士女盛饰纵观,填咽周亙数十里,以示中国之盛。” 清 蒋泩 《重表唐伯虎遗墓》诗:“诗作生涯酒作年,纵观大地总荒阡。” 清 冒襄 《影梅庵忆语》:“脱有不测,前与君纵观大海,狂澜万顷,是吾葬身处也。”
宋 苏舜钦 《答范资政书》:“日甚閒旷,得以纵观书策。” 清 龚自珍 《拟进上<蒙古图志>表文》:“臣伏处下士之列,纵观史册之盛。”
History also seems to suggest that these relationships are facilitated by the institution of marriage (though that may be changing).
纵观历史同样可以看出,这样的关系可以促进良好婚姻风俗的形成(虽然有可能改变)。Private-debt burdens have begun to drop but across the rich world that has been offset by an increase in public burdens (see charts).
私人的债务负担已经在下降但是纵观整个世界因为公共负债的增加而被抵消。"Looking across the Army, the (report) team found that there appeared to be an overall increase in high-risk behavior, " the report said.
报告称,“纵观陆军,报告团队发现高危行为似乎是全面的增长。”'Throughout history, biological explanations have been used as weapons to explain and maintain social differences, ' she added.
她补充说:“纵观历史,生理上的理由一直被用作武器来解释和维持社会上的差异。”Throughout the history of movie making , Shakespeare's plays have been adapted for film more than the works of any other author .
纵观电影制作的历史,莎士比亚的剧本比任何其他作家的作品更多的被改编为电影。Make a general observation of every country legislation , they all look on drug kind and quantity as main measurement of penalty basis.
纵观各国立法,都将毒品的种类和数量作为量刑的主要依据。Around the world, many thousands of energy efficiency projects with potentially strong financial returns have not been tried.
纵观全球,财务回报潜力巨大的数千个能效项目并未得到青睐。Throughout the rest of this article, whenever you see an assert, you can be sure that the assertion is true.
纵观本文的其余部分,当见到assert时,您会肯定assertion是正确的。Throughout the recession, the unemployment rate in finance and insurance has been substantially below that of the nation overall.